Castillo Morales, María África

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First Name
María África
Last Name
Castillo Morales
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Físicas
Física de la Tierra y Astrofísica
Astronomía y Astrofísica
UCM identifierORCIDScopus Author IDWeb of Science ResearcherIDDialnet ID

Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 34
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    MEGARA: the future IFU and MOS of the 10.4 M GTC
    (Revista Mexicana de astronomía y astrofísica, 2013) Gil De Paz, Armando; Gallego Maestro, Jesús; Castillo Morales, María África; Eliche Moral, María del Carmen; Marino, Raffaella Anna; Pascual Ramírez, Sergio; Zamorano Calvo, Jaime; Cardiel López, Nicolás; Pérez González, Pablo Guillermo; ... otros
    In these proceedings we summarize the characteristics and current status of MEGARA, the future optical IFU and MOS for the 10.4 m GTC. MEGARA is being built by a Consortium led by the UCM (Spain) that also includes the INAOE (Mexico), the IAA-CSIC (Spain) and the UPM (Spain). The MEGARA IFU offers two different bundles, one called LCB with a field-of-view of 14 x 12 arcsec^2 and a spaxel size of 0.685 arcsec yielding spectral resolutions between R=6000-19000 and another one called SCB covering 10 x 8 arcsec^2 with 0.48 arcsec spaxels and resolutions R=8000-25000. The MOS component allows observing up to 100 targets in 3.5x3.5 arcmin^2. In September 2010 MEGARA was selected as the next optical spectrograph for GTC. Its PDR is scheduled for March 2012 with First Light on 2015.
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    Outer-disk reddening and gas-phase metallicities: The CALIFA connection
    (Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2016) Marino, Raffaella Anna; Gil De Paz, Armando; Sánchez, S. F.; Sánchez Blázquez, Patricia; Cardiel López, Nicolás; Castillo Morales, María África; Pascual Ramírez, Sergio; Vílchez, J.; Kehrig, C.; Mollá, M.; Mendez Abreu, J.; Catalán Torrecilla, Cristina; Florido, E.; Perez, I.; Ruiz Lara, T.; Ellis, S.; López Sánchez, A. R.; González Delgado, R. M.; Lorenzo Cáceres, A. de; García Benito, R.; Galbany, L.; Zibetti, S.; Cortijo, C.; Kalinova, V.; Mast, D.; Iglesias Páramo, J.; Papaderos, P.; Walcher, C. J.; Bland Hawthorn, J.; CALIFA Team
    We study, for the first time in a statistically significant and well-defined sample, the relation between the outer-disk ionized-gas metallicity gradients and the presence of breaks in the surface brightness profiles of disk galaxies. Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) g′- and r′-band surface brightness, (g′ – r′) color, and ionized-gasoxygen abundance profiles for 324 galaxies within the Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field Area (CALIFA) survey are used for this purpose. We perform a detailed light-profile classification, finding that 84% of our disks show down- or up-bending profiles (Type II and Type III, respectively), while the remaining 16% are well fitted by one single exponential (Type I). The analysis of the color gradients at both sides of this break shows a U-shaped profile for most Type II galaxies with an average minimum (g′ − r′) color of ~0.5  mag and an ionized-gas metallicity flattening associated with it only in the case of low-mass galaxies. Comparatively, more massive systems show a rather uniform negative metallicity gradient. The correlation between metallicity flattening and stellar mass for these systems results in p-values as low as 0.01. Independent of the mechanism having shaped the outer light profiles of these galaxies, stellar migration or a previous episode of star formation in a shrinking star-forming disk, it is clear that the imprint in their ionized-gas metallicity was different for low- and high-mass Type II galaxies. In the case of Type III disks, a positive correlation between the change in color and abundance gradient is found (the null hypothesis is ruled out with a p-value of 0.02), with the outer disks of Type III galaxies with masses ≤10^10 M_⊙ showing a weak color reddening or even a bluing. This is interpreted as primarily due to a mass downsizing effect on the population of Type III galaxies that recently experienced an enhanced inside-out growth.
