Bezos Garrido, Javier

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Bezos Garrido
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
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Sanidad Animal
Sanidad Animal
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    Evaluation of a new enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the diagnosis of tuberculosis in goat milk
    (Research in Veterinary Science, 2020) Roy, A.; Infantes-Lorenzo, J.A.; Dominguez, M.; Moreno, I.; Pérez Sancho, Marta; García Benzaquén, Nerea; García-Seco Romero, María Teresa; Álvarez Sánchez, Julio; Romero Martínez, Beatriz; Gortázar, C.; Juan Ferré, Lucía De; Domínguez Rodríguez, Lucas José; Bezos Garrido, Javier
    Caprine tuberculosis (TB) is a zoonosis with sanitary and economic repercussions. Caprine TB control programs are based on a test and cull strategy using the intradermal tuberculin tests and slaughterhouse surveillance. However, this approach is not always feasible and may have a limited sensitivity under specific circumstances. In this study, performance of a new experimental test based on the P22 protein complex (P22 ELISA) was evaluated in two TB-infected herds using milk and serum samples and compared with cell-based diagnostic tests. Samples from a low (n = 62, herd 1) and a high (n = 52, herd 2) TB prevalence herd were selected. Moreover, bulk tank milk samples from both herds were analysed using the P22 ELISA. At the end of the study, a group of animals (n = 21) was euthanized and subjected to post-mortem analysis and bacteriological culture. Significant differences (p < .001) on the qualitative and quantitative (ODs) results were observed between herds using both serum and milk samples in the P22 ELISA. The correlation observed in the quantitative results obtained in serum and milk samples was very strong in animals from flock 2 (rs = 0.91) and moderate in animals from flock 1 (rs = 0.46). Among the slaughtered animals, the P22 ELISA detected a higher proportion of lesion-culture positive animals than cell-based diagnostic tests (61.9 and 66.7% using milk and serum samples, respectively). The P22 ELISA using milk samples demonstrated a similar sensitivity compared with serum samples, suggesting it might be a valuable test for TB control in dairy goats.
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    Tuberculosis in domestic ruminants: towards eradication of zoonotic tuberculosis
    (Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 2024) Boschiroli, Laura; Salguero, Francisco Javier; Jones, Gareth; Bezos Garrido, Javier
    Tuberculosis (TB) is a zoonosis with a significant impact on human and animal health and it remains endemic in many countries around the world. Most cases of human TB are caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, whilst TB in wildlife and domestic ruminants is mainly caused by animal adapted mycobacterial species such as M. bovis and M. caprae. However, the impact of zoonotic TB (zTB) has been known for a long time and resulted in the implementation of milk pasteurization as a preventive public health measure in many countries. According to data published by the WHO, more than 140,000 people are infected and more than 12,000 die every year due to zTB, particularly in the African and Southeast Asian regions. Zoonotic M. bovis transmission represents 0.4% of all cases in the EU, although this may be underestimated, as it is not always possible to confirm the TB species involved, or conduct appropriate epidemiological investigations. Livestock TB control programs were originally implemented to reduce zTB. Successes in controlling infections in livestock, together with measures to control animal products with suspected infection have contributed to lowering the annual incidence of cases of zTB in high-income countries. The incidence tends to be higher in countries where animal and public health resources are inadequate to manage costly bovine TB control programs. TB eradication is difficult to achieve mainly due to: (I) limited knowledge of the complex immunological response against the infection, (II) complex epidemiology, including several domestic and wildlife reservoirs, (III) the absence of an effective vaccine, (IV) a limited performance of the current diagnostic tests, and (V) societal aspects. Therefore, there is a need to continue working on these fields of TB research. In this Research Topic, different aspects of the epidemiology, diagnosis and control of TB in wildlife and domestic ruminants have been addressed to increase the knowledge about this important zoonotic disease. This will contribute to TB eradication in domestic ruminants, which also represents an important step to reduce the zTB.
