Fernández Pérez, Luis Antonio

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First Name
Luis Antonio
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Fernández Pérez
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Físicas
Física Teórica
Física Teórica
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    Order of the deconfining phase transition in pure-gauge QCD
    (Physical review letters, 1988) Bacilieri, P.; Remiddi, E.; Todesco, G.M.; Bernashchi, M.; Cabasino, S.; Cabibbo, N.; Fernández Pérez, Luis Antonio; Marinari, E.; Paolucci, P.; Parisi, G.; Salina, G.; Tarancón, A.; Coppola, F.; Lombardo, M.P.; Simeone, E.; Tripiccione, R,; Fiorentini, G.; Lai, A.; Marchesini, P.A.; Marzano, F.
    We study the behavior of the string tension in the SU(3) lattice pure-gauge theory close to the deconfining critical point. We find very large correlation lengths, increasing with the lattice size. This result is strongly suggestive of a second-order phase transition, and excludes the presence of a strong first-order transition.