Serrano Pedraza, Ignacio

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Serrano Pedraza
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Psicología Experimental, Procesos Cognitivos y Logopedia
Psicología Básica
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    Legado Luis Simarro (web 2002-2021)
    (2002) Campos Bueno, José Javier; Serrano Pedraza, Ignacio
    Se recoge el contenido de antigua la Web de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid desarrollada y mantenida por J.Javier Campos Bueno e Ignacio Serrano Pedraza durante los años 2002 a 2021. Se informa del origen del Legado con una cronología del periodo histórico durante el que vivió el Dr. Luis Simarro, que ocupó la primera Cátedra de Psicología Experimental desde el año 1902 hasta su muerte en 1921. En año 2002, centenario de la obtención de la cátedra, la Universidad Complutense presentó en la Biblioteca Histórica Marqués de Valdecilla la exposición Luis Simarro y la Psicología Científica en España. La exposición fue comisariada por H. Carpintero, J. Campos-Bueno y J. Bandrés. También se da noticia en la web de Marina Romero, ahijada del Dr. Simarro, catedrática de Literatura Española en la Universidad de Rutgers y notable poeta de la generación del 27. Marina Romero en 1992 donó a la Universidad Complutense un retrato de su padrino pintado por Luis de Madrazo.
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    Low spatial frequency filtering modulates early brain processing of affective complex pictures
    (Neuropsychologia, 2007) Alorda, Catalina; Serrano Pedraza, Ignacio; Campos Bueno, José Javier; Sierra Vázquez, Vicente; Montoya, Pedro
    Recent research on affective processing has suggested that low spatial frequency information of fearful faces provide rapid emotional cues to the amygdala, whereas high spatial frequencies convey fine-grained information to the fusiform gyrus, regardless of emotional expression. In the present experiment, we examined the effects of low (LSF, <15 cycles/image width) and high spatial frequency filtering (HSF, >25 cycles/image width) on brain processing of complex pictures depicting pleasant, unpleasant, and neutral scenes. Event-related potentials (ERP), percentage of recognized stimuli and response times were recorded in 19 healthy volunteers. Behavioral results indicated faster reaction times in response to unpleasant LSF than to unpleasant HSF pictures. Unpleasant LSF pictures and pleasant unfiltered pictures also elicited significant enhancements of P1 amplitudes at occipital electrodes as compared to neutral LSF and unfiltered pictures, respectively; whereas no significant effects of affective modulation were found for HSF pictures. Moreover, mean ERP amplitudes in the time between 200 and 500ms post-stimulus were significantly greater for affective (pleasant and unpleasant) than for neutral unfiltered pictures; whereas no significant affective modulation was found for HSF or LSF pictures at those latencies. The fact that affective LSF pictures elicited an enhancement of brain responses at early, but not at later latencies, suggests the existence of a rapid and preattentive neural mechanism for the processing of motivationally relevant stimuli, which could be driven by LSF cues. Our findings confirm thus previous results showing differences on brain processing of affective LSF and HSF faces, and extend these results to more complex and social affective pictures.