Sánchez Ramos, Celia

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Sánchez Ramos
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Óptica y Optometría
Optometría y Visión
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Now showing 1 - 10 of 86
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    Acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) 2 and 4.2 are expressed in the retina of the adult zebrafish
    (Cell and Tissue Research, 2015) Viña Fernández, Eliseo; Parisi, Valentina; Sánchez Ramos, Celia; Cabo, Roberto; Guerrera, María Cristina; Quirós, Luis Manuel; Germaná, Antonio M.; Vega, José Antonio; García Suárez, Olivia
    Acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) are H+-gated, voltage-insensitive cation channels involved in synaptic transmission, mechanosensation and nociception. Different ASICs have been detected in the retina of mammals but it is not known whether they are expressed in adult zebrafish, a commonly used animal model to study the retina in both normal and pathological conditions. We study the expression and distribution of ASIC2 and ASIC4 in the retina of adult zebrafish and its regulation by light using PCR, in situ hybridization, western blot and immunohistochemistry. We detected mRNA encoding zASIC2 and zASIC4.2 but not zASIC4.1. ASIC2, at the mRNA or protein level, was detected in the outer nuclear layer, the outer plexiform layer, the inner plexiform layer, the retinal ganglion cell layer and the optic nerve. ASIC4 was expressed in the photoreceptors layer and to a lesser extent in the retinal ganglion cell layer. Furthermore, the expression of both ASIC2 and ASIC4.2 was down-regulated by light and darkness. These results are the first demonstration that ASIC2 and ASIC4 are expressed in the adult zebrafish retina and suggest that zebrafish could be used as a model organism for studying retinal pathologies involving ASICs.
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    Project number: PIMCD444/23-24
    Vídeos didácticos de patologías sistémicas con impacto en la salud visual utilizando software de animación
    (2024) Sánchez Ramos, Celia; Bonnin Arias, Cristina Natalia; Llorens Casado, María Belén; Blázquez Sánchez, Vanesa; Pitarch Velasco, Aída; Dorronzoro Ramírez , Emilio; Ortín Trujillano, Francisco Javier; Toure Sarr, Mame Diatou; Baoud Ould Haddi, Innas; Flores Cervantes, Merire Dayan; Martínez Álvarez, Belén; Bueno Fernández, Sara
    Vídeos didácticos de animación que permita conocer de manera gráfica y visual las más prevalentes patologías sistémicas generales, infecciosas y neurodegenerativas, que cursan con afectación ocular. Los vídeos de animación se generan mediante un software que permite crear vídeos realistas y profesionales a personas no expertas en diseño gráfico. Se trata de elementos audiovisuales que transfieren el contenido de un tema, de forma esquemática, mediante dibujos en pizarra blanca que, aparentemente, se realiza durante la explicación del tema. En cada vídeo se tratará una patología sistémica (general, infecciosa y neurodegenerativa) y las afecciones oculares relacionadas con ellas.
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    Evaluación de oftalmólogos no expertos en el análisis de la retinopatía del prematuro
    (Anales de pediatría, 2020) Navarro Blanco, Carolina; Pastora Salvador, Natalia; Sánchez Ramos, Celia; Peralta Calvo, Jesús
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    Elemento bloqueante de longitudes de onda corta en fuentes de iluminación de tipo LED
    (2015) Sánchez Ramos, Celia; Universidad Complutense de Madrid
    Método, producto y elemento bloqueante de longitudes de onda corta en fuentes de iluminación de tipo LED que consiste en un sustrato con un pigmento distribuido de manera uniforme en su superficie y, porque dicho pigmento tiene una densidad óptica tal que permite la absorción selectiva de longitudes de onda corta comprendidas entre 380 nm y 500 nm en un rango comprendido entre el 1 y el 99%.
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    Método y aparato para el reconocimiento biométrico corneal
    (2019) Sánchez Ramos, Celia; Bonnin Arias, Cristina Natalia; Pascau González-Garzón, Javier; Moreta Martínez, Rafael; Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
    Método de reconocimiento biométrico corneal que comprende: (i) capturar al menos una imagen de las superficies corneales; y (ii) cuantificar las irregularidades topográficas de dichas superficies corneales para obtener parámetros característicos y diferenciales de la topografía corneal para al menos un sujeto; y donde cada captura se configura como un registro con al menos un parámetro ocular; y que comprende una etapa de comparar: al menos un primer registro con al menos un parámetro ocular; y al menos un segundo registro del mismo parámetro ocular; y donde además comprende una etapa de clasificación de los datos resultantes de la comparación mediante un algoritmo de clasificación con auto-aprendizaje.