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    Integral field spectroscopy and multi-wavelength imaging of the nearby spiral galaxy ngc 5668*: an unusual flattening in metallicity gradient
    (Astrophysical journal, 2012) Marino, Raffaella Anna; Castillo Morales, María África; Gil De Paz, Armando; Muñoz Mateos, J. C.; Sánchez, S. F.; Pérez González, Pablo Guillermo; Gallego Maestro, Jesús; Zamorano Calvo, Jaime; Alonso Herrero, A.; Boissier, S.
    We present an analysis of the full bidimensional optical spectral cube of the nearby spiral galaxy NGC 5668, observed with the Pmas fiber PAcK Integral Field Unit (IFU) at the Calar Alto observatory 3.5 m telescope. We make use of broadband imaging to provide further constraints on the evolutionary history of the galaxy. This data set will allow us to improve our understanding of the mechanisms that drive the evolution of disks. We investigated the properties of 62 H II regions and concentric rings in NGC 5668 and derived maps in ionized-gas attenuation and chemical (oxygen) abundances. We find that while inward of r similar to 36 '' similar to 4.4 kpc similar to 0.36 (D-25/2) the derived O/H ratio follows the radial gradient typical of spiral galaxies, the abundance gradient beyond r similar to 36 '' flattens out. The analysis of the multi-wavelength surface brightness profiles of NGC 5668 is performed by fitting these profiles with those predicted by chemo-spectrophotometric evolutionary models of galaxy disks. From this, we infer a spin and circular velocity of lambda = 0.053 and nu(c) = 167 km s(-1), respectively. The metallicity gradient and rotation curve predicted by this best-fitting galaxy model nicely match the values derived from the IFU observations, especially within r similar to 36 ''. The same is true for the colors despite some small offsets and a reddening in the bluest colors beyond that radius. On the other hand, deviations of some of these properties in the outer disk indicate that a secondary mechanism, possibly gas transfer induced by the presence of a young bar, must have played a role in shaping the recent chemical and star formation histories of NGC 5668.
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    Integral field spectroscopy and multi-wavelength imaging of nearby spiral galaxies: NGC 5668 as a pilot case for MEGARA
    (Fourth Science meeting with the GTC, 2013) Marino, Raffaella Anna; Castillo Morales, María África; Muñoz Mateos, J. C.; Sánchez, S. F.; Gil De Paz, Armando; Pérez González, Pablo Guillermo; Zamorano Calvo, Jaime; Gallego Maestro, Jesús; Alonso Herrera, A.; Kannappan, S.; Boissier, S.; Eliche Moral, María del Carmen; García Vargas, M. L.; Carrasco, E.; Vílchez, J. M.; Sánchez Moreno, F. M.
    MEGARA (Multi-Espectrógrafo en GTC de Alta Resolución para Astronomía) is an optical Integral-Field Unit (IFU) and Multi-Object Spectrograph (MOS) designed for the GTC 10.4 m telescope in La Palma. MEGARA will be a 3rd generation instrument for GTC. It is led by the University Complutense of Madrid with the collaboration of INAOE, IAA, UPM and comprises more than 50 researchers from a large number of institutions worldwide.
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    Making observations with GTC/MEGARA easier: the MEGARA observing preparation software suite
    (Revista Mexicana de astronomía y astrofísica, 2013) Eliche Moral, María del Carmen; Pascual Ramírez, Sergio; Gruel, N.; Castillo Morales, María África; Carrasco, E.; Gallego Maestro, Jesús; García Vargas, M. L.; Gil De Paz, Armando; Marino, Raffaella Anna; Morales, I.; Pérez Calpena, A.; Sánchez, F. M.; Vílchez, J. M.; Villar, V.; Zamorano Calvo, Jaime
    MEGARA (Multi-Espectrografo en GTC de Alta Resolucion para Astronomia) is an optical Integral-Field Unit (IFU) and Multi-Object Spectrograph (MOS) designed for the GTC 10.4 m telescope in La Palma. Its relatively complex layout makes necessary a set of tools to facilitate the observation preparation to the user. The MEGARA Observing Preparation Software Suite (MOPSS) consists on three software components designed to assist observers to optimally plan their observations with GTC/MEGARA: the Exposure Time Calculator, the Image Simulator, and the Fiber MOS Positioning tool. We describe these software tools and the status of their prototypes up to the date.
