Bernabéu Martínez, Eusebio

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Bernabéu Martínez
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Físicas
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    Skylight: a hollow prismatic CPC
    (Proceedings of the SPIE, 2009) García Fernández, Berta; García Botella, Angel; Álvarez Fernández-Balbuena, Antonio; Vázquez Molini, Daniel; Bernabéu Martínez, Eusebio; Winston, Roland; Gordon, Jeffrey M.
    Many applications involve the use of a compound parabolic concentrator (CPC) like, natural lighting, thermal applications, optics for illuminators, optical fibre coupling and solar energy. The use of a CPC in reverse mode for natural lighting gives the chance to use it as a lighting skylight in ceilings because light output is controlled inside the design angle, on the contrary having a low flux transfer ratio because of the reduced area of the entrance pupil regarding exit pupil. The authors propose an innovative 3D hollow prismatic CPC (HPCPC) made of a dielectric material, which has a high efficiency comparing it with aluminium CPC. The basic idea is to use a hollow prismatic light guide with CPC shape. This paper reports 2D, 3D design and numerical analysis by raytracing software, also experimental results are shown. The system works almost like a true CPC when light enters through standard entrance pupil and also collect light that enters outside entrance pupil. Performance and efficiency of the prismatic CPC is in average 300% higher than standard aluminium CPC for collimated light in a range from 0º to 85º. A prototype has been developed and tested.