Manso Díaz, Gabriel

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Manso Díaz
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
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Medicina y Cirugía Animal
Medicina y Cirugía Animal
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Search Results

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    Magnetic resonance imaging characteristics of equine head disorders: 84 cases (2000–2013)
    (Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound, 2014) Manso Díaz, Gabriel; García Real, María Isabel; San Román Ascaso, Fidel; Dyson, Sue J.; Dennis, Ruth; García‐López, José M.; Biggi, Marianna; Taeymans, Olivier
    The equine head is an anatomically complex area, therefore advanced tomographic imaging techniques, such as computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), are often required for diagnosis and treatment planning. The purpose of this multicenter retrospective study was to describe MRI characteristics for a large sample of horses with head disorders. Horses imaged over a period of 13 years were recruited. Eighty-four horses met the inclusion criteria, having neurological (n = 65), sinonasal (n = 14), and soft tissue (n = 5) disorders. Magnetic resonance imaging accurately depicted the anatomy and allowed identification of the primary lesion and associated changes. There were good correlations between MRI findings and intraoperative or postmortem results. Magnetic resonance imaging showed the exact localization of the lesions, their size, and relation to surrounding structures. However, in the neurological group, there were 45 horses with no MRI abnormalities, 29 of which had a history of recurrent seizures, related to cryptogenic epilepsy. Magnetic resonance imaging was otherwise a valuable diagnostic tool, and can be used for studying a broad range of head disorders using either low-field or high-field magnets.
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    The role of head computed tomography in equine practice
    (Equine Veterinary Education, 2015) Manso Díaz, Gabriel; García-López, J.M.; Maranda, L.; Taeymans, O.
    This retrospective study describes the computed tomography (CT) findings in 59 horses presented with diseases of the head over 8 years that underwent CT examination of this region, including dental or sinonasal diseases (Group A) (n = 42), osseous and/or articular diseases (Group B) (n = 11) and soft tissue diseases (Group C) (n = 6). For Group A, radiographic and CT findings comparison was possible. Computed tomography had higher sensitivity (100%) and specificity (96.7%) than radiography in diagnosing dental disease. Compared to CT, radiographic identification of sinus involvement was less sensitive, particularly for ventral conchal and sphenopalatine sinuses and presented an overall sensitivity of 43.5 and 16.7%, respectively. In Group B CT allowed identification of a higher number of bone fragments and fractures in the maxillary, lacrimal, sphenoidal, temporal and zygomatic bones not identified radiographically. Accurate identification of CT changes in the temporomandibular joint and temporohyoid articulation was also possible. Group C included both intra- and extra-cranial disease, retrobulbar masses being the most representative pathology (n = 3). In this group, CT was considered the gold standard for detection of periorbital diseases. We conclude that CT is an imaging technique with high diagnostic value for evaluating the equine head, yielding additional information over multiple radiographic views, which may alter the outcome of the case. Additionally, this paper reports several conditions not previously described using CT.
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    Treatment Comparison for Medial Femoral Condyle Subchondral Cystic Lesions and Prognosis in Yearling Thoroughbred Racehorse Prospects
    (Animals, 2024) Pérez-Nogués, Marcos; Manso Díaz, Gabriel; Spirito, Michael; López San Román, Francisco Javier
    Subchondral cystic lesions (SCL) in the medial femoral condyle are a usual finding in Thoroughbred survey and auction repository radiographs. Several treatments with different outcomes have been studied over the years to improve soundness and racing prognosis. Our objective was to report the racing prognosis in Thoroughbred yearlings intended for racing that were diagnosed with SCL in the medial femoral condyle and were treated using four current and different techniques: intralesional injection of corticosteroids, SCL debridement through the joint with a drill bit, translesional cortical screw placement, and absorbable hydroxyapatite implant placement. Data from 182 Thoroughbred yearlings treated for SCL in the medial femoral condyle were collected from 2014 to 2020. Limb affected, age at surgery, sex, and radiographic measurements of the SCL were recorded. Auction price and racing performance were collected for treated horses and compared to 154 maternal siblings free of medial femoral condyle SCL. Analyses were conducted to assess if racing prognosis was affected by SCL size, to detect differences in auction price and selected flat racing outcome parameters between cases and controls, and to compare racing prognosis between the studied treatments. Mares and lesions located in the right stifle were significantly overrepresented. The auction price of treated horses was significantly lower than that of their siblings. Horses treated for SCL had significantly lower chances to start in a race than controls (59% vs. 74% respectively). Wider SCL negatively affected the chances to start at least in one race, and negatively affected the earnings made in the 2-year-olds’ racing year. Horses with SCL treated using a bioabsorbable implant had a significantly higher median in starts as 3-year-olds (seven starts) than horses that had the SCL debrided with a drill bit (three starts). In conclusion, Thoroughbred yearlings treated for a medial femoral condyle SCL had lower auction prices and decreased ability to start a race compared to siblings’ wider cysts had worse prognosis to start a race and might affect earnings as 2-year-olds; and horses treated with bioabsorbable composite implant placement had more starts as 3-year-olds than with other techniques.
