Cañadas Benito, Olga

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Cañadas Benito
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Biológicas
Bioquímica y Biología Molecular
Bioquímica y Biología Molecular
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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 23
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    Surfactant protein A forms extensive lattice-like structures on 1,2-dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine/rough-lipopolysaccharide-mixed monolayers
    (Biophysical Journal, 2007) García-Verdugo, I.; Cañadas Benito, Olga; Taneva, S.G.; Keough, K.M.; Casals, C
    Due to the inhalation of airborne particles containing bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS), these molecules might incorporate into the 1,2-dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC)-rich monolayer and interact with surfactant protein A (SP-A), the major surfactant protein component involved in host defense. In this study, epifluorescence microscopy combined with a surface balance was used to examine the interaction of SP-A with mixed monolayers of DPPC/rough LPS (Re-LPS). Binary monolayers of Re-LPS plus DPPC showed negative deviations from ideal behavior of the mean areas in the films consistent with partial miscibility and attractive interaction between the lipids. This interaction resulted in rearrangement and reduction of the size of DPPC-rich solid domains in DPPC/Re-LPS monolayers. The adsorption of SP-A to these monolayers caused expansion in the lipid molecular areas. SP-A interacted strongly with Re-LPS and promoted the formation of DPPC-rich solid domains. Fluorescently labeled Texas red-SP-A accumulated at the fluid-solid boundary regions and formed networks of interconnected filaments in the fluid phase of DPPC/Re-LPS monolayers in a Ca21-independent manner. These lattice-like structures were also observed when TR-SP-A interacted with lipid A monolayers. These novel results deepen our understanding of the specific interaction of SP-A with the lipid A moiety of bacterial LPS
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    Differential Scanning Calorimetry of Protein–Lipid Interactions
    (Lipid-Protein Interactions: Methods and Protocols, 2019) Cañadas Benito, Olga; Casals Carro, Cristina; Kleinschmidt, Jörg H.
    Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) is a highly sensitive nonperturbing technique used for studying the thermodynamic properties of thermally induced transitions. Since these properties might be affected by ligand binding, DSC is particularly useful for the characterization of protein interactions with biomimetic membranes. The advantages of this technique over other methods consist in the direct measurement of intrinsic thermal properties of the samples, requiring no chemical modifications or extrinsic probes. This chapter describes the basic theory of DSC and provides the reader with an understanding of the capabilities of DSC instrumentation and the type of information that can be achieved from DSC studies of lipid-protein interactions. In particular, the chapter provides a detailed analysis of DSC data to assess the effects of proteins on biomimetic membranes.
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    Delayed alveolar clearance of nanoparticles through control of coating composition and interaction with lung surfactant protein A
    (Materials Science & Engineering C, 2021) Carregal Romero, Susana; Groult, Hugo; Cañadas Benito, Olga; A-Gonzalez, Noelia; Lechuga Vieco, Ana Victoria; García Fojeda, Belén; Herranz, Fernando; Pellico, Juan; Hidalgo, Andrés; Casals, Cristina; Ruiz Cabello, Jesús
    The coating composition of nanomedicines is one of the main features in determining the medicines' fate, clearance, and immunoresponse in the body. To highlight the coatings' impact in pulmonary administration, two micellar superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPION) were compared. These nanoparticles are similar in size and charge but have different coatings: either phosphatidylcholine (PC-SPION) or bovine serum albumin (BSA-SPION). The aim of the study was to increase the understanding of the nano-bio interaction with the cellular and non-cellular components of the lung and underline valuable coatings either for local lung-targeted drug delivery in theranostic application or patient-friendly route systemic administration. PC-SPION and BSA-SPION were deposited in the alveoli by in vivo instillation and, despite the complexity of imaging the lung, SPION were macroscopically visualized by MRI. Impressively, PC-SPION were retained within the lungs for at least a week, while BSA-SPION were cleared more rapidly. The different lung residence times were confirmed by histological analysis and supported by a flow cytometry analysis of the SPION interactions with different myeloid cell populations. To further comprehend the way in which these nanoformulations interact with lung components at the molecular level, we used fluorescence spectroscopy, turbidity measurements, and dynamic light scattering to evaluate the interactions of the two SPION with surfactant protein A (SP-A), a key protein in setting up the nanoparticle behavior in the alveolar fluid. We found that SP-A induced aggregation of PC-SPION, but not BSA-SPION, which likely caused PC-SPION retention in the lung without inducing inflammation. In conclusion, the two SPION show different outcomes from interaction with SP-A leading to distinctive fate in the lung. PC-SPION hold great promise as imaging and theranostic agents when prolonged pulmonary drug delivery is required.