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    Delivery and integration of MEGARA at GTC: the process of going from laboratory to the telescope
    (Proceedings of SPIE, 2018) Gil De Paz, Armando; Castillo Morales, María África; Sánchez Penim, Ainhoa; Verdet Paredes, Antonio; Pascual Ramírez, Sergio; Curto, Andrés; García, Oscar; Gallego Maestro, Jesús
    MEGARA is an IFU & MOS medium-resolution spectrograph that finished its commissioning at the GTC 10m telescope on August 2017. MEGARA is a fiber-fed high-resolution spectrograph with two major units, Fiber-MOS & Spectrograph, that are now located at the Folded-Cass F and Nasmyth-A foci of GTC respectively. These are linked by more than 1200 fibers 44.5m-length split between two observing modes, the LCB (Integral Field Unit, IFU) and a Multi-Object (MOS) capability with 92 robotic positioners each one provided with a mini-bundle of 7 fibers. The spectrograph can accommodate 18 VPHs (11 of them can be simultaneously mounted) covering the visible wavelength range at Resolving Powers between R=6000-20000. This paper presents the sequence of tasks carried out after Laboratory Acceptance at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid to move the whole instrument to the GTC. A detailed day-to-day plan was followed to disassemble, pack, transport, reintegrate the full instrument at the GTC and to verify performance to ensure the instrument was ready for commissioning. The lessons learnt are relevant to other double-focus instruments being developed such as WEAVE@WHT or PFS@Subaru.
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    MEGARA control system
    (Revista Mexicana de astronomía y astrofísica, 2013) Castillo Morales, María África; Eliche Moral, María del Carmen; Pascual Ramírez, Sergio; Marino, Raffaella Anna; Villar, V.; Cardiel López, Nicolás; Morales, I.; González, E.; Cedazo, R.; Serena, F.; Gallego Maestro, Jesús; Carrasco, E.; Vílchez, J. M.; Sánchez, F. M.; Gil De Paz, Armando; García Vargas, M. L.
    MEGARA (Multi-Espectrografo en GTC de Alta Resolucion para Astronomia) is an optical Integral-Field Unit (IFU) and Multi-Object Spectrograph (MOS) designed for the GTC 10.4 m telescope in La Palma. The MEGARA Control System will provide the capabilities to move the different mechanisms of the instrument, to readout the data from the detector controller and the necessary routines for the Inspector Panels, the MEGARA Observing Preparation Software Suite, the Data Factory and the Sequencer strategies.
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    NGC 7469 as seen by MEGARA: new results from high-resolution IFU spectroscopy
    (Monthly notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, 2020) Gil De Paz, Armando; Gallego Maestro, Jesús; Castillo Morales, María África; Pascual Ramírez, Sergio; Cardiel López, Nicolás
    We present our analysis of high-resolution (R ∼ 20 000) GTC/MEGARA integral-field unit spectroscopic observations, obtained during the commissioning run, in the inner region (12.5 arcsec × 11.3 arcsec) of the active galaxy NGC 7469, at spatial scales of 0.62 arcsec. We explore the kinematics, dynamics, ionization mechanisms, and oxygen abundances of the ionized gas, by modelling the H α-[N II] emission lines at high signal-to-noise (> 15) with multiple Gaussian components. MEGARA observations reveal, for the first time for NGC 7469, the presence of a very thin (20 pc) ionized gas disc supported by rotation (V/σ = 4.3), embedded in a thicker (222 pc), dynamically hotter (V/σ = 1.3) one. These discs nearly corotate with similar peak-to-peak velocities (163 versus 137 km s^(−1)), but with different average velocity dispersion (38 ± 1 versus 108 ± 4 km s^(−1)). The kinematics of both discs could be possibly perturbed by star-forming regions. We interpret the morphology and the kinematics of a third (broader) component (σ > 250 km s^(−1)) as suggestive of the presence of non-rotational turbulent motions possibly associated either to an outflow or to the lense. For the narrow component, the [N II]/H α ratios point to the star-formation as the dominant mechanism of ionization, being consistent with ionization from shocks in the case of the intermediate component. All components have roughly solar metallicity. In the nuclear region of NGC 7469, at r ≤ 1.85 arcsec, a very broad (FWHM = 2590 km s^(−1)) H α component is contributing (41 per cent) to the global H α-[N II] profile, being originated in the (unresolved) broad line region of the Seyfert 1.5 nucleus of NGC 7469.
