Pinelli, Alfredo

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Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Matemáticas
Matemática Aplicada
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    Immersed boundary method for generalised finite volume and finite difference Navier-Stokes solvers
    (ASME 2010 3rd Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting collocated with 8th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels ASME 2010 3rd Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting, 2010) Pinelli, Alfredo; Naqavi, I.Z.; Piomelli, U.
    In Immersed Boundary Methods (IBM) the effect of complex geometries is introduced through the forces added in the Navier-Stokes solver at the grid points in the vicinity of the immersed boundaries. Most of the methods in the literature have been used with Cartesian grids. Moreover many of the methods developed in the literature do not satisfy some basic conservation properties (the conservation of torque, for instance) on non-uniform meshes. In this paper we will follow the RKPM method originated by Liu et al. [1] to build locally regularized functions that verify a number of integral conditions. These local approximants will be used both for interpolating the velocity field and for spreading the singular force field in the framework of a pressure correction scheme for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. We will also demonstrate the robustness and effectiveness of the scheme through various examples.
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    Reynolds number dependence of mean flow structure in square duct turbulence - CORRIGENDUM
    (Journal of fluid mechanics, 2010) Pinelli, Alfredo; Uhlmann, Markus; Sekimoto, Atshushi; Kawahara, Genta
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    Turbulence-and buoyancy-driven secondary flow in a horizontal square duct heated from below
    (Physics of fluids, 2011) Sekimoto, Atshushi; Kawahara, Genta; Sekiyama, K.; Uhlmann, Markus; Pinelli, Alfredo
    Direct numerical simulations of fully developed turbulent flows in a horizontal square duct heated from below are performed at bulk Reynolds numbers Re(b) = 3000 and 4400 (based on duct width H) and bulk Richardson numbers 0 <= Ri <= 1.03. The primary objective of the numerical simulations concerns the characterization of the mean secondary flow that develops in this class of flows. On one hand, it is known that turbulent isothermal flow in a square duct presents secondary mean motions of Prandtl's second kind that finds its origin in the behavior of turbulence structures. On the other hand, thermal convection drives a mean secondary motion of Prandtl's first kind directly induced by buoyancy. As far as the mean structure of the cross-stream motion is concerned, it is found that different types of secondary flow regimes take place when increasing the value of the Richardson number. The mean secondary flow in the range 0.025 less than or similar to Ri less than or similar to 0.25 is characterized by a single large-scale thermal convection roll and four turbulence-driven corner vortices of the opposite sense of rotation to the roll, as contrasted with the classical scenario of the eight-vortex secondary flow pattern typical of isothermal turbulent square-duct flow. This remarkable structural difference in the corner regions can be interpreted in terms of combined effects, on instantaneous streamwise vortices, of the large-scale circulation and of the geometrical constraint by the duct corner. When further increasing the Richardson number, i.e., Ri greater than or similar to 0.25, the structure of the mean secondary flow is solely determined by the large-scale circulation induced by the buoyancy force. In this regime, the additional mean cross-stream motion is characterized by the presence of two distinct buoyancy-driven vortices of opposite sense of rotation to the circulation only in two of the four corner regions. With increasing Ri, the large-scale circulation is found to enhance the wall skin friction and heat transfer. In the significant-buoyancy regime Ri greater than or similar to 0.25, the mean cross-stream motion and its rms fluctuations are found to scale, respectively, with the buoyancy-induced velocity u(g)=root g beta Delta TH (g, beta, and Delta T being the gravity acceleration, the volumetric coefficient of thermal expansion, and the temperature difference across the duct, respectively) and with the mixed velocity scale root(nu/H)u(g) (nu being the kinematic viscosity). It is suggested that the probable scalings for the rms of streamwise velocity component and of temperature fluctuation are related with the friction velocity u(tau) and friction temperature T(tau) according to the magnitudes u(tau)(2)/ and T(tau)u(tau)/root(nu/H)u(g), respectively.
