Cañadas Benito, Olga

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Cañadas Benito
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Biológicas
Bioquímica y Biología Molecular
Bioquímica y Biología Molecular
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    Surfactant protein A forms extensive lattice-like structures on 1,2-dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine/rough-lipopolysaccharide-mixed monolayers
    (Biophysical Journal, 2007) García-Verdugo, I.; Cañadas Benito, Olga; Taneva, S.G.; Keough, K.M.; Casals, C
    Due to the inhalation of airborne particles containing bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS), these molecules might incorporate into the 1,2-dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC)-rich monolayer and interact with surfactant protein A (SP-A), the major surfactant protein component involved in host defense. In this study, epifluorescence microscopy combined with a surface balance was used to examine the interaction of SP-A with mixed monolayers of DPPC/rough LPS (Re-LPS). Binary monolayers of Re-LPS plus DPPC showed negative deviations from ideal behavior of the mean areas in the films consistent with partial miscibility and attractive interaction between the lipids. This interaction resulted in rearrangement and reduction of the size of DPPC-rich solid domains in DPPC/Re-LPS monolayers. The adsorption of SP-A to these monolayers caused expansion in the lipid molecular areas. SP-A interacted strongly with Re-LPS and promoted the formation of DPPC-rich solid domains. Fluorescently labeled Texas red-SP-A accumulated at the fluid-solid boundary regions and formed networks of interconnected filaments in the fluid phase of DPPC/Re-LPS monolayers in a Ca21-independent manner. These lattice-like structures were also observed when TR-SP-A interacted with lipid A monolayers. These novel results deepen our understanding of the specific interaction of SP-A with the lipid A moiety of bacterial LPS
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    Differential Scanning Calorimetry of Protein–Lipid Interactions
    (Lipid-Protein Interactions: Methods and Protocols, 2019) Cañadas Benito, Olga; Casals Carro, Cristina; Kleinschmidt, Jörg H.
    Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) is a highly sensitive nonperturbing technique used for studying the thermodynamic properties of thermally induced transitions. Since these properties might be affected by ligand binding, DSC is particularly useful for the characterization of protein interactions with biomimetic membranes. The advantages of this technique over other methods consist in the direct measurement of intrinsic thermal properties of the samples, requiring no chemical modifications or extrinsic probes. This chapter describes the basic theory of DSC and provides the reader with an understanding of the capabilities of DSC instrumentation and the type of information that can be achieved from DSC studies of lipid-protein interactions. In particular, the chapter provides a detailed analysis of DSC data to assess the effects of proteins on biomimetic membranes.
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    Targeting of key pathogenic factors from gram-positive bacteria by the soluble ectodomain of the scavenger-like lymphocyte receptor CD6
    (The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2014) Martínez-Florensa, Mario; Consuegra-Fernández, Marta; Martínez, Vanessa G.; Cañadas Benito, Olga; Armiger-Borràs, Noelia; Bonet-Roselló, Lizette; Farrán, Aina; Vila, Jordi; Casals Carro, María Cristina; Lozano, Francisco
    Gram-positive bacteria cause a broad spectrum of infection-related diseases in both immunocompetent and immunocompromised hosts, ranging from localized infections to severe systemic conditions such as septic and toxic shock syndromes. This situation has been aggravated by the recent emergence of multidrug-resistant strains, thus stressing the need for alternative therapeutic approaches. One such possibility would be modulating the host's immune response. Herein, the potential use of a soluble form of the scavenger-like human lymphocyte receptor CD6 (shCD6) belonging to an ancient family of innate immune receptors has been evaluated. shCD6 can bind to a broad spectrum of gram-positive bacteria thanks to the recognition of highly conserved cell wall components (lipoteichoic acid [LTA] and peptidoglycan [PGN]), which are essential for their viability and pathogenicity and are not amenable to antibiotic resistance. shCD6 has in vitro inhibitory effects on both bacterial growth and Toll-like receptor-mediated inflammatory response induced by LTA plus PGN. In vivo infusion of shCD6 improves survival on mouse models of septic shock by Staphylococcus aureus (either multidrug-resistant or -sensitive) or their endotoxins (LTA + PGN) or exotoxins (TSST-1). These results support the use of shCD6 and/or other scavenger-like immune receptors in the treatment of severe gram-positive-induced infectious conditions.