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    Intradermal Tuberculin Test in Water Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis): Experimental use of Mycobacterial Antigens for the Diagnosis of Bovine Tuberculosis
    (Journal of Buffalo Science, 2024) Martucciello, Alessandra; Mazzone, Piera; Napolitano, Francesco; Bezos Garrido, Javier; Grandoni, Francesco; Boniotti, Maria Beatrice; Cagiola, Monica; Cappelli, Giovanna; Di Vuolo, Gabriele; Galiero, Giorgio; Signorelli, Federica; De Carlo, Esterina
    The study aims to evaluate the potential use of mycobacterial ESAT6 and CFP10 antigens, Early Secretory Proteins (ESP) in the Skin Test used for bovine tuberculosis (TB) diagnosis in Water Buffalo. A pilot study was performed on 21 buffaloes from a TB outbreak and 11 buffaloes from a TB-free herd. Three concentrations of ESAT6-CFP10 (10, 20, and 30 mg) and two of ESP (50 and 100 µg) were inoculated in the Skin Test, along with PPDB, PPDA, and PBS as a negative control. Skin thickness was measured with calipers before the test and every 24 hours for 4 days. Then, to evaluate the specificity of the antigens, a field study was conducted, and 100 buffaloes from a TB-free herd were inoculated using the best antigens concentration derived from the pilot study. In the positive buffaloes, the strongest skin response was to PPDB at 24h, with some subjects becoming inconclusive at 72 and 96 h. A peak response to PPDA at 48 hours was detected, followed by a slight decrease. The response to ESP-100 µg remained high at 24 and 48 h, then decreased, remaining positive at 72 h. In the 100 TB-free buffaloes, the best specificity was observed using ESAT6-CFP10 and ESP. ESP yielded the best results, showing higher reactivity in infected animals and no reactivity in the healthy ones at 72 h. Therefore, ESP could be an excellent candidate for further extensive studies in the buffalo species to improve Skin Test performance.
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    MicroMundo: una aproximación a la perspectiva One Health de Salud Global mediante Aprendizaje-Servicio integrando diversos niveles educativos
    (2022) González Zorn, Bruno; Román González, Elvira; Molina Martín, María; Martín Brieva, Humberto; Escudero García-Calderón, José Antonio; Rodríguez Fernández, Carmina; Bezos Garrido, Javier; Álvarez Sánchez, Julio; Pérez Sancho, Marta; Amaro Torres, Francisco; Jiménez Cid, Víctor; Suárez Rodríguez, Mónica; Patiño Álvarez, Aurora Belén; Calvo De Pablo, Pilar; Fernández-Acero Bascones, Teresa; Pavón Verges, Mónica; Sanz Santamaría, Ana Belén; Díaz Del Toro, Silvia; González Rubio, Gema; Vázquez Estévez, María Covadonga Inmaculada; Gil Serna, Jessica; Jiménez Gutiérrez, Elena; Del Val Oriza, Elba; Valentí Sanguino, Marta; Sellers Moya, Ángela; Sastre Vergara, Lucía
    MicroMundo es la adaptación a Aprendizaje-Servicio (ApS) de la estrategia de crowdsourcing y ciencia ciudadana internacional Tiny Earth. Su objetivo de servicio esencial es acercar la cultura científica, la perspectiva One Health y la investigación biomédica a la sociedad, poniendo el foco en jóvenes estudiantes para fomentar la vocación por formación en Grados STEM y por la investigación. La pandemia de COVID-19 y sus consecuencias han puesto de manifiesto la urgencia de acercar la cultura científica en el ámbito de la Biomedicina y la Salud Pública a la sociedad e implicar en esta tarea a nuestros estudiantes. Pero también la pandemia ha impuesto cambios en nuestro esquema de trabajo durante este curso, lo que nos ha obligado a trabajar on-line en lugar de llevar a cabo las características actividades experimentales de aprendizaje activo en las que se fundamenta el proyecto en condiciones normales. Manteniendo los mismos objetivos, las intervenciones en los 20 Colegios e Institutos en los que hemos realizado el proyecto se han enfocado en la elaboración de materiales divulgativos e intervenciones en la comunidad por parte de los jóvenes estudiantes, de manera coordinada por nuestros estudiantes universitarios y la organización de un Simposio on-line de ámbito nacional donde se expusieron y compartieron las diversas iniciativas. La elevada participación en el Simposio, de inscripción gratuita (más de 500 inscritos) y la calidad de las 69 ponencias propuestas, la mayoría de manera conjunta por alumnos de instituto y universitarios, avala el enorme éxito de la iniciativa virtual y la consecución de objetivos. El material generado (videojuegos, entornos educativos virtuales, paisajes de aprendizaje, escape rooms, videos, campañas en Instagram o Tik Tok, blogs, etc) será muy valioso como material de apoyo en sucesivas ediciones de MicroMundo. Todo este material se irá divulgando en el portal las redes sociales @EsMisionPosible, gestionados por el proyecto. En resumen, consideramos que nuestro proyecto que implica tanto a estudiantes y profesores de centros educativos de Educación Secundaria y Bachillerato en la CAM a, como a profesores y estudiantes universitarios de los ámbitos de Sanidad Humana, Animal y Medioambiental de manera transversal e interfacultativa, ha afrontado con éxito el reto de adaptar el proyecto a la situación epidemiológica, reforzándolo con actividades no presenciales orientadas a consolidar una comunidad MicroMundo virtual en la que los estudiantes pueden compartir sus experiencias en la divulgación del problema de la resistencia y el fomento de la investigación para el descubrimiento de nuevos antimicrobianos.