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    Polyhydroxyalkanoate nanoparticles for pulmonary drug delivery: interaction with lung surfactant
    (Nanomaterials, 2021) Cañadas Benito, Olga; García-García, Andrea; Prieto, M. Auxiliadora; Pérez-Gil, Jesús
    Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) are polyesters produced intracellularly by many bacterial species as energy storage materials, which are used in biomedical applications, including drug delivery systems, due to their biocompatibility and biodegradability. In this study, we evaluated the potential application of this nanomaterial as a basis of inhaled drug delivery systems. To that end, we assessed the possible interaction between PHA nanoparticles (NPs) and pulmonary surfactant using dynamic light scattering, Langmuir balances, and epifluorescence microscopy. Our results demonstrate that NPs deposited onto preformed monolayers of DPPC or DPPC/POPG bind these surfactant lipids. This interaction facilitated the translocation of the nanomaterial towards the aqueous subphase, with the subsequent loss of lipid from the interface. NPs that remained at the interface associated with liquid expanded (LE)/tilted condensed (TC) phase boundaries, decreasing the size of condensed domains and promoting the intermixing of TC and LE phases at submicroscopic scale. This provided the stability necessary for attaining high surface pressures upon compression, countering the destabilization induced by lipid loss. These effects were observed only for high NP loads, suggesting a limit for the use of these NPs in pulmonary drug delivery.
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    Synergistic action of antimicrobial lung proteins against Klebsiella pneumoniae
    (International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2021) Fraile Ágreda, Víctor; Cañadas Benito, Olga; Weaver, Timothy E.; Casals Carro, Cristina
    As key components of innate immunity, lung antimicrobial proteins play a critical role in warding off invading respiratory pathogens. Lung surfactant protein A (SP-A) exerts synergistic antimicrobial activity with the N-terminal segment of the SP-B proprotein (SP-BN) against Klebsiella pneumoniae K2 in vivo. However, the factors that govern SP-A/SP-BN antimicrobial activity are still unclear. The aim of this study was to identify the mechanisms by which SP-A and SP-BN act synergistically against K. pneumoniae, which is resistant to either protein alone. The effect of these proteins on K. pneumoniae was studied by membrane permeabilization and depolarization assays and transmission electron microscopy. Their effects on model membranes of the outer and inner bacterial membranes were analyzed by differential scanning calorimetry and membrane leakage assays. Our results indicate that the SP-A/SP-BN complex alters the ultrastructure of K. pneumoniae by binding to lipopolysaccharide molecules present in the outer membrane, forming packing defects in the membrane that may favor the translocation of both proteins to the periplasmic space. The SP-A/SP-BN complex depolarized and permeabilized the inner membrane, perhaps through the induction of toroidal pores. We conclude that the synergistic antimicrobial activity of SP-A/SP-BN is based on the capability of this complex, but not either protein alone, to alter the integrity of bacterial membranes.