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    Technical Report: Potential risks to human health of Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) (European Commission)
    (2018) Ana Proykova; Theodoros Samaras; Rodica-Mariana Ion; Ellen M Bruzell; Jean-François Doré; Massimo Nicolo; John O'Hagan; Sánchez Ramos, Celia; Linda van Kerkhof
    Following a request from the European Commission, the Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks (SCHEER) reviewed recent evidence to assess potential risks to human health posed by Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) emissions. The review of the published research conducted by the SCHEER has led to valuable conclusions and identified certain gaps in knowledge on potential risks to human health from LEDs. The Committee concluded that there is no evidence of direct adverse health effects from LEDs emission in normal use (lamps and displays) by the general healthy population. There is some evidence that exposure to light in the late evening, including that from LED lighting and/or screens, may have an impact on the circadian rhythm. At the moment, it is not yet clear if this disturbance of the circadian system leads to adverse health effects. Vulnerable and susceptible populations (young children, adolescents and elderly people) have been considered separately. Children have a higher sensitivity to blue light and although emissions may not be harmful, blue LEDs (between 400 nm and 500 nm) including those in toys may be very dazzling and may induce photochemical retinopathy, which is a concern especially for children below three years of age. Older people may experience discomfort from exposure to light that is rich in blue light. Although there are cellular and animal studies showing adverse effects raising concerns, particularly in susceptible populations, their conclusions derive from results obtained either using exposure conditions that are difficult to relate to human exposures or using exposure levels greater than those likely to be achieved with LED lighting systems in practice. Some LEDs present potential health concerns due to temporal light modulation (flicker) at frequencies of 100 Hz and above. Reliable information on the dose-response relationship for adverse health effects for the healthy general public is not available in the scientific literature for all wavelengths emitted by LED devices. Since the use of LED technology is still evolving, the Committee considers that it is important to closely monitor the risk of adverse health effects from long-term LED use by the general population.
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    Dioptrio bloqueante de radiaciones de longitudes de onda corta y media del espectro visible que afecta a la fisiología humana
    (2017) Sánchez Ramos, Celia; García Manchado, Nilo; Universidad Complutense de Madrid / Tecnología Sostenible y Responsable SL
    Dioptrio bloqueante de radiaciones de longitudes onda corta y media del espectro visible que afectan la fisiología humana que comprende la absorción selectiva de longitudes de onda corta comprendidas entre 380 nm y 500 nm entre un umbral máximo y un umbral mínimo de absorción; y la absorción selectiva de longitudes de onda media comprendida entre 500 nm y 590 nm entre un umbral máximo y un umbral mínimo de absorción; y donde la absorción selectiva de longitudes de onda corta y media comprendidas entre los 380-590 nm no bloquea totalmente el paso de luz visible en dicho rango. Otras realizaciones incluyen una pantalla LED, un producto de programa informático y un dispositivo electrónicoy lentes, oftálmicas, intraoculares u solares.
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    Refractive surface for blocking short- and medium- wavelength visible-spectrum radiation that affects human physiology
    (2021) Sánchez Ramos, Celia; Nilo García, Manchado; Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Tecnología Sostenible y Responsable SL.
    La invención se refiere a una superficie refractiva para bloquear la radiación de espectro visible de longitud de onda corta y media que afecta a la fisiología humana. La superficie refractiva absorbe selectivamente longitudes de onda cortas entre 380 nm y 500 nm, entre un umbral de absorción máximo y mínimo, y absorbe selectivamente longitudes de onda medias entre 500 nm y 590 nm, entre un máximo y una amenaza de absorción mínima, la absorción selectiva de corto y las longitudes de onda medias entre 380 nm y 590 nm no bloquean completamente el paso de la luz visible en este rango. Otras realizaciones incluyen una pantalla LED, un producto de software y un dispositivo electrónico, y lentes oftálmicos, intraoculares o de gafas de sol.
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    Dispositivo y Método simulador de entornos para la evaluación de la función visual
    (2018) Sánchez Ramos, Celia; Bonnin Arias, Cristina Natalia; Universidad Complutense de Madrid
    Dispositivo y método simulador de entornos de evaluación de la función visual que comprende un soporte que aloja un luxómetro medidor de la iluminación ambiente que comprende una pluralidad de dioptrios de densidad óptica neutra (DO); y donde la relación entre la densidad óptica y la transmitancia (T) del dioptrio viene dada por DO=log(1/T); y donde los dioptrios de densidad óptica neutra (DO) están dispuestos en el soporte en correspondencia con el sistema visual de un individuo y configurados para alcanzar distintos niveles de iluminación directamente en el sistema visual del individuo sin realizar una variación real de la iluminación ambiente.
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    Removal of the blue component of light significantly decreases retinal damage after high intensity exposure
    (PLoS ONE, 2018) Vicente-Tejedor, Javier; Marchena, Miguel; Ramírez, Laura; García Ayuso, Diego; Gómez Vicente, Violeta; Sánchez Ramos, Celia; Villa Polo, Pedro de la; Germain, Francisco
    Light causes damage to the retina (phototoxicity) and decreases photoreceptor responses to light. The most harmful component of visible light is the blue wavelength (400–500 nm). Different filters have been tested, but so far all of them allow passing a lot of this wavelength (70%). The aim of this work has been to prove that a filter that removes 94% of the blue component may protect the function and morphology of the retina significantly. Three experimental groups were designed. The first group was unexposed to light, the second one was exposed and the third one was exposed and protected by a blue-blocking filter. Light damage was induced in young albino mice (p30) by exposing them to white light of high intensity (5,000 lux) continuously for 7 days. Short wavelength light filters were used for light protection. The blue component was removed (94%) from the light source by our filter. Electroretinographical recordings were performed before and after light damage. Changes in retinal structure were studied using immunohistochemistry, and TUNEL labeling. Also, cells in the outer nuclear layer were counted and compared among the three different groups. Functional visual responses were significantly more conserved in protected animals (with the blue-blocking filter) than in unprotected animals. Also, retinal structure was better kept and photoreceptor survival was greater in protected animals, these differences were significant in central areas of the retina. Still, functional and morphological responses were significantly lower in protected than in unexposed groups. In conclusion, this blue-blocking filter decreases significantly photoreceptor damage after exposure to high intensity light. Actually, our eyes are exposed for a very long time to high levels of blue light (screens, artificial light LED, neons…). The potential damage caused by blue light can be palliated.