Iglesias Peinado, Irene

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Iglesias Peinado
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Farmacología, Farmacognosia y Botánica
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    Project number: 72
    Diseño e implantación de un sistema de seguimiento de calidad mediante la utilización de plataformas online
    (2019) Iglesias Peinado, Irene; Córdoba Díaz, Manuel; Elorza Barroeta, Begoña; Escario García-Trevijano, José Antonio; Gómez-Serranillos Cuadrado, María Pilar; Lozano Fernández, Rafael; Román Zaragoza, Jesús; González Villa, Ana María; Rayego Sánchez, Gema
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    The Pharmacological Activity of Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze on Metabolic and Endocrine Disorders: A Systematic Review
    (Biomolecules, 2020) Sánchez-Paniagua López, Marta; González Burgos, Elena María; Iglesias Peinado, Irene; Lozano Fernández, Rafael; Gómez-Serranillos Cuadrado, María Pilar
    Tea made from Camellia sinensis leaves is one of the most consumed beverages worldwide. This systematic review aims to update Camellia sinensis pharmacological activity on metabolic and endocrine disorders. Inclusion criteria were preclinical and clinical studies of tea extracts and isolated compounds on osteoporosis, hypertension, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, hypercholesterolemia, and obesity written in English between 2014 and 2019 and published in Pubmed, Science Direct, and Scopus. From a total of 1384 studies, 80 reports met inclusion criteria. Most papers were published in 2015 (29.3%) and 2017 (20.6%), conducted in China (28.75%), US (12.5%), and South Korea (10%) and carried out with extracts (67.5%, especially green tea) and isolated compounds (41.25%, especially epigallocatechin gallate). Most pharmacological studies were in vitro and in vivo studies focused on diabetes and obesity. Clinical trials, although they have demonstrated promising results, are very limited. Future research should be aimed at providing more clinical evidence on less studied pathologies such as osteoporosis, hypertension, and metabolic syndrome. Given the close relationship among all endocrine disorders, it would be of interest to find a standard dose of tea or their bioactive constituents that would be beneficial for all of them.
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    Current uses and knowledge of medicinal plants in the Autonomous Community of Madrid (Spain): a descriptive cross-sectional study
    (2020) Sánchez Gómez-Serranillos, Marta; González Burgos, Elena María; Iglesias Peinado, Irene; Lozano Fernández, Rafael; Gómez-Serranillos Cuadrado, María Pilar
    Background The usage of medicinal plants as a key component of complementary and alternative medicine, has acquired renewed interest in developed countries. The current situation of medicinal plants in Spain is very limited. This paper provides new insights and greater knowledge about current trends and consumption patterns of medicinal plants in the Autonomous Community of Madrid (Spain) for health benefits. Methods A descriptive cross-sectional study was designed for a population-based survey on medicinal plants. The data were collected (May 2018 to May 2019) using semi-structured face-to-face interviews in independent pharmacies, hospital centers and primary care health centers in the Autonomous Community of Madrid. The survey had 18 multiple choice and open-ended questions. Quantitative indices were calculated: Fidelity Level (FL), Use Value (UV) and Informants Consensus Factor (ICF). Chi-square test was used for data analysis. Results Five hundred forty-three people were interviewed. The majority of the participants (89.6%) have used medicinal plants to treat health disorders in the past 12 months, mainly for digestive problems, sleep disorders and central nervous system diseases. A total of 78 plants were recorded, being Matricaria recutita, Valeriana officinalis, Tilia spp. and Aloe vera the most used. The highest UV was found for Mentha pulegium (UV 0.130) followed by Aloe vera (UV 0.097) and Vaccinium macrocarpon. (UV 0.080). The highest FL values were for Eucalyptus spp. (FL 90.47%) for respiratory conditions and, Matricaria recutita (85.55%) and Mentha pulegium (84.09%) for digestive problems. The highest ICF corresponded to metabolism and depression (ICF = 1), pain (ICF = 0.97), insomnia (ICF = 0.96) and anxiety (ICF = 0.95). Participants mostly acquired herbal medicines from pharmacies, herbal shops and supermarkets. Some side effects (tachycardia, dizziness and gastrointestinal symptoms) and potential interactions medicinal plants-drugs (V. officinalis and benzodiazepines) were reported. Conclusion Many inhabitants of the Autonomous Community of Madrid currently use herbal products to treat minor health problems. The most common consumer pattern are young women between 18 and 44 years of age with higher education. In order to confirm the pattern, further research should be focused to investigate current uses of medicinal plants in other Spanish regions.
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    Project number: 9
    Diseño de un sistema de información y gestión documental adaptado a normas ISO y AUDIT
    (2020) Iglesias Peinado, Irene; Córdoba Díaz, Manuel; Elorza Barroeta, Begoña; Escario García-Trevijano, José Antonio; Gómez-Serranillos Cuadrado, María Pilar; Lozano Fernández, Rafael; Román Zaragoza, Jesús; González Villa, Ana María; Rayego Sánchez, Gema; Valdés González, José Antonio