García Linares, Sara

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García Linares
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
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Ciencias Biológicas
Bioquímica y Biología Molecular
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    Structural foundations of sticholysin functionality
    (BBA - Proteins and Proteomics, 2021) Palacios Ortega, Juan; García Linares, Sara; Rivera de Torre, Esperanza; Heras Márquez, Diego; Gavilanes, José G.; Peter, Slotte; Martínez del Pozo, Álvaro
    Actinoporins constitute a family of α pore-forming toxins produced by sea anemones. The soluble fold of these proteins consists of a β-sandwich flanked by two α-helices. Actinoporins exert their activity by specifically recognizing sphingomyelin at their target membranes. Once there, they penetrate the membrane with their N-terminal α-helices, a process that leads to the formation of cation-selective pores. These pores kill the target cells by provoking an osmotic shock on them. In this review, we examine the role and relevance of the structural features of actinoporins, down to the residue level. We look at the specific amino acids that play significant roles in the function of actinoporins and their fold. Particular emphasis is given to those residues that display a high degree of conservation across the actinoporin sequences known to date. In light of the latest findings in the field, the membrane requirements for pore formation, the effect of lipid composition, and the process of pore formation are also discussed.
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    Sticholysin, Sphingomyelin, and Cholesterol: A Closer Look at a Tripartite Interaction
    (Biophysical Journal, 2019) Palacios Ortega, Juan; García Linares, Sara; Rivera de la Torre, Esperanza; Gavilanes, José G.; Martínez del Pozo, Álvaro; Slotte, J. Peter
    Actinoporins are a group of soluble toxic proteins that bind to membranes containing sphingomyelin (SM) and oligomerize to form pores. Sticholysin II (StnII) is a member of the actinoporin family, produced by Stichodactyla helianthus. Cholesterol (Chol) is known to enhance the activity of StnII. However, the molecular mechanisms behind this activation have remained obscure, although the activation is not Chol specific but rather sterol specific. To further explore how bilayer lipids affect or are affected by StnII, we have used a multiprobe approach (fluorescent analogs of both Chol and SM) in combination with a series of StnII tryptophan (Trp)-mutants, to study StnII/bilayer interactions. First we compared StnII bilayer permeabilization in the presence of Chol or oleoyl-ceramide (OCer). The comparison was done since both Chol and OCer have a 1-hydroxyl which help to orient the molecule in the bilayer (although OCer have additional polar functional groups). Both Chol and OCer also have increased affinity for SM, which StnII may recognize. However, our results show that only Chol was able to activate StnII-induced bilayer permeabilization – OCer failed to active. To further examine possible Chol/StnII interactions, we measured Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) between Trp in StnII and cholestatrienol (CTL), a fluorescent analog of Chol. We could show higher FRET efficiency between CTL and Trp:s in position 100 and 114 of StnII, when compared to three other Trp positions further away from the bilayer binding region of StnII. Taken together, our results suggest that StnII was able to attract Chol to its vicinity, maybe by showing affinity for Chol. SM interactions are known to be important for StnII binding to bilayers, and Chol is known to facilitate subsequent permeabilization of the bilayers by StnII. Our results help to better understand the role of these important membrane lipids for the bilayer properties of StnII.
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    Regulation of Sticholysin II-Induced Pore Formation by Lipid Bilayer Composition, Phase State, and Interfacial Properties
    (Langmuir, 2016) Palacios Ortega, Juan; García Linares, Sara; Astrand, Mia; Abdullah Al Sazzad, Md.; Gavilanes, José G.; Martínez del Pozo, Álvaro; Slotte, J. Peter
    Sticholysin II (StnII) is a pore-forming toxin that uses sphingomyelin (SM) as the recognition molecule in targeting membranes.After StnII monomers bind to SM, several toxin monomers act in concert to oligomerize into a functional pore. The regulation of StnII binding to SM, and the subsequent pore-formation process, is not fully understood. In this study, we examined how the biophysical properties of bilayers, originating from variations in the SM structure, from the presence of sterol species, or from the presence of increasingly polyunsaturated glycerophospholipids,affected StnII-induced pore formation. StnII-induced pore formation, as determined from calcein permeabilization, was fastest in the pure unsaturated SM bilayers. In 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC)/saturated SM bilayers (4:1 molar ratio), pore formation became slower as the chain length of the saturated SMs increased from 14 up to 24 carbons. In the POPC/palmitoyl-SM (16:0-SM) 4:1 bilayers, SM could not support pore formation by StnII if dimyristoyl-PC was included at 1:1 stoichiometry with 16:0-SM, suggesting that free clusters of SM were required for toxin binding and/or pore formation. Cholesterol and other sterols facilitated StnII-induced pore formation markedly, but the efficiency did not appear to correlate with the sterol structure. Benzyl alcohol was more efficient than sterols in enhancing the pore-formation process, suggesting that the effect on pore formation originated from alcohol-induced alteration of the hydrogen-bonding network in the SM-containing bilayers. Finally, we observed that pore formation by StnII was enhanced in the PC/16:0-SM 4:1 bilayers, in which the PC was increasingly unsaturated. We conclude that the physical state of bilayer lipids greatly affected pore formation by StnII. Phase boundaries were not required for pore formation, although SM in a gel state attenuated pore formation.