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    Accelerometric Evaluation of the Locomotor Pattern After Administration of Morphine in Conscious Healthy Horses
    (Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 2021) López San Román, Francisco Javier; Freilich, Montes; Gómez-Cisneros, David; Varela Del Arco, Marta; Santiago, Isabel; Manso Díaz, Gabriel
    The objective of the present study was to compare, using accelerometry, the gait changes produced after administration of a dose of 0.2 mg/kg of morphine at the walk in healthy horses. Six mature horses were used, and all animals received two different treatments with, at least, two weeks interval in between. Treatments administered consisted of a single dose of 10 ml of saline solution or a total of 0.2 mg/kg of morphine diluted in 10 ml of saline solution. A three-dimensional accelerometric device was used to collect data continuously while horses were walking. The walking test was performed 10 min prior to injection, and then at 5, 10, 15 and 20 min after injection and then every 10 min for 3 h. Eight variables were calculated including stride kinematic, coordination and energetic parameters. Additionally, the force of acceleration and three components of the power were calculated. Significant interaction was only observed for stride length, propulsion power and the propulsive part of the total power with a reduction in values after morphine administration. Compared to baseline values, stride length values were significantly reduced for 80 min and again 110 min after injection of the opioid and at 5, 15, 20, 30 and 40 min in the case of propulsion power values. For the propulsion component of power, these differences were observed for 20 min when compared to baseline values. The administration of 0.2 mg/kg of morphine to conscious healthy horses produces limited effects on the gait pattern of horses and the effects on locomotor activity are minimal at this dose, not being an important concern for the administration of analgesia in a clinical setting.
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    Visualization of anatomical structures in the fetlock region of the horse using cone beam computed tomography in comparison with conventional multidetector computed tomography
    (Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 2024) Bierau, Jonathan; Cruz, Antonio M.; Koch, Christoph; Manso Díaz, Gabriel; Büttner, Kathrin; Staszyk, Carsten; Röcken, Michael
    Introduction: Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) is regarded as a convenient and suitable alternative to conventional computed tomography. However, in the horse, the quality of obtained data sets needs to be evaluated. Therefore, the aim of this study was to compare the visibility and accessibility of clinically relevant anatomical structures displayed in CBCT and conventional multidetector computed tomography (MDCT). Materials and methods: Twenty-nine limbs from horses euthanized for reasons unrelated to this study were used. Native and intraarticular contrast scans of the fetlock (CBCT vs. MDCT) were performed. The visibility and accessibility of selected anatomical structures were blindly scored by three independent experienced observers using a scoring system previously reported and adapted to the fetlock joint. Results: Only minor differences between CBCT and MDCT were identified concerning the diagnostic quality of images for osseous structures. Soft tissue structures were better evaluated on MDCT images. In CBCT as well as in MDCT articular cartilage could only be visualized after intraarticular injection of contrast medium. Discussion/conclusion: Cone beam computed tomography of the fetlock is a useful and reliable diagnostic tool when evaluating osseous structures and delineating articular cartilage with contrast medium. However, this modality is limited for assessing soft tissues structures.