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    Reynolds number dependence of mean flow structure in square duct turbulence
    (Journal of fluid mechanics, 2010) Pinelli, Alfredo; Uhlmann, Markus; Sekimoto, Atshushi; Kawahara, Genta
    We have performed direct numerical simulations of turbulent flows in a square duct considering a range of Reynolds numbers spanning from a marginal state up to fully developed turbulent states at low Reynolds numbers. The main motivation stems from the relatively poor knowledge about the basic physical mechanisms that are responsible for one of the most outstanding features of this class of turbulent flows: Prandtl's secondary motion of the second kind. In particular, the focus is upon the role of flow structures in its generation and characterization when increasing the Reynolds number. We present a two-fold scenario. On the one hand, buffer layer structures determine the distribution of mean streamwise vorticity. On the other hand, the shape and the quantitative character of the mean secondary flow, defined through the mean cross-stream function, are influenced by motions taking place at larger scales. It is shown that high velocity streaks are preferentially located in the corner region (e.g. less than 50 wall units apart from a sidewall), flanked by low velocity ones. These locations are determined by the positioning of quasi-streamwise vortices with a preferential sign of rotation in agreement with the above described velocity streaks' positions. This preferential arrangement of the classical buffer layer structures determines the pattern of the mean streamwise vorticity that approaches the corners with increasing Reynolds number. On the other hand, the centre of the mean secondary flow, defined as the position of the extrema of the mean cross-stream function (computed using the mean streamwise vorticity), remains at a constant location departing from the mean streamwise vorticity field for larger Reynolds numbers, i.e. it scales in outer units. This paper also presents a detailed validation of the numerical technique including a comparison of the numerical results with data obtained from a companion experiment.
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    Direct numerical simulation of vertical particulate channel flow in the turbulent regime
    (Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion, 2010) Uhlmann, Markus; Pinelli, Alfredo
    We have conducted a DNS study of dilute turbulent particulate flow in a vertical plane channel, considering up to 8192 finite-size rigid particles with numerically resolved phase interfaces. The particle diameter corresponds to approximately 9 wall units and their terminal Reynolds number is set to 136. The fluid flow with bulk Reynolds number 2700 is directed upward, which maintains the particles suspended upon average. Two different density ratios were simulated, varying by a factor of 4.5. The corresponding Stokes numbers of the two particles were O(10) in the near-wall region and O(1) in the outer flow. We have observed the formation of large-scale elongated streak-like structures with streamwise dimensions of the order of 8 channel half-widths and cross-stream dimensions of the order of one half-width. At the same time, we have found no evidence of significant formation of particle clusters, which suggests that the large structures are due to an mtxinsic instability of the flow, triggered by the presence of the particles. It was found that the mean flow velocity profile tends towards a concave shape, and the turbulence intensity as well as the normal stress anisotropy are strongly increased. The effect of varying the Stokes number while keeping the buoyancy, particle size and volume fraction constant was relatively weak. More details about part of this work can be found in (2008).
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    Interaction of multiple flapping filaments for cylinder wake modification using the Lattice Boltzmann Method
    (ICCFD7 : International Conference On Computational Fluid Dynamics, July 9-13, 2012, Mauna Lani Bay Hotel, Island of Hawaii, 2012) Revell, A.; Favier, J.; Pinelli, Alfredo
    This paper introduces the recent work undertaken on the development of a code based on the combination of the Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM) with a recent version of the Immersed Boundary Method (IBM). The code is first validated against existing results, before being applied to investigate the different modes of flapping behaviour for single and multiple filaments at various separation distances. The work proceeds to investigate the cylinder wake modification for moderate Reynolds number when groups of said filaments are attached to the ley-side of a circular cylinder.
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    Control of the separated flow around an airfoil using a wavy leading edge inspired by humpback whale flippers
    (Comptes rendus. Mécanique, 2012) Favier, J.; Pinelli, Alfredo; Piomelli, U.
    The influence of spanwise geometrical undulations of the leading edge of an infinite wing is investigated numerically at low Reynolds number, in the context of passive separation control and focusing on the physical mechanisms involved. Inspired by the tubercles of the humpback whale flippers, the wavy leading edge is modeled using a spanwise sinusoidal function whose amplitude and wavelength constitute the parameters of control. A direct numerical simulation is performed on a NACA0020 wing profile in a deep stall configuration (α=20°), with and without the presence of the leading edge waviness. The complex solid boundaries obtained by varying the sinusoidal shape of the leading edge are modeled using an immersed boundary method (IBM) recently developed by the authors [Pinelli et al., J. Comput. Phys. 229 (2010) 9073–9091]. A particular set of wave parameters is found to change drastically the topology of the separated zone, which becomes dominated by streamwise vortices generated from the sides of the leading edge bumps. A physical analysis is carried out to explain the mechanism leading to the generation of these coherent vortical structures. The role they play in the control of boundary layer separation is also investigated, in the context of the modifications of the hydrodynamic performances which have been put forward in the literature in the last decade.