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    One single salt bridge explains the different cytolytic activities shown by actinoporins sticholysin I and II from the venom of Stichodactyla helianthus
    (Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2017) Rivera de Torre, Esperanza; Palacios Ortega, Juan; García Linares, Sara; Gavilanes, José G.; Martínez del Pozo, Álvaro
    Sticholysins I and II (StnI and StnII), α-pore forming toxins from the sea anemone Stichodactyla helianthus, are water-soluble toxic proteins which upon interaction with lipid membranes of specific composition bind to the bilayer, extend and insert their N-terminal α-helix, and become oligomeric integral membrane structures. The result is a pore that leads to cell death by osmotic shock. StnI and StnII show 93% of sequence identity, but also different membrane pore-forming activities. The hydrophobicity profile along the first 18 residues revealed differences which were canceled by substituting StnI amino acids 2 and 9. Accordingly, the StnID9A mutant, and the corresponding StnIE2AD9A variant, showed enhanced hemolytic activity. They also revealed a key role for an exposed salt bridge between Asp9 and Lys68. This interaction is not possible in StnII but appears conserved in the other two well-characterized actinoporins, equinatoxin II and fragaceatoxin C. The StnII mutant A8D showed that this single replacement was enough to transform StnII into a version with impaired pore-forming activity. Overall, the results show the key importance of this salt bridge linking the N-terminal stretch to the β-sandwich core. A conclusion of general application for the understanding of salt bridges role in protein design, folding and stability.
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    Functional and Structural Variation among Sticholysins, Pore-Forming Proteins from the Sea Anemone Stichodactyla helianthus
    (International journal of molecular sciences, 2020) Rivera de la Torre, Esperanza; Palacios Ortega, Juan; Slotte, J. Peter; Gavilanes, José G.; Martínez del Pozo, Álvaro; García Linares, Sara
    Venoms constitute complex mixtures of many different molecules arising from evolution in processes driven by continuous prey–predator interactions. One of the most common compounds in these venomous cocktails are pore-forming proteins, a family of toxins whose activity relies on the disruption of the plasmatic membranes by forming pores. The venom of sea anemones, belonging to the oldest lineage of venomous animals, contains a large amount of a characteristic group of pore-forming proteins known as actinoporins. They bind specifically to sphingomyelin-containing membranes and suffer a conformational metamorphosis that drives them to make pores. This event usually leads cells to death by osmotic shock. Sticholysins are the actinoporins produced by Stichodactyla helianthus. Three different isotoxins are known: Sticholysins I, II, and III. They share very similar amino acid sequence and three-dimensional structure but display different behavior in terms of lytic activity and ability to interact with cholesterol, an important lipid component of vertebrate membranes. In addition, sticholysins can act in synergy when exerting their toxin action. The subtle, but important, molecular nuances that explain their different behavior are described and discussed throughout the text. Improving our knowledge about sticholysins behavior is important for eventually developing them into biotechnological tools.
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    Sticholysin I–II oligomerization in the absence of membranes
    (FEBS Letters, 2022) García Linares, Sara; Amigot Sánchez, Rafael; García Montoya, Carmen; Alfonso, Carlos; Luque Ortega, Juan Román; Gavilanes, José G.; Martínez del Pozo, Álvaro; Palacios Ortega, Juan
    Sticholysins are pore-forming toxins produced by the sea anemone Stichodactyla helianthus. When they encounter a sphingomyelin-containing membrane, these proteins bind to it and oligomerize, a process that ends in pore formation. Mounting evidence indicates that StnII can favour the activity of StnI. Previous results have shown that these two isotoxins can oligomerize together. Furthermore, StnII appeared to potentiate the activity of StnI through the membrane-binding step of the process. Hence, isotoxin interaction should occur prior to membrane encounter. Here, we have used analytical ultracentrifugation to investigate the oligomerization of Stns in solution, both separately and together. Our results indicate that while StnI seems to be more prone to oligomerize in water solution than StnII, a small percentage of StnII in StnI–StnII mixtures promotes oligomerization.