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    Differential scanning calorimetry of protein-lipid interactions
    (Lipid-protein interactions: Methods and Protocols, 2012) Cañadas Benito, Olga; Casals Carro, María Cristina; Kleinchmidt, Jorg
    Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) is a highly sensitive non-perturbing technique for measuring the thermodynamic properties of thermally induced transitions. This technique is particularly useful for the characterization of lipid/protein interactions. This chapter presents an introduction to DSC instrumentation, basic theory, and methods and describes DSC applications for characterizing protein effects on model lipid membranes. Examples of the use of DSC for the evaluation of protein effects on modulation of membrane domains and membrane stability are given.
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    Characterization of liposomal tacrolimus in lung surfactant-like phospholipids and evaluation of its immunosuppressive activity.
    (Biochemistry, 2004) Cañadas Benito, Olga; Guerrero, Rosa; García-Cañero, Rafael; Orellana Moraleda, Guillermo; Menéndez, Margarita; Casals Carro, María Cristina
    Tacrolimus (FK506) is a hydrophobic immunosuppressive agent that rapidly penetrates the plasmatic membrane and inhibits the signal transduction cascade of T lymphocytes. The objective of this study was the characterization of liposomal FK506 with surfactant-like phospholipids to be administered intratracheally after lung transplantation or in inflammatory lung diseases. We evaluated the optimal incorporation of FK506 in dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) and DPPC/1-palmitoyl-2-oleoylphosphatidylglycerol (POPG) monolayers and bilayers and the effects of FK506 on the physical properties of DPPC and DPPC/POPG (8:2 w/w) vesicles. In addition, we assessed the immunosuppressive effects of surfactant-like phospholipid vesicles containing different amounts of FK506 on T-cell proliferation and interleukin 2 production. From surface pressure measurements of FK506/DPPC and FK506/DPPC/POPG mixed monolayers, we determined that FK506 was embedded into these monolayers up to an FK506 concentration of about 0.4 mol %. Beyond this concentration, FK506 was not quantitatively incorporated into the monolayer, suggesting possible concentration-dependent aggregation of tacrolimus. The incorporation of FK506 into DPPC monolayers, at concentrations
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    Conserved bacterial-binding peptides of the scavenger-like human lymphocyte receptor CD6 protect from mouse experimental sepsis
    (Frontiers in Immunology, 2018) Martínez Florensa, Mario; Català, Cristina; Velasco de Andrés, María; Cañadas Benito, Olga; Fraile Ágreda, Víctor; Casadó Llombart, Sergi; Armiger Borràs, Noelia; Consuegra Fernández, Marta; Casals Carro, María Cristina; Lozano, Francisco; Kishore, Uday
    Sepsis is an unmet clinical need constituting one of the most important causes of death worldwide, a fact aggravated by the appearance of multidrug resistant strains due to indiscriminate use of antibiotics. Host innate immune receptors involved in pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) recognition represent a source of broad-spectrum therapies alternative or adjunctive to antibiotics. Among the few members of the ancient and highly conserved scavenger receptor cysteine-rich superfamily (SRCR-SF) sharing bacterial-binding properties there is CD6, a lymphocyte-specific surface receptor. Here, we analyze the bacterial-binding properties of three conserved short peptides (11-mer) mapping at extracellular SRCR domains of human CD6 (CD6.PD1, GTVEVRLEASW; CD6.PD2 GRVEMLEHGEW; and CD6.PD3, GQVEVHFRGVW). All peptides show high binding affinity for PAMPs from Gram-negative (lipopolysaccharide; Kd from 3.5 to 3,000 nM) and Gram-positive (lipoteichoic acid; Kd from 36 to 680 nM) bacteria. The CD6.PD3 peptide possesses broad bacterial-agglutination properties and improved survival of mice undergoing polymicrobial sepsis in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Accordingly, CD6.PD3 triggers a decrease in serum levels of both pro-inflammatory cytokines and bacterial load. Interestingly, CD6.PD3 shows additive survival effects on septic mice when combined with Imipenem/Cilastatin. These results illustrate the therapeutic potential of peptides retaining the bacterial-binding properties of native CD6.
