Blázquez Salcedo, José Luis

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First Name
José Luis
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Blázquez Salcedo
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Físicas
Física Teórica
Física Teórica
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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 4 of 4
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    Remarks on the Taub-NUT solution in Chern–Simons modified gravity
    (Physics letters B, 2017) Blázquez Salcedo, José Luis; Kunz, Jutta; Navarro Lérida, Francisco; Radu, Eugen
    We construct a generalization of the AdS charged rotating black holes with two equal magnitude angular momenta in five-dimensional minimal gauged supergravity. In addition to the mass, electric charge and angular momentum, the new solutions possess an extra-parameter associated with a non-zero magnitude of the magnetic potential at infinity. In contrast with the known cases, these new black holes possess a non-trivial zero-horizon size limit which describes a one parameter family of spinning charged solitons. All configurations reported in this work approach asymptotically an AdS(5) spacetime in global coordinates and are free of pathologies.
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    Static Einstein-Maxwell magnetic solitons and black holes in an odd dimensional AdS spacetime
    (Entropy, 2016) Blázquez Salcedo, José Luis; Kunz, Jutta; Navarro Lérida, Francisco; Radu, Eugen
    We construct a new class of Einstein-Maxwell static solutions with a magnetic field in D-dimensions (with D >= 5 an odd number), approaching at infinity a globally Anti-de Sitter (AdS) spacetime. In addition to the mass, the new solutions possess an extra-parameter associated with a non-zero magnitude of the magnetic potential at infinity. Some of the black holes possess a non-trivial zero-horizon size limit, which corresponds to a solitonic deformation of the AdS background.
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    Charged rotating black holes in Einstein-Maxwell-Chern-Simons theory with a negative cosmological constant
    (Physical review D, 2017) Blázquez Salcedo, José Luis; Kunz, Jutta; Navarro Lérida, Francisco; Radu, Eugen
    We consider rotating black hole solutions in five-dimensional Einstein-Maxwell-Chern-Simons theory with a negative cosmological constant and a generic value of the Chern-Simons coupling constant.. Using both analytical and numerical techniques, we focus on cohomogeneity-1 configurations, with two equal-magnitude angular momenta, which approach at infinity a globally anti-de Sitter background. We find that the generic solutions share a number of basic properties with the known Cvetic, Lu, and Pope black holes which have lambda = 1. New features occur as well; for example, when the Chern-Simons coupling constant exceeds a critical value, the solutions are no longer uniquely determined by their global charges. Moreover, the black holes possess radial excitations which can be labelled by the node number of the magnetic gauge potential function. Solutions with small values of. possess other distinct features. For instance, the extremal black holes there form two disconnected branches, while not all near-horizon solutions are associated with global solutions.
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    Axial quasinormal modes of Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet-dilaton neutron stars
    (Physical review D, 2016) Blázquez Salcedo, José Luis; González Romero, Luis Manuel; Kunz, Jutta; Mojica, Sindy; Navarro Lérida, Francisco
    We investigate axial quasinormal modes of realistic neutron stars in Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet-dilaton gravity. We consider eight realistic equations of state containing nuclear, hyperonic, and hybrid matter. We focus on the fundamental curvature mode and compare the results with those of pure Einstein theory. We observe that the frequency of the modes is increased by the presence of the Gauss-Bonnet-dilaton, while the impact on the damping time is typically smaller. Interestingly, we obtain that universal relations valid in pure Einstein theory still hold for Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet-dilaton gravity, and we propose a method to use these phenomenological relations to constrain the value of the Gauss-Bonnet coupling.