Cañadas Benito, Olga

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Cañadas Benito
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Biológicas
Bioquímica y Biología Molecular
Bioquímica y Biología Molecular
UCM identifierORCIDScopus Author IDWeb of Science ResearcherIDDialnet ID

Search Results

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    Delayed alveolar clearance of nanoparticles through control of coating composition and interaction with lung surfactant protein A
    (Materials Science & Engineering C, 2021) Carregal Romero, Susana; Groult, Hugo; Cañadas Benito, Olga; A-Gonzalez, Noelia; Lechuga Vieco, Ana Victoria; García Fojeda, Belén; Herranz, Fernando; Pellico, Juan; Hidalgo, Andrés; Casals, Cristina; Ruiz Cabello, Jesús
    The coating composition of nanomedicines is one of the main features in determining the medicines' fate, clearance, and immunoresponse in the body. To highlight the coatings' impact in pulmonary administration, two micellar superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPION) were compared. These nanoparticles are similar in size and charge but have different coatings: either phosphatidylcholine (PC-SPION) or bovine serum albumin (BSA-SPION). The aim of the study was to increase the understanding of the nano-bio interaction with the cellular and non-cellular components of the lung and underline valuable coatings either for local lung-targeted drug delivery in theranostic application or patient-friendly route systemic administration. PC-SPION and BSA-SPION were deposited in the alveoli by in vivo instillation and, despite the complexity of imaging the lung, SPION were macroscopically visualized by MRI. Impressively, PC-SPION were retained within the lungs for at least a week, while BSA-SPION were cleared more rapidly. The different lung residence times were confirmed by histological analysis and supported by a flow cytometry analysis of the SPION interactions with different myeloid cell populations. To further comprehend the way in which these nanoformulations interact with lung components at the molecular level, we used fluorescence spectroscopy, turbidity measurements, and dynamic light scattering to evaluate the interactions of the two SPION with surfactant protein A (SP-A), a key protein in setting up the nanoparticle behavior in the alveolar fluid. We found that SP-A induced aggregation of PC-SPION, but not BSA-SPION, which likely caused PC-SPION retention in the lung without inducing inflammation. In conclusion, the two SPION show different outcomes from interaction with SP-A leading to distinctive fate in the lung. PC-SPION hold great promise as imaging and theranostic agents when prolonged pulmonary drug delivery is required.
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    Insights into the mechanisms of interaction between inhalable lipid-polymer hybrid nanoparticles and pulmonary surfactant
    (Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2022) Xu, You; Parra-Ortiz, Elisa; Wan, Feng; Cañadas Benito, Olga; García Álvarez, María Begoña; Thakur, Aneesh; Franzyk, Henrik; Pérez Gil, Jesús; Malmsten, Martin; Foged, Camilla
    Pulmonary delivery of small interfering RNA (siRNA) using nanoparticle-based delivery systems is promising for local treatment of respiratory diseases. We designed dry powder inhaler formulations of siRNA-loaded lipid-polymer hybrid nanoparticles (LPNs) with aerosolization properties optimized for inhalation therapy. Interactions between LPNs and pulmonary surfactant (PS) determine the fate of inhaled LPNs, but interaction mechanisms are unknown. Here we used surface-sensitive techniques to study how physicochemical properties and pathological microenvironments influence interactions between siRNA-loaded LPNs and supported PS layers. PS was deposited on SiO2 surfaces as single bilayer or multilayers and characterized using quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy with attenuated total reflection. Immobilization of PS as multilayers, resembling the structural PS organization in the alveolar subphase, effectively reduced the relative importance of interactions between PS and the underlying surface. However, the binding affinity between PS and LPNs was identical in the two models. The physicochemical LPN properties influenced the translocation pathways and retention time of LPNs. Membrane fluidity and electrostatic interactions were decisive for the interaction strength between LPNs and PS. Experimental conditions reflecting pathological microenvironments promoted LPN deposition. Hence, these results shed new light on design criteria for LPN transport through the air–blood barrier.