Martínez De Merlo, Elena

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Martínez De Merlo
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Medicina y Cirugía Animal
Medicina y Cirugía Animal
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    Cyclin D1 immunohistochemical expression and somatic mutations in canine oral melanoma
    (Veterinary and Comparative Oncology, 2019) Zamboni, Clarissa; Brocca, Ginevra; Ferraresso, Serena; Ferro, Silvia; Sammarco, Alessandro; Dal Corso, Chiara; Iussich, Selina; Andrés Gamazo, Paloma Jimena De; Martínez De Merlo, Elena; Cavicchioli, Laura; Zappulli, Valentina; Castagnaro, Massimo
    Canine oral melanoma (COM) is the most frequent tumour with oral localization in dogs. Copy number gains and amplifications of CCND1, a gene coding for Cyclin D1, are the most frequent chromosomal aberrations described in human non-UV induced melanomas. Twenty-eight cases of COM were retrieved from paraffin-blocks archives. A total of 4 μm thick sections were immunostained with an antibody against human Cyclin D1 and Ki-67. Cyclin D1 and Ki-67 expressions were scored through two counting methods. DNA was extracted from 20 μm thick sections of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded blocks. Pathological and surrounding healthy tissue was extracted independently. Cyclin D1 immunolabelling was detected in 69% (18/26) while Ki-67 was present in 88.5% (23/26) of cases. Statistical analysis revealed correlation between two counting methods for Cyclin D1 (r = 0.54; P = .004) and Ki-67 (r = 0.56; P = .003). The correlation found between Ki-67 and Cyclin D1 indexes in 16/26 cases labelled by both antibodies (r = 0.7947; P = .0002) suggests a possible use of Cyclin D1 index as prognostic marker. Polymerase chain reaction analysis on CCND1 coding sequence revealed the presence of nine somatic mutations in seven samples producing synonymous, missense and stop codons. Since none of the single-nucleotide polymorphisms was found to be recurrent, it is suggested that overexpression of Cyclin D1 may be the consequence of alterations of CCND1 upstream regions or other genetic aberrations not detectable with the methodology used in this study. Future studies are needed to verify the potential use of Cyclin D1 index as prognostic indicator and to highlight the molecular events responsible for Cyclin D1 overexpression in COMs.
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    Project number: 146
    Estrategias colaborativas de integración de recursos docentes en línea para la mejora del proceso de enseñanza/aprendizaje del Grado en Veterinaria entre las facultades españolas donde se imparte dicha titulación
    (2021) Gagete Camargo, María Victoria; García-Cuevas Roque, María Carmen; Martínez Martín, Cesar; Arias Álvarez, María; Cabeza Briales, María Concepción; Castro Madrigal, Teresa; Cambero Rodríguez, María Isabel; Fernández Álvarez, Manuela; Martínez De Merlo, Elena; Pérez Cabal, María De Los Ángeles; Pérez Sen, Raquel; Serres Dalmau, María Consolacion; Díez Martín, Amalia
    La emergencia sanitaria por la pandemia COVID-19 afectó al desarrollo académico del Curso 2019-20 de tal manera que, en un periodo de tiempo escaso, las Universidades tuvieron que virar de forma urgente hacia un modelo de enseñanza-aprendizaje a distancia. Todos los planes de estudio cuidadosamente construidos cambiaron de repente hacia una docencia y una evaluación que se tuvo que desarrollar completamente en línea. La evolución de la pandemia impidió la vuelta a una enseñanza presencial completa para el Curso 2020-21 y nos obligó a plantear la docencia en un nuevo escenario semipresencial en donde el uso de herramientas virtuales para la adquisición de competencias de los estudiantes es necesario. El proyecto pretende compartir experiencias docentes y metodologías didácticas innovadoras desarrolladas por profesorado del Grado en Veterinaria que faciliten la docencia ante distintas eventualidades. Este proyecto brinda una gran oportunidad al profesorado, que tuvo que enfrentarse a una situación académica sin precedentes, para reflexionar, y detectar las debilidades del material docente que se preparó con urgencia y mejorarlas.
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    Synovial myxosarcoma in the scapulohumeral joint of a dog: a case report
    (Veterinary Research Communications, 2024) Mínguez Pereira, Elena; Martín Carrasco, Laura; García Fernández, Rosa Ana; Fraile Fernández, Andrés; Ortiz Díez, Gustavo; Martínez De Merlo, Elena; García Real, María Isabel
    A 12-year-old, 3 kg spayed female mixed-breed dog was evaluated to assess a 1-year history of intermittent right forelimb lameness that did not have adequate response to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The radiographic study performed under sedation showed multifocal radiolucent areas affecting both the right humerus and scapula with focal soft tissue swelling; a CT scan confirmed the existence of an aggressive and invasive soft tissue mass affecting the scapulohumeral joint. Fine needle aspiration results suggested a low-grade synovial sarcoma and therefore a scapulectomy was performed. The biopsy showed spindle to stellated cells immersed in a basophilic and mucinous (myxoid) matrix with mild to moderate anisocytosis, moderate anisokaryosis, some binucleated cells and sporadic multinucleated cells. These findings are consistent with low-grade synovial myxosarcoma, a not well described synovial neoplasm that can mimic other commonly seen joint tumors or even septic arthritis on radiographs. The purpose of this case report is to describe the first reported synovial myxosarcoma affecting the scapulohumeral joint of a small dog.
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    Pancreatic adenocarcinoma treated with surgical resection, toceranib phosphate and firocoxib in a dog: a case report
    (Veterinary Research Communications, 2024) Fuertes Recuero, Manuel; Martínez De Merlo, Elena; Lizasoain Sanz, Guillermo; Arroba Alonso, Amanda; Sánchez López, Alejandro; Suárez Redondo, María; Ortiz Díez, Gustavo; Vázquez Fernández, Esther
    Exocrine pancreatic carcinomas are rarely reported in dogs. A ductal pancreatic adenocarcinoma in a 10-year-old intact beagle is described in this report. The diagnosis was made based on clinical signs, imaging (abdominal ultrasound and CT scan) and histopathology. Treatment consisted of partial right lobe pancreatectomy followed by adjuvant therapy with toceranib phosphate (Palladia®) and firocoxib (Previcox®) for six months. The treatment was well tolerated, and the survival time was 445 days. To our knowledge, this is the longest survival reported in the literature for a dog diagnosed with exocrine pancreatic adenocarcinoma. The results described here may contribute to provide a better understanding about this neoplasia and potential treatment options.