Ugarte Ruiz, María

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Ugarte Ruiz
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
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    Non-invasive surveillance of shared pathogens in the Eurasian brown bear (Ursus arctos) human interface
    (One Health, 2024) Herrero García, Gloria; Barroso, Patricia; Dashti, Alejandro; González Barrio, David; Naves, Javier; Fernández Gil, Alberto; Ugarte Ruiz, María; Pérez Sancho, Marta; Royo, Luis José; Carmena, David; De Miguel, Arturo; García Rodríguez, Alberto; Gortázar, Christian; Domínguez Rodríguez, Lucas José; Balseiro, Ana
    Multi-host communities are perfect scenarios for the emergence and spread of pathogens, threatening the recovery of endangered, isolated, or inbred populations, such as the brown bear (Ursus arctos) in northwestern Spain. The population recovery in recent years has forced bears to occupy highly anthropized areas, increasing their interaction with human and domestic animals, with potential consequences for global health. During 2022–2023 a survey of parasites, bacteria and viruses shared between wildlife, domestic animals and humans was performed in this population using non-invasive surveillance, i.e., bear fecal samples (n = 73) and sponge-based sampling of trees (n = 42; 14 rubbed trees and 28 control trees). Pathogen detection rates were defined as the percentage of qPCR or culture-positive samples. Generalized linear models were fitted to assess their relationship with environmental variables including dispersion of the human population, and percentage of agricultural and periurban habitats in a 6 km-buffer around each sample. Canine Adenovirus type 1 (45.2%), Giardia spp. (15.1%), Salmonella spp. (12.3%), and extended-spectrum-beta-lactamases (ESBL) Escherichia coli (1.4%) were identified in fecal samples. In contrast, only five sponges from three rubbed and two control trees resulted positive to E. coli (14.3%). The results suggest that several pathogens are common in the Cantabrian brown bear population and that anthropization of the territory modulates their prevalence and richness. The effective design of management programs for bear conservation will require a one-health approach, in which genetic analysis of non-invasive samples can be key tools for the sanitary surveillance at the wildlife-livestock-human interface.
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    Non-invasive surveillance of shared pathogens in the Eurasian brown bear (Ursus arctos) human interface
    (One Health, 2024) Herrero García, Gloria; Barroso, Patricia; Dashti, Alejandro; González Barrio, David; Naves, Javier; Fernández-Gil, Alberto; Ugarte Ruiz, María; Pérez Sancho, Marta; Royo, Luis José; Carmena, David; De Miguel, Arturo; García Rodríguez, Alberto; Gortázar, Christian; Domínguez Rodríguez, Lucas José; Balseiro, Ana
    Multi-host communities are perfect scenarios for the emergence and spread of pathogens, threatening the recovery of endangered, isolated, or inbred populations, such as the brown bear (Ursus arctos) in northwestern Spain. The population recovery in recent years has forced bears to occupy highly anthropized areas, increasing their interaction with human and domestic animals, with potential consequences for global health. During 2022-2023 a survey of parasites, bacteria and viruses shared between wildlife, domestic animals and humans was performed in this population using non-invasive surveillance, i.e., bear fecal samples (n = 73) and sponge-based sampling of trees (n = 42; 14 rubbed trees and 28 control trees). Pathogen detection rates were defined as the percentage of qPCR or culture-positive samples. Generalized linear models were fitted to assess their relationship with environmental variables including dispersion of the human population, and percentage of agricultural and periurban habitats in a 6 km-buffer around each sample. Canine Adenovirus type 1 (45.2%), Giardia spp. (15.1%), Salmonella spp. (12.3%), and extended-spectrum-beta-lactamases (ESBL) Escherichia coli (1.4%) were identified in fecal samples. In contrast, only five sponges from three rubbed and two control trees resulted positive to E. coli (14.3%). The results suggest that several pathogens are common in the Cantabrian brown bear population and that anthropization of the territory modulates their prevalence and richness. The effective design of management programs for bear conservation will require a one-health approach, in which genetic analysis of non-invasive samples can be key tools for the sanitary surveillance at the wildlife-livestock-human interface.
