García García, Isabel

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García García
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Biológicas
Genética, Fisiología y Microbiología
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    DNA extraction and amplification from Pinaceae dry wood
    (Silvae genetica, 2019) Méndez-Cea, Belén; Cobo Simón, Irene; Pérez González, Ana; García García, Isabel; Linares, Juan Carlos; Gallego Rodríguez, Francisco Javier
    Wood constitutes the unique source of DNA in dead trees, but extraction of adequate quality DNA from dry wood is usually challenging. However, many different molecular studies require the use of such DNA. We have standardized and validated a modified CTAB protocol to isolate DNA from dry wood from Abies pinsapo and Cedrus atlantica species. Due to the degradation and very little DNA that is normally present in the wood from dead trees we have developed a PCR based test to certify the quality of the extracted samples. In the present study, we have proved too the effectiveness of this methodology to isolate DNA from conifer dry wood samples of sufficient quality to perform further molecular genetic experiments.
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    Weak genetic differentiation but strong climate-induced selective pressure toward the rear edge of mountain pine in north-eastern Spain
    (Science of The Total Environment, 2022) Méndez Cea, Belén; García García, Isabel; Gazol, Antonio; Camarero, J. Julio; Gónzález de Andrés, Ester; Colangelo, Michele; Valeriano, Cristina; Gallego Rodrigo, Francisco Javier; Linares, Juan Carlos
    Local differentiation at distribution limits may influence species' adaptive capacity to environmental changes. However, drivers, such gene flow and local selection, are still poorly understood. We focus on the role played by range limits in mountain forests to test the hypothesis that relict tree populations are subjected to genetic differentiation and local adaptation. Two alpine treelines of mountain pine (Pinus uncinata Ram. ex DC) were investigated in the Spanish Pyrenees. Further, an isolated relict population forming the species' southernmost distribution limit in north-eastern Spain was also investigated. Using genotyping by sequencing, a genetic matrix conformed by single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) was obtained. This matrix was used to perform genotype-environment and genotype-phenotype associations, as well as to model risk of non-adaptedness. Increasing climate seasonality appears as an essential element in the interpretation of SNPs subjected to selective pressures. Genetic differentiations were overall weak. The differences in leaf mass area and radial growth rate, as well as the identification of several SNPs subjected to selective pressures, exceeded neutral predictions of differentiation among populations. Despite genetic drift might prevail in the isolated population, the Fst values (0.060 and 0.066) showed a moderate genetic drift and Nm values (3.939 and 3.555) indicate the presence of gene flow between the relict population and both treelines. Nonetheless, the SNPs subjected to selection pressures provide evidences of possible selection in treeline ecotones. Persistence in range boundaries seems to involve several selective pressures in species' traits, which were significantly related to enhanced drought seasonality at the limit of P. uncinata distribution range. We conclude that gene flow is unlikely to constrain adaptation in the P. uncinata rear edge, although this species shows vulnerability to future climate change scenarios involving warmer and drier conditions.
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    Challenges and Perspectives in the Epigenetics of Climate Change-Induced Forests Decline
    (Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022) García García, Isabel; Méndez Cea, Belén; Martín Gálvez, David; Seco, José Ignacio; Gallego Rodríguez, Francisco Javier; Linares, Juan Carlos
    Forest tree species are highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change. As sessile organisms with long generation times, their adaptation to a local changing environment may rely on epigenetic modifications when allele frequencies are not able to shift fast enough. However, the current lack of knowledge on this field is remarkable, due to many challenges that researchers face when studying this issue. Huge genome sizes, absence of reference genomes and annotation, and having to analyze huge amounts of data are among these difficulties, which limit the current ability to understand how climate change drives tree species epigenetic modifications. In spite of this challenging framework, some insights on the relationships among climate change-induced stress and epigenomics are coming. Advances in DNA sequencing technologies and an increasing number of studies dealing with this topic must boost our knowledge on tree adaptive capacity to changing environmental conditions. Here, we discuss challenges and perspectives in the epigenetics of climate change-induced forests decline, aiming to provide a general overview of the state of the art.