Hernáiz Gómez-Degano, María Josefa

Profile Picture
First Name
María Josefa
Last Name
Hernáiz Gómez-Degano
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Química en Ciencias Farmacéuticas
Química Orgánica
UCM identifierScopus Author IDDialnet ID

Search Results

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    Assembly of glycoamino acid building blocks: a new strategy for the straightforward synthesis of heparan sulfate mimics
    (Chemical Communications, 2018) Revuelta, Julia; Fuentes, Roberto ; Lagartera, Laura; Hernáiz Gómez-Degano, María Josefa; Bastida, Agatha; García-Junceda, Eduardo; Fernández-Mayoralas, Alfonso; Fernández-Mayoralas, Alfonso; Royal Society of London
    A new strategy that enables a modular straightforward synthesis of heparan sulfate oligosaccharide mimics by the assembly of simple glycoamino acid building blocks is described. The coupling between units is readily carried out by an amidation reaction. Several glycoamino acid oligomers were prepared and their interaction with the FGF2 protein was analyzed.
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    Two-step enzymatic strategy for the synthesis of a smart phenolic polymer and further immobilization of a β-galactosidase able to catalyze transglycosydation reaction
    (International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2018) Levin, G.; Gómez, S.; Glodowsky, A.; Cascone, O.; Hernáiz Gómez-Degano, María Josefa; Hernáiz Gómez-Degano, María Josefa
    A rapid and efficient enzymatic procedure for the preparation of an immobilized beta-galactosidase has been described. In a first step, soybean peroxidase was used to catalyze the polymerization of a strategically activated phenol (N-Succinimidyl 3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)propionate, known as Bolton-Hunter reagent). The phenolic support was directly employed for immobilizing S-galactosidase from Bacillus circulans (ATCC 31382, beta-Gal-3), giving rise to a new biocatalyst subsequently applied in the synthesis of a beta-galatodisaccharide (Gal-beta(1-3)-GlcNAc and Gal-beta(1-3)-GalNAc). The reaction proceeded with high conversion rates and total regioselectivity. Reusability assays were performed with the same reaction conditions finding that the immobilized enzyme retains about 55% of its activity after eight batches. Finally and based on our results, the two-step enzymatic procedure presented here is a good and green alternative to the preparation of carbohydrates with biological activities.
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    Project number: 208
    Desarrollo y elaboración de recursos didácticos on line para fomentar el autoaprendizaje interactivo y la autoevaluación en Química Farmacéutica con el apoyo del Campus Virtual
    (2018) Hoyos Vidal, María Pilar; Hernáiz Gómez-Degano, María Josefa; Izquierdo Jiménez, Inmaculada; Alemán Sierra, Esther; García Oliva, Cecilia María
    En este Proyecto de Innovación Docente se ha pretendido de manera general optimizar las alternativas ofrecidas en el Campus Virtual, mediante el diseño, elaboración y evaluación de actividades didáticas on-line que permitan que el Aula Virtual se convierta en un apoyo activo en el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje en la asignatura de Química Farmacéutica II. Se ha llevado a cabo la elaboración de cuestionarios interactivos de autoevaluación que permitan al alumno conocer la adecuación de los conocimientos adquiridos, y al docente poder realizar un seguimiento rápido de cada alumno.