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    Cecal Reduction of Brachyspira and Lesion Severity in Laying Hens Supplemented with Fermented Defatted ‘Alperujo’
    (Fermentation, 2022) Rebollada Merino, Agustín Miguel; Ugarte Ruiz, María; Alberto Gómez-Buendía; Bárcena Asensio, María Carmen; García Benzaquén, Nerea; Domínguez Rodríguez, Lucas José; Rodríguez Bertos, Antonio Manuel
    Antimicrobial resistance demands the development of therapeutic alternatives such as prebiotics, probiotics, and nutraceuticals. The aim of this study was to assess the antimicrobial proprieties of the nutraceutical fermented defatted “alperujo”, derived from olive oil production, in a laying hen farm (n = 122,250) endemic with avian intestinal spirochetosis (Brachyspira spp.). Part of the batch (n = 1440) was divided into six groups of 240 hens each that included 80 or 108-week-old laying hens, supplemented with 0%, 2%, or 6% fermented defatted ‘alperujo’ for a month. At the end of the experiment, eight hens from each group were autopsied and cecal content was subjected to (i) Brachyspira culture and species identification by PCRs, and (ii) direct DNA extraction and Brachyspira qPCR. Furthermore, the ceca were processed for histopathology. Microbiological isolation revealed B. pilosicoli and B. hyodysenteriae co-infection in all groups. The 80-week-old hen group 2% supplemented showed a reduction in the cecal Brachyspira content (qPCR) compared with non-supplemented hens. Cecal histopathology showed a diffuse mild infiltration of lymphocytes, plasma cells, and heterophils; and hyperplasia of the gut-associated lymphoid tissue hyperplasia which decreased in severity in 80-week-old supplemented hens. The reduction in Brachyspira colonization and the severity of the lesions observed in supplemented hens highlights a potential protective function against avian intestinal spirochetosis.
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    Identifying emerging trends in antimicrobial resistance using Salmonella surveillance data in poultry in Spain
    (Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 2019) Álvarez Sánchez, Julio; Lopez, Gema; Muellner, Petra; Frutos, Cristina; Ahlstrom, Christina; Serrano, Tania; Moreno, Miguel A.; Duran, Manuel; Saez, Jose Luis; Domínguez Rodríguez, Lucas José; Ugarte Ruiz, María
    Despite of controls and preventive measures implemented along the food chain, infection with non-typhoidal Salmonella (NTS) remains one of the major causes of foodborne disease worldwide. Poultry is considered one of the major sources of NTS. This has led to the implementation of monitoring and control programmes in many countries (including Spain) to ensure that in poultry flocks infection is kept to a minimum and to allow the identification and monitoring of circulating NTS strains and their antimicrobial resistance (AMR) phenotypes. Here, we investigated the information from the monitoring programme for AMR in Salmonella from poultry in Spain in 2011-2017 to assess the diversity in phenotypic resistance and to evaluate the programme's ability to detect multi-resistance patterns and emerging strains in the animal reservoir. Data on serotype and AMR to nine antimicrobials obtained from 3,047 NTS isolates from laying hens (n = 1,060), broiler (n = 765) and turkey (n = 1,222) recovered during controls performed by the official veterinary services and food business operators were analysed using univariate and multivariate methods in order to describe host and serotype specific profiles. Diversity and prevalence of phenotypic resistance to all but one of the antimicrobials (colistin) were higher in NTS from broiler and turkey compared with laying hen isolates. Certain combinations of serotype and AMR pattern (resistotype) were particularly linked with certain hosts (e.g. susceptible Enteritidis with laying hens, multi-drug resistant (MDR) Derby in turkey, MDR Kentucky in turkey and broiler). The widespread presence of certain serotype-resistotype combinations in certain hosts/years suggested the posible expansion of MDR strains in the animal reservoir. This study demonstrates the usefulness of the analysis of data from monitoring programmes at the isolate level to detect emerging threats and suggests aspects that should be subjected to further research to identify the forces driving the expansion/dominance of certain strains in the food chain.