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    Factors affecting the performance of P22 ELISA for the diagnosis of caprine tuberculosis in milk samples
    (Research in Veterinary Science, 2022) Ortega Becerril, José Antonio; Infantes Lorenzo, José Antonio; Roy, A.; Juan Ferré, Lucía De; Romero Martínez, Beatriz; Moreno, I.; Domínguez, M.; Bezos Garrido, Javier; Domínguez Rodríguez, Lucas José
    Caprine tuberculosis (TB) is a zoonosis caused by members of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC). Caprine TB eradication programmes are based mainly on intradermal tuberculin tests and slaughterhouse surveillance. However, the use of serological test has been extended as a potential diagnostic tool in goats through the use of serum, plasma, or even milk samples. Milk production and the antibodies (Ab) present in milk can vary depending on several circumstances. In the present study, different factors that may affect the performance of humoral TB diagnosis were analysed using goat milk samples: 1) lactation stage, 2) a recent previous skin test (booster effect) and 3) the effect of freeze-thaw cycles on milk samples preserved with azidiol. TB-infected animals (n = 44) were selected to evaluate the evolution of the Ab levels during the 6-month lactation period, along with its potential effect on the P22 ELISA results. In general, no significant changes (p = 0.079) were observed throughout the study as regards Ab levels in milk samples between consecutive analysis although the reactivity to P22 ELISA decreased when samplings were performed at the last two months of the lactation. Regarding the booster effect, the quantitative results showed a significant variation (p < 0.001) for both milk and serum samples when serological tests were carried out 15 days after the skin test. Finally, there were no significant differences (p = 0.99) in the P22 ELISA results when using milk samples preserved with azidiol that had undergone freeze-thaw cycles.
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    MicroMundo: Ciencia Ciudadana para el descubrimiento y concienciación sobre el uso de antibióticos mediante Aprendizaje-Servicio
    (2020) Jiménez Cid, Víctor; Calvo De Pablo, Pilar; Román González, Elvira; Patiño Álvarez, Aurora Belén; González Zorn, Bruno; Gómez-Luz Centellés, María Luisa; Molina Martín, María; Martín Brieva, Humberto; Escudero García-Calderón, José Antonio; Pavón Verges, Mónica; Rodríguez Fernández, Carmina; Díaz Del Toro, Silvia; Rodríguez Escudero, María Isabel; Vázquez Estévez, María Covadonga Inmaculada; Bezos Garrido, Javier; Álvarez Sánchez, Julio; Amaro Torres, Francisco; Suárez Rodríguez, Mónica; Gil Serna, Jessica; Fernández-Acero Bascones, Teresa; Sanz Santamaría, Ana Belén; González Rubio, Gema; Jiménez Gutiérrez, Elena; Coronas Serna, Julia María; Valentí Sanguino, Marta; Del Val Oriza, Elba; Sellers Moya, Ángela; Gibello Prieto, Alicia; Arias López, Patricia; Sastre Vergara, Lucía
    MicroMundo es un proyecto de Ciencia Ciudadana basado en aprendizaje activo, en el que estudiantes de ESO y Bachillerato, objeto del servicio, coordinados por equipos de estudiantes universitarios, objeto del aprendizaje, desarrollan un proyecto de investigación real. El objetivo de la investigación es el aislamiento, a partir de microorganismos de muestras de suelo, de nuevas actividades antibióticas. Los objetivos de servicio son acercar cultura científica a la sociedad en Salud Global, con foco en el problema de la resistencia a antibióticos, actuando sobre la población más joven,al tiempo que se crean en ellos vocaciones STEM y curiosidad por la I+D en Biomedicina. Durante el curso 2019-20, 150 nuevos alumnos se han incorporado al proyecto interfacultativo en la UCM, trabajando en 26 centros educativos de la Comunidad de Madrid. El confinamiento por la situación pandémica ha reforzado el interés del proyecto, pero ha obligado a pasar el entorno on-line algunas de las actuaciones previstas. No obstante, los objetivos del proyecto se han alcanzado.
