Polo Sánchez, Irene

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Polo Sánchez
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Físicas
Física de la Tierra y Astrofísica
Física de la Tierra
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    Multidecadal variability of ENSO in a recharge oscillator framework
    (Environmental research letters, 2022) Crespo, Lander R.; Rodríguez De Fonseca, María Belén; Polo Sánchez, Irene; Keenlyside, Noel; Dommenget, Dietmar
    We use a conceptual recharge oscillator model to identify changes in El Niño and the Southern Oscillation (ENSO) statistics and dynamics during the observational record. The variability of ENSO has increased during the 20th century. The cross-correlation between sea surface temperature (SST) and warm water volume (WWV) has also changed during the observational record. From the 1970s onwards, the SST drives WWV anomalies with a lead-time of ten months and the WWV feedbacks onto the SST with a lead-time of eight months. This is reminiscent of a recharge-discharge mechanism of the upper ocean heat content. The full recharge-discharge mechanism is only observed from the 1970s onwards. This could be the result of the degradation of the quality of observations in the early part of the 20th century. However, it may also be a consequence of decadal changes in the coupling between WWV and SST. Additional analysis fitting the recharge oscillator model to the coupled state-of-the-art climate models indicates that ENSO properties show little decadal changes in the climate models. The disagreement in changes in ENSO properties between the reanalysis and the climate models can be due to errors in the available observational data or due to the models missing the low frequency variability and decadal wind trends. Longer and more reliable observational records would be required to validate our results.