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    Phenotypic and genetic characterization of antimicrobial resistance in Salmonella enterica serovar Choleraesuis isolates from humans and animals in Spain from 2006 to 2021
    (Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 2024) Camille Jacqueline; Clara Samper-Cativiela; Sara Monzon Fernandez; Ugarte Ruiz, María; Isabel Cuesta de la Plaza; Álvarez Sánchez, Julio; Silvia Herrera-Leon
    Objectics: While an increase in the levels of MDR in Salmonella enterica sevorar Choleraesuis has been reported in Europe, little is known about the situation in Spain. Therefore, we first aimed to assess the phenotypic resistance profile and to determine the presence of genetic determinants of resistance of S. Choleraesuis isolates collected in animal and human. Our second objective was to identify and characterize clusters of highly related isolates. Methods: We analysed 50 human and 45 animal isolates retrieved from 2006 to 2021 using the disc diffusion method and performed WGS followed by analyses of genetic determinants and phylogenetic analysis. Results: All isolates were of ST145 and corresponded to the variant Kunzendorf. Swine isolates harboured a significantly higher number of antimicrobial resistance genes than human isolates, and often carried plasmid replicons of the IncHI2/IncHI2A type (42% of all animal isolates). In addition, we identified several MDR S. Choleraesuis strains circulating in humans and swine between 2006 and 2021. The phylogenetic analyses identified four clades associated with specific patterns of resistance genes and plasmid replicons. The clades also included isolates that differed in terms of year and region of isolation as well as host of origin. Conclusions: This One Health approach highlights that reducing human MDR S. Choleraesuis infections may require the adoption of strategies that not only seek to prevent cases in humans but also to characterize and reduce the infection burden in swine.
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    Salmonella in Coastal Birds in Chile: Detection of a Multidrug-Resistant S. Infantis Bearing the blaCTX-M−65 Gene in a pESI-Like Megaplasmid in Humboldt Penguins
    (Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 2024) Wiederkehr Bruno, Clara María; Álvarez Sánchez, Julio; Torre Fuentes, Laura; Crespo López, Óscar I.; Calfucura, Paulina; Ugarte Ruiz, María; Toledo, Viviana; Lurz, Peter W. W.; Retamal, Patricio
    Salmonella enterica is one of the most important foodborne pathogens worldwide, and the emergence of multidrug resistance (MDR) clones can aggravate its public health importance. Wildlife species may act as reservoirs of these clones, but their role is not well understood. In this study, faecal samples from shorebirds, with a focus on the endangered Humboldt penguin (Spheniscus humboldti), collected from five sites in central Chile with different levels of anthropogenic pressure were analysed to characterize antimicrobial resistant S. enterica serovars. Overall, Salmonella was isolated from 22 of the 595 samples (3.7%), with positivity ranging between 1.6% and 9.5%, depending on the sampling site. Four of the Salmonella isolates were retrieved from Humboldt penguin samples (1.4% positive samples in this species). Serovars Infantis (nine isolates), Typhimurium (six), Goldcoast (four), and Enteritidis, Agona, and Give (one isolate each) were identified. Resistance levels were the highest for sulphamethoxazole (13/21 isolates with a non-wild-type phenotype), ciprofloxacin, tetracycline, and trimethoprim (11/21 each). Whole-genome sequencing performed on eight S. Infantis strains revealed that seven carried the plasmid replicon IncFIB (pN55391), indicating the presence of the pESI-like megaplasmid, harbouring resistance determinants to multiple antimicrobial classes as well as heavy metal, biocides, and virulence-related genes. Furthermore, five S. Infantis isolates that showed an ESBL phenotype carried the blaCTX-M−65 gene, three of which were detected in Humboldt penguin faeces. The finding of an international emerging S. Infantis clone in protected wildlife is of concern to environmental, animal, and public health specialists, supporting initiatives for an active surveillance of resistance and virulence traits in wildlife exposed to anthropogenic areas.
