Sánchez Sánchez, Roberto

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Sánchez Sánchez
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Sanidad Animal
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    Project number: 290
    Parasitología Interactiva
    (2016) Gómez Bautista, Mercedes; Ortega Mora, Luis Miguel; Álvarez García, Gema; Ferré Pérez, Ignacio; Moreno Gonzalez, Javier; Gutierrez Expósito, Daniel; Arranz-Solís, David; Pastor Fernández, Iván; Rojo Montejo, Silvia; Sánchez Sánchez, Roberto; García Lunar, Paula; Jiménez Meléndez, Alejandro; Jimenez Pelayo, Laura; García Sánchez, Marta; Diezma Díaz, Carlos; Horcajo Iglesias, María Del Pilar; Regidor Cerrillo, Javier; Pérez Villalobos, Natividad; Collantes Fernández, Esther
    Desarrollo de una guía interactiva donde se muestran los ciclos biológicos,imágenes y dibujos de los estadios evolutivos de los principales géneros y especies de parásitos protozoos relevantes en al ámbito veterinario.
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    Project number: 25
    Parasit`Xpert, un blog de Parasitología Veterinaria
    (2023) Ferré Pérez, Ignacio; Ortega Mora, Luis Miguel; Álvarez García, Gema; Collantes Fernández, Esther; Horcajo Iglesias, María Del Pilar; Calero Bernal, Rafael; Pastor Fernández, Iván; Arranz-Solís, David; Sánchez Sánchez, Roberto; Regidor Cerrillo, Javier; Hecker, Yanina Paola
    Parasit’Xpert es un blog sobre enfermedades parasitarias de los rumiantes domésticos para el veterinario ( Su objetivo es ser un punto de encuentro y referencia para los profesionales del sector y estudiantes de veterinaria que quieran conocer y profundizar en el campo de las enfermedades parasitarias. La plataforma se inició en enero de 2021 y se estructura en diversas secciones prácticas: parásito del mes, ¿sabías qué?, diagnóstico, control, zoonosis y avances. El grupo SALUVET y la empresa de transferencia del conocimiento universitario SALUVET-Innova han puesto en marcha la web Parasit’xpert junto a la empresa farmacéutica Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health España. El objetivo general del presente proyecto de innovación docente fue desarrollar el blog Parasit’Xpert ( ya en activo e implementar un plan de difusión promocional para incrementar el número de usuarios, especialmente en países hispanohablantes.
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    Project number: 262
    Parasitología interactiva: Protozoos y afines
    (2018) Collantes Fernández, Esther; Gómez Bautista, Mercedes; Ortega Mora, Luis Miguel; Álvarez García, Gema; Ferré Pérez, Ignacio; García Lunar, Paula; Sánchez Sánchez, Roberto; Jiménez Meléndez, Alejandro; García Sánchez, Marta; Jiménez Pelayo, Laura; Diezma Díaz, Carlos; Regidor Cerrillo, Javier; Moreno González, Javier; Horcajo Iglesias, María Del Pilar
    Desarrollo de una guía interactiva donde se muestran los ciclos biológicos, imágenes y dibujos de los estadios evolutivos de los principales géneros y especies de parásitos protozoos relevantes en al ámbito veterinario.
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    A new inactivated Tritrichomonas foetus vaccine that improves genital clearance of the infection and calving intervals in cattle
    (Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 2022) Rojo-Montejo, Silvia; Román-Trufero, Alicia; Montenegro-Gregorio, Dolores; Puentes-Colorado, Eugenia; Parra-Romero, Alberto; Regidor-Cerrillo, Javier; Osoro, Koldo; Ortega Mora, Luis Miguel; Sánchez Sánchez, Roberto; Collantes Fernández, Esther
    Bovine trichomonosis is a sexually transmitted disease that is a primary cause of early reproductive failure in cattle. The aim of the present study was to develop a vaccine formulation based on Tritrichomonas foetus trophozoites inactivated by lyophilization and Quil-A-adjuvanted. The safety, immunogenicity and efficacy of this new vaccine formulation (Trichobovis®) administered by two routes (subcutaneous: SC, and intravulvar: IVU) were compared with a commercial vaccine (TrichGuard®) in a well-established experimental bovine model of genital T. foetus infection. The new vaccine was considered safe in cattle because only mild local reactions were found in the vaccination area, which disappeared 3 weeks after administration. Cows immunized with Trichobovis cleared the infection faster than the non-immunized/challenged group (27–28 vs. 60 days; P < 0.05). Not significant differences were observed with the commercial vaccine respect to the positive control group, or between SC and IVU routes. The new vaccine stimulated high serum anti-T. foetus IgG and genital IgA levels and generated an IgG booster effect similar to TrichGuard. IgA levels were associated with significantly earlier genital clearance of T. foetus in cows immunized with Trichobovis by SC route (G1A) or TrichGuard (G2). The strongest association was found in the group G1A on day 14 post-infection (p.i.) (r = −0.74) and in G2 on day 35 p.i. (r = −0.71). The efficacy of vaccination using Trichobovis on the reproductive performance was also investigated under field conditions in a herd where T. foetus was present. The calving intervals were significantly reduced by 45.2 days (P < 0.05), calves were born 28 days earlier (P < 0.05) and an increase of 8.7% in the calving rate (P > 0.05) was observed in the vaccinated group. These results demonstrate that Trichobovis improved the reproductive performance under field conditions in herds where T. foetus infection is present.
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    Ovine placental explants: a new ex vivo model to study host‒pathogen interactions in reproductive pathogens
    (Theriogenology, 2023) Horcajo Iglesias, María Del Pilar; Ortega Mora, Luis Miguel; Benavides, Julio; Sánchez Sánchez, Roberto; Ammieva, Rafael; Collantes Fernández, Esther; Pastor Fernández, Iván
    Reproductive failure is one of the main performance constraints in ruminant livestock. Transmissible agents such as Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum are commonly involved in the occurrence of abortion in ruminants, but little is known about the mechanisms involved. While in vivo models are optimal for the study of abortion pathogenesis, they have a high economic cost and come with ethical concerns. Unfortunately, alternative in vitro models fail to replicate the complex in vivo placental structure. To overcome the limitations of currently available models, we developed an ex vivo model based on the cultivation of fresh and cryopreserved sheep placental explants, enabling the biobanking of tissues. Reproducible and simple markers of tissue integrity (histology, RNA concentrations), viability (resazurin reduction), and functionality (synthesis of steroid hormones) were also investigated, allowing a clear quality assessment of the model. This work shows that, similar to fresh explants, tissues cryopreserved in ethylene glycol using slow freezing rates maintain not only their structure and function but also their receptivity to T. gondii and N. caninum infection. In addition, the findings demonstrate that explant lifespan is mainly limited by the culture method, with protocols requiring improvements to extend it beyond 2 days. These findings suggest that cryopreserved tissues can be exploited to study the initial host‒pathogen interactions taking place in the placenta, thus deepening the knowledge of the specific mechanisms that trigger reproductive failure in sheep. Importantly, this work paves the way for the development of similar models in related species and contributes to the reduction of experimental animal use in the future.