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    The interplay of lung surfactant proteins and lipids assimilates the macrophage clearance of nanoparticles
    (PLoS One, 2012) Ruge, Christian; Schaefer, Ulrich; Herrmann, Jennifer; Kirch, Julian; Cañadas Benito, Olga; Echaide Torreguitar, Mercedes; Pérez Gil, Jesús; Casals Carro, María Jesús; Müller, Rolf; Lehr, Claus
    The peripheral lungs are a potential entrance portal for nanoparticles into the human body due to their large surface area. The fact that nanoparticles can be deposited in the alveolar region of the lungs is of interest for pulmonary drug delivery strategies and is of equal importance for toxicological considerations. Therefore, a detailed understanding of nanoparticle interaction with the structures of this largest and most sensitive part of the lungs is important for both nanomedicine and nanotoxicology. Astonishingly, there is still little known about the bio-nano interactions that occur after nanoparticle deposition in the alveoli. In this study, we compared the effects of surfactant-associated protein A (SP-A) and D (SP-D) on the clearance of magnetite nanoparticles (mNP) with either more hydrophilic (starch) or hydrophobic (phosphatidylcholine) surface modification by an alveolar macrophage (AM) cell line (MH-S) using flow cytometry and confocal microscopy. Both proteins enhanced the AM uptake of mNP compared with pristine nanoparticles; for the hydrophilic ST-mNP, this effect was strongest with SP-D, whereas for the hydrophobic PL-mNP it was most pronounced with SP-A. Using gel electrophoretic and dynamic light scattering methods, we were able to demonstrate that the observed cellular effects were related to protein adsorption and to protein-mediated interference with the colloidal stability. Next, we investigated the influence of various surfactant lipids on nanoparticle uptake by AM because lipids are the major surfactant component. Synthetic surfactant lipid and isolated native surfactant preparations significantly modulated the effects exerted by SP-A and SP-D, respectively, resulting in comparable levels of macrophage interaction for both hydrophilic and hydrophobic nanoparticles. Our findings suggest that because of the interplay of both surfactant lipids and proteins, the AM clearance of nanoparticles is essentially the same, regardless of different intrinsic surface properties.
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    Bacterial lipopolysaccharide promotes destabilization of lung surfactant-like films
    (Biophysical Journal, 2011) Cañadas Benito, Olga; Keough, Kevin; Casals Carro, María Cristina
    The airspaces are lined with a dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC)-rich film called pulmonary surfactant, which is named for its ability to maintain normal respiratory mechanics by reducing surface tension at the air-liquid interface. Inhaled airborne particles containing bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) may incorporate into the surfactant monolayer. In this study, we evaluated the effect of smooth LPS (S-LPS), containing the entire core oligosaccharide region and the O-antigen, on the biophysical properties of lung surfactant-like films composed of either DPPC or DPPC/palmitoyloleoylphosphatidylglycerol (POPG)/palmitic acid (PA) (28:9:5.6, w/w/w). Our results show that low amounts of S-LPS fluidized DPPC monolayers, as demonstrated by fluorescence microscopy and changes in the compressibility modulus. This promoted early collapse and prevented the attainment of high surface pressures. These destabilizing effects could not be relieved by repeated compression-expansion cycles. Similar effects were observed with surfactant-like films composed of DPPC/POPG/PA. On the other hand, the interaction of SP-A, a surfactant membrane-associated alveolar protein that also binds to LPS, with surfactant-like films containing S-LPS increased monolayer destabilization due to the extraction of lipid molecules from the monolayer, leading to the dissolution of monolayer material in the aqueous subphase. This suggests that SP-A may act as an LPS scavenger.