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    Lipid–protein and protein–protein interactions in the pulmonary surfactant system and their role in lung homeostasis
    (International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2020) Cañadas Benito, Olga; Olmeda Lozano, Bárbara; Alonso Eugenio, Alejandro; Pérez-Gil, Jesús
    Pulmonary surfactant is a lipid/protein complex synthesized by the alveolar epithelium and secreted into the airspaces, where it coats and protects the large respiratory air–liquid interface. Surfactant, assembled as a complex network of membranous structures, integrates elements in charge of reducing surface tension to a minimum along the breathing cycle, thus maintaining a large surface open to gas exchange and also protecting the lung and the body from the entrance of a myriad of potentially pathogenic entities. Different molecules in the surfactant establish a multivalent crosstalk with the epithelium, the immune system and the lung microbiota, constituting a crucial platform to sustain homeostasis, under health and disease. This review summarizes some of the most important molecules and interactions within lung surfactant and how multiple lipid–protein and protein–protein interactions contribute to the proper maintenance of an operative respiratory surface.
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    Project number: 306
    La comunidad del anillo IGGIA: construyendo redes de mentoría en Ingeniería Genética mediante gamificación, internacionalización y accesibilidad
    (2022) Sánchez Torralba, Antonio; Benítez Prian, Mario; Blázquez Ortiz, Cristina; Bruñén Alfaro, Francisco; Cañadas Benito, Olga; García de la Camacha Selgas, Nuria; García-Fojeda García-Valdecasas, Belén; González Miranda, David; Guevara Acosta, Govinda; López Conejo, María Teresa; Lorente Pérez, María del Mar; Mateo Mendoza, Jorge Mario; Nogués Vera, Laura; Raisman, Andrea; Ranz Valdecasa, María Regina; Ruiz Ortega, Marta; Sánchez-Escalonilla Relea, Jose Luis; Sánchez Velasco, Teresa; Toledo Marcos, Juan; Velasco Díez, Guillermo; Navarro Llorens, Juana María
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    Project number: 163
    The Phantom Menace: Cómo salvar el mundo de una pandemia mediante Ingeniería Genética cooperativa
    (2021) Navarro LLorens, Juana María; Baldanta Callejo, Sara; Bénitez Prian, Mario; Blázquez Ortiz, Cristina; Bruñen Alfaro, Francisco; Cañadas Benito, Olga; Chinarro Sánchez, Adrián; García de la Camacha Selgas, Nuria; García-Fojeda García-Valdecasas, María Belén; Guevara Acosta, Flor Govinda; Leaño Hinojosa, Ariana; López Conejo, Maria Teresa; Lorente Pérez, Maria del Mar; Nogués Vera, Laura; Penalba Iglesias, Diana; Raisman, Andrea; Ranz Valdecasa, Maria Regina; Ruiz Ortega, Marta; Sánchez-Escalonilla Relea, Jose luis; Velasco Díez, Guillermo; Sánchez Torralba, Antonio
    El año pasado se llevó a cabo un proyecto de innovación (PIMCD-2019 174) basado en el modelo pedagógico de la clase invertida o “Flipped Classroom” y en el juego de mesa PANDEMIC (ASMODEE IBÉRICA). Brevemente, este proyecto consistió en una propuesta didáctica sobre los contenidos de FIGG en el que tomando como partida un entorno lúdico, los alumnos de FIGG en equipos preparaban contenidos y reforzaban conocimientos adquiridos en clase. Para llevarlo a cabo, a los alumnos se les planteaba una hipotética situación en la que cuatro enfermedades mortales aparecen en la tierra. Los alumnos divididos en equipos de 5 personas, deben cooperar desarrollando una serie de acciones que les permitan ir conociendo a qué patógeno se enfrentan y desarrollar herramientas que les permita controlar la epidemia dentro de un tiempo dado. Así cada equipo debe frenar el avance de las infecciones y a la vez encontrar una cura para la misma. Curiosamente, todo este escenario fue planteado antes de que la crisis del COVID-19 impactara en nuestra sociedad. En cualquier caso, la situación vivida en los últimos meses ha motivado a los estudiantes de FIGG por lo que en su mayor parte han participado en su desarrollo de manera entusiasta. En este nuevo proyecto, hemos tomado como base el proyecto del curso pasado, pero introduciendo algunos elementos innovadores. Entre estas innovaciones destaca la incorporación de dos alumnos por grupo de FIGG que ya lo hubieran realizado en la edición pasada por cada uno de los grupos de FIGG como mentores.