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    Toxin-induced pore formation is hindered by intermolecular hydrogen bonding in sphingomyelin bilayers
    (Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Biomembranes, 2016) García Linares, Sara; Palacios Ortega, Juan; Yasuda, Tomokazu; Åstrand, Mia; Gavilanes, José G.; Martínez del Pozo, Álvaro; Slotte, J. Peter
    Sticholysin I and II (StnI and StnII) are pore-forming toxins that use sphingomyelin (SM) for membrane binding. We examined how hydrogen bonding among membrane SMs affected the StnI- and StnII-induced pore formation process, resulting in bilayer permeabilization. We compared toxin-induced permeabilization in bilayers containing either SM or dihydro-SM (lacking the trans 4 double bond of the long-chain base), since their hydrogen-bonding properties are known to differ greatly. We observed that whereas both StnI and StnII formed pores in unilamellar vesicles containing palmitoyl-SM or oleoyl-SM, the toxins failed to similarly form pores in vesicles prepared from dihydro-PSM or dihydro-OSM. In supported bilayers containing OSM, StnII bound efficiently, as determined by surface plasmon resonance. However, StnII binding to supported bilayers prepared from dihydro-OSM was very low under similar experimental conditions. The association of the positively charged StnII (at pH 7.0) with unilamellar vesicles prepared from OSM led to a concentration-dependent increase in vesicle charge, as determined from zeta-potential measurements. With dihydro-OSM vesicles, a similar response was not observed. Benzyl alcohol, which is a small hydrogen-bonding compound with affinity to lipid bilayer interfaces, strongly facilitated StnII-induced pore formation in dihydro-OSM bilayers, suggesting that hydrogen bonding in the interfacial region originally prevented StnII from membrane binding and pore formation. We conclude that interfacial hydrogen bonding was able to affect the membrane association of StnI- and StnII, and hence their pore forming capacity. Our results suggest that other types of protein interactions in bilayers may also be affected by hydrogen-bonding origination from SMs.
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    Differential Effect of Bilayer Thickness on Sticholysin Activity
    (Langmuir, 2017) Palacios Ortega, Juan; García Linares, Sara; Rivera de la Torre, Esperanza; Gavilanes, José G.; Martínez del Pozo, Álvaro; Slotte, J. Peter
    In this study, we examined the influence of bilayer thickness on the activity of the actinoporin toxins sticholysin I and II (StnI and StnII) at 25 °C. Bilayer thickness was varied using dimonounsaturated phosphatidylcholine (PC) analogues (with 14:1, 16:1, 18:1, 20:1, and 22:1 acyl chains). In addition, N-14:0-sphingomyelin (SM) was always included because StnI and StnII are SM specific. Cholesterol was also incorporated as indicated. In cholesterol-free large unilamellar vesicles (LUVs) the PC:SM molar ratio was 4:1, and when cholesterol was included, the complete molar ratio was 4:1:0.5 (PC:SM:cholesterol, respectively). Stn toxins promote bilayer leakage through pores formed by oligomerized toxin monomers. Initial calcein leakage was moderately dependent on bilayer PC acyl chain length (and thus bilayer thickness), with higher rates observed with di-16:1 and di-18:1 PC bilayers. In the presence of cholesterol, the maximum rates of calcein leakage were observed in di-14:1 and di-16:1 PC bilayers. Using isothermal titration calorimetry to study the Stn−LUV interaction, we observed that the bilayer affinity constant (Ka) peaked with LUVs containing di-18:1 PC, and was lower in shorter and longer PC acyl chain bilayers. The presence of cholesterol increased the binding affinity approximately 30-fold at the optimal bilayer thickness (di-18:1-PC). We conclude that bilayer thickness affects both functional and conformational aspects of Stn membrane binding and pore formation. Moreover, the length of the actinoporins’ N-terminal α-helix, which penetrates the membrane to form a functional pore, appears to be optimal for the membrane thickness represented by di-18:1 PC.
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    Pore-Forming Proteins from Cnidarians and Arachnids as Potential Biotechnological Tools
    (Toxins, 2019) Rivera de la Torre, Esperanza; Palacios Ortega, Juan; Gavilanes, José G.; Martínez del Pozo, Álvaro; García Linares, Sara
    Animal venoms are complex mixtures of highly specialized toxic molecules. Cnidarians and arachnids produce pore-forming proteins (PFPs) directed against the plasma membrane of their target cells. Among PFPs from cnidarians, actinoporins stand out for their small size and molecular simplicity. While native actinoporins require only sphingomyelin for membrane binding, engineered chimeras containing a recognition antibody-derived domain fused to an actinoporin isoform can nonetheless serve as highly specific immunotoxins. Examples of such constructs targeted against malignant cells have been already reported. However, PFPs from arachnid venoms are less well-studied from a structural and functional point of view. Spiders from the Latrodectus genus are professional insect hunters that, as part of their toxic arsenal, produce large PFPs known as latrotoxins. Interestingly, some latrotoxins have been identified as potent and highly-specific insecticides. Given the proteinaceous nature of these toxins, their promising future use as efficient bioinsecticides is discussed throughout this Perspective. Protein engineering and large-scale recombinant production are critical steps for the use of these PFPs as tools to control agriculturally important insect pests. In summary, both families of PFPs, from Cnidaria and Arachnida, appear to be molecules with promising biotechnological applications.