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    Genome-wide association reveals host-specific genomic traits in Escherichia coli
    (BMC Biology, 2023) Tiwari, Sumeet K.; van der Putten, Boas C. L.; Fuchs, Thilo M.; Vinh, Trung N.; Bootsma, Martin; Oldenkamp, Rik; La Ragione, Roberto; Matamoros, Sebastien; Hoa, Ngo T.; Berens, Christian; Leng, Joy; Álvarez Sánchez, Julio; Ferrandis Vila, Marta; Ritchie, Jenny M.; Fruth, Angelika; Schwarz, Stefan; Domínguez Rodríguez, Lucas José; Ugarte Ruiz, María; Bethe, Astrid; Huber, Charlotte; Johanns, Vanessa; Stamm, Ivonne; Wieler, Lothar H.; Ewers, Christa; Fivian Hughes, Amanda; Schmidt, Herbert; Menge, Christian; Semmler, Torsten; Schultsz, Constance
    Background: Escherichia coli is an opportunistic pathogen which colonizes various host species. However, to what extent genetic lineages of E. coli are adapted or restricted to specific hosts and the genomic determinants of such adaptation or restriction is poorly understood. Results: We randomly sampled E. coli isolates from four countries (Germany, UK, Spain, and Vietnam), obtained from five host species (human, pig, cattle, chicken, and wild boar) over 16 years, from both healthy and diseased hosts, to construct a collection of 1198 whole-genome sequenced E. coli isolates. We identified associations between specific E. coli lineages and the host from which they were isolated. A genome-wide association study (GWAS) identified several E. coli genes that were associated with human, cattle, or chicken hosts, whereas no genes associated with the pig host could be found. In silico characterization of nine contiguous genes (collectively designated as nan-9) associated with the human host indicated that these genes are involved in the metabolism of sialic acids (Sia). In contrast, the previously described sialic acid regulon known as sialoregulon (i.e. nanRATEK-yhcH, nanXY, and nanCMS) was not associated with any host species. In vitro growth experiments with a Δnan-9 E. coli mutant strain, using the sialic acids 5-N-acetylneuraminic acid (Neu5Ac) and N-glycolylneuraminic acid (Neu5Gc) as sole carbon source, showed impaired growth behaviour compared to the wild-type. Conclusions: This study provides an extensive analysis of genetic determinants which may contribute to host specificity in E. coli. Our findings should inform risk analysis and epidemiological monitoring of (antimicrobial resistant) E. coli.
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    One Health surveillance—A cross-sectoral detection, characterization, and notification of foodborne pathogens
    (Frontiers in Public Health, 2023) Lahti, Elina Tast; Karamehmedovic, Nadja; Riedel, Hilde; Blom, Linnea; Boel, Jeppe; Delibato, Elisabetta; Denis, Martine; van Essen-Zandbergen, Alieda; Garcia Fernandez, Aurora; Hendriksen, Rene; Heydecke, Anna; van Hoek, Angela H. A. M.; Huby, Tom; Kwit, Renata; Lucarelli, Claudia; Lundin, Karl; Michelacci, Valeria; Owczarek, Slawomir; Ring, Isaac; Kjeldgaard, Jette Sejer; Sjögren, Ingegerd; Skóra, Milena; Torpdahl, Mia; Ugarte Ruiz, María; Veldman, Kees; Ventola, Eleonora; Zajac, Magdalena; Jernberg, Cecilia
    Introduction: Several Proficiency Test (PT) or External Quality Assessment (EQA) schemes are currently available for assessing the ability of laboratories to detect and characterize enteropathogenic bacteria, but they are usually targeting one sector, covering either public health, food safety or animal health. In addition to sector-specific PTs/EQAs for detection, cross-sectoral panels would be useful for assessment of the capacity to detect and characterize foodborne pathogens in a One Health (OH) perspective and further improving food safety and interpretation of cross-sectoral surveillance data. The aims of the study were to assess the cross-sectoral capability of European public health, animal health and food safety laboratories to detect, characterize and notify findings of the foodborne pathogens Campylobacter spp., Salmonella spp. and Yersinia enterocolitica, and to develop recommendations for future cross-sectoral PTs and EQAs within OH. The PT/EQA scheme developed within this study consisted of a test panel of five samples, designed to represent a theoretical outbreak scenario. Methods: A total of 15 laboratories from animal health, public health and food safety sectors were enrolled in eight countries: Denmark, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. The laboratories analyzed the samples according to the methods used in the laboratory and reported the target organisms at species level, and if applicable, serovar for Salmonella and bioserotype for Yersinia. Results: All 15 laboratories analyzed the samples for Salmonella, 13 for Campylobacter and 11 for Yersinia. Analytical errors were predominately false negative results. One sample (S. Stockholm and Y. enterocolitica O:3/BT4) with lower concentrations of target organisms was especially challenging, resulting in six out of seven false negative results. These findings were associated with laboratories using smaller sample sizes and not using enrichment methods. Detection of Salmonella was most commonly mandatory to notify within the three sectors in the eight countries participating in the pilot whereas findings of Campylobacter and Y. enterocolitica were notifiable from human samples, but less commonly from animal and food samples. Discussion: The results of the pilot PT/EQA conducted in this study confirmed the possibility to apply a cross-sectoral approach for assessment of the joint OH capacity to detect and characterize foodborne pathogens.