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    Pulmonary surfactant inactivation by β-D-glucan and protective role of surfactant protein A
    (Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2022) Cañadas Benito, Olga; Sáenz Martínez, Alejandra; Lorenzo Avilés, Alba de; Casals Carro, Cristina
    Pulmonary fungal infections lead to damage of the endogenous lung surfactant system. However, the molecular mechanism underlying surfactant inhibition is unknown. β-D-glucan is the major component of pathogenic fungal cell walls and is also present in organic dust, which increases the risk of respiratory diseases. The objective of this study was to characterize the interaction of this D-glucopyranose polymer with pulmonary surfactant. Our results show that β-D-glucan induced a concentration-dependent inhibition of the surface adsorption, respreading, and surface tension-lowering activity of surfactant preparations containing surfactant proteins SP-B and SP-C. Our data support a new mechanism of surfactant inhibition that consists in the extraction of phospholipid molecules from surfactant membranes by β-D-glucan. As a result, surfactant membranes became more fluid, as demonstrated by fluorescence anisotropy, and showed decreased Tm and transition enthalpy. Surfactant preparations containing surfactant protein A (SP-A) were more resistant to β-D-glucan inhibition. SP-A bound to different β-D-glucans with high affinity (Kd = 1.5 ± 0.1 nM), preventing and reverting β-D-glucan inhibitory effects on surfactant interfacial adsorption and partially abrogating β-D-glucan inhibitory effects on surfactant’s reduction of surface tension. We conclude that β-D-glucan inhibits the biophysical function of surfactant preparations lacking SP-A by subtraction of phospholipids from surfactant bilayers and monolayers. The increased resistance of SP-A-containing surfactant preparations to β-D-glucan reinforces its use in surfactant replacement therapy.
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    Targeting of key pathogenic factors from gram-positive bacteria by the soluble ectodomain of the scavenger-like lymphocyte receptor CD6
    (The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2014) Martínez-Florensa, Mario; Consuegra-Fernández, Marta; Martínez, Vanessa G.; Cañadas Benito, Olga; Armiger-Borràs, Noelia; Bonet-Roselló, Lizette; Farrán, Aina; Vila, Jordi; Casals Carro, María Cristina; Lozano, Francisco
    Gram-positive bacteria cause a broad spectrum of infection-related diseases in both immunocompetent and immunocompromised hosts, ranging from localized infections to severe systemic conditions such as septic and toxic shock syndromes. This situation has been aggravated by the recent emergence of multidrug-resistant strains, thus stressing the need for alternative therapeutic approaches. One such possibility would be modulating the host's immune response. Herein, the potential use of a soluble form of the scavenger-like human lymphocyte receptor CD6 (shCD6) belonging to an ancient family of innate immune receptors has been evaluated. shCD6 can bind to a broad spectrum of gram-positive bacteria thanks to the recognition of highly conserved cell wall components (lipoteichoic acid [LTA] and peptidoglycan [PGN]), which are essential for their viability and pathogenicity and are not amenable to antibiotic resistance. shCD6 has in vitro inhibitory effects on both bacterial growth and Toll-like receptor-mediated inflammatory response induced by LTA plus PGN. In vivo infusion of shCD6 improves survival on mouse models of septic shock by Staphylococcus aureus (either multidrug-resistant or -sensitive) or their endotoxins (LTA + PGN) or exotoxins (TSST-1). These results support the use of shCD6 and/or other scavenger-like immune receptors in the treatment of severe gram-positive-induced infectious conditions.