Alcolea Palafox, Mauricio

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Alcolea Palafox
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Químicas
Química Física
Química Física
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  • Item
    Synthesis of new non-covered and silica-covered Y0.9Tm0.1-xYbxVO4 nanophosphors with emission in the visible and NIR ranges
    (Journal of Luminescence, 2023) Lozano, Yaiza; Fernández-Ramos, Miguel; Rapp, María; Alcolea Palafox, Mauricio; Ortiz-Rivero, Elisa; Muñoz-Ortiz, Tamara; Isasi Marín, Josefa
    The development of new materials of interest in the bioimaging field is a relevant topic in current research. We present and study here novel non-covered and silica-covered Y0.9Tm0.1-xYbxVO4 samples with x = 0, 0.01, 0.05 and 0.09 that were prepared by hydrothermal synthesis. For comparison purposes, the study of Y0.9Tm0.1VO4 sample synthesized by the sol-gel method was also included. The relationships between the synthesis method, dopant content and luminescence emission were systematically studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD), FTIR spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). XRD profiles and FTIR spectra confirm the zircon-type structure of the obtained samples. Particles of two different morphologies were found in TEM images of uncoated samples, some spherical with sizes between 42 and 50 nm and others elongated. A shell thickness between 8 and 13 nm was also observed in silica-covered samples. Photoluminescence studies of our samples revealed emission in the NIR and visible ranges. Under excitation at 790 nm, the spectra of thulium-doped samples showed the characteristic emission band of Tm3+ ions. Substitution of thulium by ytterbium successfully led to an up-conversion emission under excitation at 980 nm. Finally, the fluorescent emission study in the NIR of samples that could be more biocompatible demonstrated that they are suitable for use as luminescent thermometers in the physiological temperature range.
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    Structural and magnetic studies of NiFe2O4 and NiFe2O4@SiO2-Silane agent samples useful for the removal of Cu2+ ions
    (Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2022) Ferrer, Carlos; Isasi Marín, Josefa; Arévalo, Pablo; Fernández-Ramos, Miguel; Rapp, María; Alcolea Palafox, Mauricio; Marco, Jose; Martín-Hernández, Fátima
    Nickel ferrite samples are currently investigated due to their potential technological applications. For this reason, the optimal synthesis conditions of nickel ferrite samples with small particle size were investigated here. First, a systematic study was carried out using urea as an additive, and varying reaction parameter such as the amount of urea added or the reaction temperature and time. For comparison purposes, another sample was synthesized using potassium hydroxide as an additive. The two pure nickel ferrite samples were coated with silica, functionalizing them with APTES and AEPMDS. X-rays, FTIR, Mössbauer spectroscopy, TEM and Ms vs. H and FC/ZFC curves were used for the characterization of samples and the evaluation of their properties. Square particles with an average size of 21.2 nm were observed in the TEM images of the sample synthesized with urea, while these are spherical of 6.2 nm in the sample prepared with potash. Their subsequent coating and functionalization give rise to an arrangement of particles within interlocking strands whose thickness increases with their size. Ms vs. H curves confirm the almost superparamagnetic behavior of all synthesized powders, although with a slight increase in the coercivity value of the samples prepared with urea. Preliminary tests carried out on the functionalized samples to evaluate the adsorption capacity in aqueous solution and their easy separation in presence of an external magnetic field, confirm that the sample syn thesized with urea and functionalized with AEPDMS is the most efficient for the Cu2+ ions removal.
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    New magnetic-fluorescent bifuntional (Y0.9Ln0.1VO4/Fe3O4)@SiO2 and [(Y0.9Ln0.1VO4@SiO2)/Fe3O4@SiO2] materials
    (Ceramics International, 2022) Fernández-Ramos, Miguel; Isasi Marín, Josefa; Alcolea Palafox, Mauricio; Muñoz-Ortiz, Tamara; Ortiz-Rivero, Elisa
    The preparation and study of new bifunctional (Y0.9Ln0.1VO4/Fe3O4)@SiO2 and [(Y0.9Ln0.1VO4@SiO2)/ Fe3O4@SiO2] samples with Ln = Nd or Tb is described in detail. The influence of Fe3O4 content and silica coating on Y0.9Ln0.1VO4@SiO2 samples is analyzed to decide on their potential utility. Materials of this type are currently of great interest in the biomedicine field based on their potential use as bifunctional materials. On the one hand, because they can be directed using an external magnetic field and, on the other, because they can allow the visualization of diseased cells after appropriate functionalization. Y0.9Ln0.1VO4 samples with Ln = Nd or Tb were prepared by a hydrothermal process, while Fe3O4 sample was prepared by the coprecipitation method. These samples and different mixtures of them were treated with tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) to proceed with their silica coating. All diffraction maxima of Y0.9Ln0.1VO4 samples were indexed on a tetragonal symmetry of space group I41/amd, compatible with a zircon structure-type. In the case of Fe3O4 sample, all reflections were indexed to a cubic symmetry of space group Fd 3 m, characteristic of an inverse spinel structure-type. These results also agreed well with the FTIR spectra of the investigated samples. For the first time, the experimental FTIR study of Y0.9Ln0.1VO4 samples was complemented with a theoretical vibrational study based on the YVO4 structure. To carry out this theoretical study, different density functional theory (DFT) methods and different basis sets were used. Silica presence in samples was clearly verified in both, the XRD profiles and the FTIR spectra. Elongated and spherical particles are found in TEM images of these samples. The study of PL emission and magnetic behavior showed that [(Y0.9Ln0.1VO4@SiO2)/Fe3O4@SiO2] samples are the most suitable for use as bifunctional materials.