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    Effect of surfactant protein A on the physical properties and surface activity of KL4-surfactant
    (Biophysical Journal, 2007) Sáenz, Alejandra; Cañadas Benito, Olga; Bagatolli, Luís ; Sánchez Barbero, Fernando; Johnson, Mark ; Casals Carro, María Cristina
    SP-A, the major protein component of pulmonary surfactant, is absent in exogenous surfactants currently used in clinical practice. However, it is thought that therapeutic properties of natural surfactants improve after enrichment with SP-A. The objective of this study was to determine SP-A effects on physical properties and surface activity of a new synthetic lung surfactant based on a cationic and hydrophobic 21-residue peptide KLLLLKLLLLKLLLLKLLLLK, KL4. We have analyzed the interaction of SP-A with liposomes consisting of DPPC/POPG/PA (28:9:5.6, w/w/w) with and without 0.57 mol % KL4 peptide. We found that SP-A had a concentration-dependent effect on the surface activity of KL4-DPPC/POPG/PA membranes but not on that of an animal-derived LES. The surface activity of KL4-surfactant significantly improved after enrichment with 2.5–5 wt % SP-A. However, it worsened at SP-A concentrations $10 wt %. This was due to the fluidizing effect of supraphysiological SP-A concentrations on KL4-DPPC/POPG/PA membranes as determined by fluorescence anisotropy measurements, calorimetric studies, and confocal fluorescence microscopy of GUVs. High SP-A concentrations caused disappearance of the solid/fluid phase coexistence of KL4-surfactant, suggesting that phase coexistence might be important for the surface adsorption process.
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    The CD5 ectodomain interacts with conserved fungal cell wall components and protects from zymosan-induced septic shock-like syndrome
    (PNAS, 2009) Vera, Jorge; Fenutría, Rafael; Cañadas Benito, Olga; Figueras, Maite; Mota, Rubén; Sarrias, Maria Rosa; Williams, David; Casals Carro, María Cristina; Yelamos, José; Lozano, Francisco
    The CD5 lymphocyte surface receptor is a group B member of the ancient and highly conserved scavenger receptor cysteine-rich superfamily. CD5 is expressed on mature T and B1a cells, where it is known to modulate lymphocyte activation and/or differentiation processes. Recently, the interaction of a few group B SRCR members (CD6, Spalpha, and DMBT1) with conserved microbial structures has been reported. Protein binding assays presented herein indicate that the CD5 ectodomain binds to and aggregates fungal cells (Schizosaccharomyces pombe, Candida albicans, and Cryptococcus neoformans) but not to Gram-negative (Escherichia coli) or Gram-positive (Staphylococcus aureus) bacteria. Accordingly, the CD5 ectodomain binds to zymosan but not to purified bacterial cell wall constituents (LPS, lipotheicoic acid, or peptidoglycan), and such binding is specifically competed by beta-glucan but not by mannan. The K(d) of the rshCD5/(1-->3)-beta-d-glucan phosphate interaction is 3.7 +/- 0.2 nM as calculated from tryptophan fluorescence data analysis of free and bound rshCD5. Moreover, zymosan binds to membrane-bound CD5, and this induces both MAPK activation and cytokine release. In vivo validation of the fungal binding properties of the CD5 ectodomain is deduced from its protective effect in a mouse model of zymosan-induced septic shock-like syndrome. In conclusion, the present results indicate that the CD5 lymphocyte receptor may sense the presence of conserved fungal components [namely, (1-->3)-beta-d-glucans] and support the therapeutic potential of soluble CD5 forms in fungal sepsis.