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    Spatially resolved analysis of neutralwWinds, stars, and ionized gas kinematics with MEGARA/GTC: new insights on the nearby galaxy UGC 10205
    (Astrophysical journal, 2020) Catalán Torrecilla, Cristina; Castillo Morales, María África; Gil De Paz, Armando; Gallego Maestro, Jesús; Chamorro Cazorla, Mario; Pascual Ramírez, Sergio; Cardiel López, Nicolás; Dullo, Bililign
    We present a comprehensive analysis of the multiphase structure of the interstellar medium (ISM) and the stellar kinematics in the edge-on nearby galaxy UGC 10205 using integral field spectroscopy (IFS) data taken with MultiEspectrógrafo en GTC de Alta Resolución para Astronomía (MEGARA) at the GTC. We explore both the neutral and the ionized gas phases using the interstellar Na I D doublet absorption (LR−V setup, R ∼ 6000) and the Hα emission line (HR−R setup, R ∼ 18000), respectively. The high-resolution data show the complexity of the Hα emission-line profile revealing the detection of up to three kinematically distinct gaseous components. Despite of this fact, a thin-disk model is able to reproduce the bulk of the ionized gas motions in the central regions of UGC 10205. The use of asymmetric drift corrections is needed to reconciliate the ionized and the stellar velocity rotation curves. We also report the detection of outflowing neutral gas material blueshifted by ∼ 87 km s^(−1) . The main physical properties that describe the observed outflow are a total mass M_(out) = (4.55 ± 0.06) × 10^(7) Mʘ and a coldgas mass outflow rate M_(out) = 0.78  0.03 Mʘ yr^(−1) . This work points out the necessity of exploiting highresolution IFS data to understand the multiphase components of the ISM and the multiple kinematical components in the central regions of nearby galaxies.
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    Spatially resolved properties of the ionized gas in the HII galaxy J084220+115000
    (Monthly notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, 2023) Gil De Paz, Armando; Gallego Maestro, Jesús; Castillo Morales, María África; Cardiel López, Nicolás; Pascual Ramírez, Sergio
    We present a spatially resolved spectroscopic study for the metal poor H_(II) galaxy J084220+115000 using MEGARA Integral Field Unit observations at the Gran Telescopio Canarias. We estimated the gas metallicity using the direct method for oxygen, nitrogen and helium and found a mean value of 12+log(O/H)=8.03±0.06, and integrated electron density and temperature of ∼ 161 cm^(−3) and ∼ 15400 K, respectively. The metallicity distribution shows a large range of ∆(O/H) = 0.72 dex between the minimum and maximum (7.69±0.06 and 8.42±0.05) values, unusual in a dwarf starforming galaxy. We derived an integrated log(N/O) ratio of −1.51 ± 0.05 and found that both N/O and O/H correspond to a primary production of metals. Spatially resolved maps indicate that the gas appears to be photoionized by massive stars according to the diagnostic line ratios. Between the possible mechanisms to explain the starburst activity and the large variation of oxygen abundance in this galaxy, our data support a possible scenario where we are witnessing an ongoing interaction triggering multiple star-forming regions localized in two dominant clumps.