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    Evaluation of the Effect of a Recent Comparative Intradermal Tuberculin Test on the Humoral Diagnosis of Paratuberculosis Using Serum and Milk Samples from Goats
    (Veterinary Science, 2024) Velasco, Carlos; Ortega, Javier; Gómez-Buendía, Alberto; Grau, Anna; López, Marisol; Álvarez Sánchez, Julio; Romero Martínez, Beatriz; Juan Ferré, Lucía De; Bezos Garrido, Javier
    Paratuberculosis (PTB) and tuberculosis (TB) are two mycobacterial diseases with a severe economic and health impact on domestic ruminants. The ante mortem diagnosis of PTB is hampered, among other factors, by the limited sensitivity of all the available diagnostic techniques. Since TB-infected goats subjected to the comparative intradermal tuberculin test (CITT) may experience a booster effect on their antibody titer and a potential enhancement to the sensitivity of humoral techniques for tuberculosis, in the present study we aimed to evaluate this diagnostic strategy on the humoral diagnosis of PTB in serum and milk samples collected from a caprine herd that was TB free and PTB infected. The results from 120 goats indicated a significant increase (p < 0.001) in the quantitative response detected using an ELISA technique, conducted using serum and milk samples taken 15 and 30 days after performing a CITT (day 0 of the study); although, it did not translate into a significant increase in the number of reactors during any of the testing events (0, 3,15, 30 and 60 days post-CITT). Additionally, the number of ELISA-positive animals was higher for the serum versus the milk samples at both 15 and 30 days post-CITT. The increase in the quantitative ELISA result suggested a diagnostic strategy that maximizes ELISA sensitivity, mainly using serum samples, in PTB-infected herds; although, it may depend on individual differences and the interpretation criteria.
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    Micromundo@ucm: investigación y concienciación contra la pandemia silenciosa de la resistencia a antibióticos
    (2022) Gómez Albarrán, Carolina; Amaro Torres, Francisco; Molina Martín, María; Jiménez Gutiérrez, Elena; Sellers Moya, Ángela; Gil Serna, Jessica; González Rubio, Gema; De Francisco Martínez, Patricia; Prieto Orzanco, Alicia María; González de Figueras, Carolina; Fernández-Acero Bascones, Teresa; Román González, Elvira; Calvo De Pablo, Pilar; Vázquez Estévez, María Covadonga Inmaculada; Rodríguez Fernández, Carmina; Sempere García, Julio; Domenech Lucas, Mirian; Serna Bernaldo, Carlos; Díaz Del Toro, Silvia; Patiño Álvarez, Aurora Belén; Blanco Torres, Paula; Valdés González, José Antonio; Rubio Lozano, Alba Victoria; Lavilla García, Beatriz; Del Val Oriza, Elba; Romero Martínez, Beatriz; Valentí Sanguino, Marta; López Montesino, Sara; Martínez López, Raquel María; Escudero García-Calderón, José Antonio; Sastre Vergara, Lucía; García Pastor, Lucía; Pérez Sancho, Marta; Kieffer, Nicolas; Bezos Garrido, Javier; Hipólito Carrillo de Albornoz, Alberto; Muñoz Atienza, Estefanía; Trigo da Roza, Filipa; Suárez Rodríguez, Mónica; García Bezanquen, Nerea; Marín Martínez, María; Vergara González, Ester; González Zorn, Bruno; Borrero Del Pino, Juan; Jiménez Cid, Víctor; Maestro García-Donas, María Beatriz
    Actualmente se estima que las resistencias antibióticas se cobran 1.270.000 vidas anualmente a nivel global. Es necesario contribuir desde multiples ángulos a preservar la efectividad de os antibióticos y descubrir nuevas etsrategias terapéuticas. MicroMundo es un proyecto de Aprendizaje-Servicio y Ciencia Ciudadana que pretende crear cultura científica y concienciación en cuestiones de Salud Global en los jóvenes. Se pretende que sean los más jóvenes, los estudiantes de ESO y Bachillerato, los responsables de la transmisión de ese conocimiento a la comunidad. Pero un segundo objetivo, no menos importante, es el de generar y potenciar vocaciones STEM e interés por el I+D en Biomedicina. Para conseguir estos objetivos, diversos equipos de estudiantes universitarios imparten y coordinan el proyecto en colegios e institutos de su comunidad, coordinados por sus tutores (profesores e investigadores del área de Microbiología de las Facultades de Farmacia, Medicina, Veterinaria y Biología, cubriendo los tres vértices del triángulo One Health: salud humana, animal y medioambiental). En la UCM, durante el curso 2021-22, treinta y dos equipos de han trabajado en unos treinta colegios e institutos, implicando a unos 600 estudiantes preuniversitarios en el trabajo experimental del proyecto.
