Pérez Moreno, Elisa María

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First Name
Elisa María
Last Name
Pérez Moreno
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Psicobiología y Metodología en Ciencias del Comportamiento
Metodología de las Ciencias del Comportamiento
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    Where to look when looking at faces: scanning is determined by gender, expression and tasks demands.
    (Psicológica, 2016) Pérez Moreno, Elisa María; Romero-Ferreiro, Verónica; García Gutiérrez, Ana
    Visual scanning of faces was studied during categorization of expression and gender with the aim of revealing possible differences in the perceptual mechanisms that mediate analysis of these facial properties. A more distributed scanning pattern, with increased fixation in the lower face, was observed in the expression compared to the gender task. Distribution of fixations across the upper and lower face also varied depending on the specific gender and expression of the viewed faces, with female faces and faces showing anger attracting more fixations to the eye region. Variations reflecting an interaction between gender and expression were also observed. However, the nature of these modulations suggests a differential influence of perceptual interactions and social/affective value on eye movement measures and on pupil size. Collectively, these results show that the visual inspection of faces is determined in a complex manner by the specific demands of different categorization tasks and by the perceptual and social/affective properties of the emotional expressions shown by either male or female faces.
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    Discrimination of face gender and expression under dual-task conditions.
    (Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 2017) García Gutiérrez, Ana; Aguado Aguilar, Luis; Romero-Ferreiro, Verónica; Pérez Moreno, Elisa María
    In order to test whether expression and gender can be attended to simultaneously without a cost in accuracy four experiments were carried out using a dual gender-expression task with male and female faces showing different emotional expressions that were backward masked by emotionally neutral faces. In the dual-facial condition the participants had to report both the gender and the expression of the targets. In two control conditions the participant reported either the gender or the expression of the face and indicated whether a surrounding frame was continuous or discontinuous. In Experiments 1–3, with angry and happy targets, asymmetric interference was observed. Gender discrimination, but no expression discrimination, was impaired in the dual-facial condition compared to the corresponding control. This effect was obtained with a between-subjects design in Experiment 1, with a within-subjects design in Experiment 2, and with androgynous face masks in Experiment 3. In Experiments 4a and 4b different target combinations were tested. No decrement of performance in the dual-facial task was observed for either gender or expression discrimination with fearful-disgusted (Experiment 4a) or fearful-happy faces (Experiment 4b). We conclude that the ability to attend simultaneously to gender and expression cues without a decrement in performance depends on the specific combination of expressions to be differentiated between. Happy and angry expressions are usually directed at the perceiver and command preferential attention. Under conditions of restricted viewing such as those of the present study, discrimination of these expressions is prioritized leading to impaired discrimination of other facial properties such as gender.
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    Project number: 53
    Adquisición y evaluación de competencias transversales y específicas en el Máster Universitario de Intervención Logopédica desde un enfoque interdisciplinar
    (2020) Pérez Moreno, Elisa María; Lázaro López-Villaseñor, Miguel; Ruiz Gallego-Largo, Trinidad; Hernández Lloreda, María José; Simón López, Teresa; Chacón Gómez, José Carlos; Castellanos López, Miguel Ángel; García Mínguez, Lorena
    El objetivo del proyecto consiste en el desarrollo de un programa destinado a la adquisición y evaluación de competencias transversales y específicas mediante la realización de prácticas conjuntas de asignaturas impartidas por distintos departamentos.
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    Project number: 196
    Análisis de la evolución en la adquisición de competencias específicas y transversales en los Grados de Geología e Ingeniería Geológica
    (2019) García Lorenzo, María De La Luz; Abati Gómez, Jacobo; Orejana García, David; Castiñeiras García, Pedro; Crespo Feo, María Elena; Piña García, Rubén; García Romero, Emilia; Granja Bruña, José Luis; López García, José Ángel; Fernández Barrenechea, José María; Arribas Mocoroa, María Eugenia; Ortega Menor, Lorena; Pérez Moreno, Elisa María; Benito Moreno, María Isabel