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    Use of Whole-Genome Sequencing to Unravel the Genetic Diversity of a Prevalent Mycobacterium bovis Spoligotype in a Multi-Host Scenario in Spain
    (Frontiers in Microbiology, 2022) Pozo Piñol, Pilar; Lorente Leal, Víctor; Robbe-Austerman, Suelee; Hicks, Jessica; Stuber, Tod; Bezos Garrido, Javier; Juan Ferré, Lucía De; Sáez-Lorente, José Luis; Romero Martínez, Beatriz; Álvarez Sánchez, Julio
    Despite the efforts invested in the eradication of bovine tuberculosis in Spain, herd prevalence has remained constant in the country during the last 15 years (~1.5–1.9%) due to a combination of epidemiological factors impairing disease control, including between-species transmission. Here, our aim was to investigate the molecular diversity of Mycobacterium bovis isolates belonging to the highly prevalent SB0339 spoligotype in the cattle-wildlife interface in different regions of Spain using whole-genome sequencing (WGS). Genomic data of 136 M. bovis isolates recovered from different animal species (cattle, wild boar, fallow deer, and red deer) and locations between 2005 and 2018 were analyzed to investigate between- and within-species transmission, as well as within-herds. All sequenced isolates differed by 49–88 single nucleotide polymorphisms from their most recent common ancestor. Genetic heterogeneity was geographic rather than host species-specific, as isolates recovered from both cattle and wildlife from a given region were more closely related compared to isolates from the same species but geographically distant. In fact, a strong association between the geographic and the genetic distances separating pairs of M. bovis isolates was found, with a significantly stronger effect when cattle isolates were compared with wildlife or cattle-wildlife isolates in Spain. The same results were obtained in Madrid, the region with the largest number of sequenced isolates, but no differences depending on the host were observed. Within-herd genetic diversity was limited despite the considerable time elapsed between isolations. The detection of closely related strains in different hosts demonstrates the complex between-host transmission dynamics present in endemic areas in Spain. In conclusion, WGS results a valuable tool to track bTB infection at a high resolution and may contribute to achieve its eradication in Spain.
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    Effect of a recent intradermal test on the specificity of P22 ELISA for the diagnosis of caprine tuberculosis
    (Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 2024) Romero Martínez, Beatriz; Juan Ferré, Lucía De; Domínguez Rodríguez, Lucas José; Álvarez Sánchez, Julio; Bezos Garrido, Javier; Velasco, Carlos; Ortega, Javier; Domínguez, Mercedes; Ricón, Jaime; Moreno, Inmaculada
    Caprine tuberculosis (TB) is a zoonotic disease caused by members of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex. TB eradication programs in goats are based on the single and comparative intradermal tuberculin tests (SITT and CITT, respectively). Antibody-based diagnostic techniques have emerged as potential diagnostic tools for TB. P22 ELISA has been previously evaluated using samples collected after the intradermal tuberculin tests to maximize the sensitivity, a phenomenon known as booster effect. However, there is no information available on whether the use of this diagnostic strategy could lead to a decrease of its specificity (Sp). The aim of the present study was to elucidate the interference effect of a recent CITT on the Sp of the P22 ELISA in serum and milk samples collected at different times after the CITT from a TB-free herd (n = 113). The number of reactors to P22 ELISA was significantly higher (p < 0.01) on serum samples collected 15 days post-CITT compared to day 0, showing a decrease in Sp from 99.1% (95% CI; 95.2–99.8%) to 88.5% (95% CI; 81.3–93.2%). The number of reactors and the quantitative values of P22 ELISA were significantly higher (p < 0.01) in serum samples compared to milk. No significant (p > 0.05) changes in the Sp of the P22 ELISA were observed throughout the different time samplings using milk No significant (p > 0.05) changes were observed on days 30 and 60 post-CITT. In conclusion, the booster effect strategy may significantly decrease the Sp of P22 ELISA in TB-free herds when serum samples are used but not when milk is tested.