Pieren Pidal, Agustín Pedro

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First Name
Agustín Pedro
Last Name
Pieren Pidal
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Geológicas
Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y Paleontología
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Search Results

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    Parque Nacional de Cabañeros : un pasado marino de hace 500 millones de años
    (Parque Nacional de Cabañeros, 1997) Gutiérrez Marco, Juan Carlos; Rábano, Isabel; San José Lancha, Miguel Ángel de; Pieren Pidal, Agustín Pedro; García Canseco, Vicente
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    Datos bioestratigráficos de los materiales silúricos del Sinclinal de Herrera del Duque (Badajoz)
    (Geogaceta, 1990) Pieren Pidal, Agustín Pedro; Gutiérrez Marco, Juan Carlos
    The Silurian sequen ce in the Herrera del Duque syncline (Southern Central /berian zone) starts with 20 m. of black shales (Guadarranquejo Formation) which lay disconformably upon the Hirnantian diamictites (Gualija Formation). Within the black shales, eight graptolite horizons have been recorded (A-H) and two (/-1) at the base of the overlying sandy alternances. A Telychian (post-Turriculatus Zone) age for the Guadarranquejo Formation has been suggested, the L1andovery/Wenlock boundary Iying probably near its top.
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    El margen pasivo ordovícico-silúrico
    (Geología de España, 2004) Gutiérrez Marco, Juan Carlos; Herranz Araújo, Pedro; Pieren Pidal, Agustín Pedro; Rábano, Isabel; Sarmiento, Graciela N.; San José Lancha, Miguel Ángel de; Barnolas Cortina, Antonio; Villas, E.; Vera, J.A.
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    The Ordovician succession from the western Iberian Ranges (NE Spain): a review with new data
    (Ordovician from the Andes, 2003) Herranz Araújo, Pedro; Gutiérrez Marco, Juan Carlos; Pieren Pidal, Agustín Pedro; Robardet, M.; San José, M.Á. de; Rábano, Isabel; Sarmiento, Graciela N.; Albanesi, Guillermo L.; Beresi, Matilde S.; Peralta, Silvio
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    Revisión litoestratigráfica de la sucesión ordovícica de la Rama Castellana del Sistema Ibérico
    (Geotemas, 2004) Pieren Pidal, Agustín Pedro; Herranz Araújo, Pedro; Gutiérrez Marco, Juan Carlos; San José, M.Á. de; Robardet, M.
    In the Castilian Branch of the Iberian Ranges the Ordovician succession is not abare extension of the well known reference successions of the Aragonese branch. The local Ordovician successions within the Castilian Branch are not identical as well. They show a discrete continuity following the main folding strike (approximately N-S or NW-SE beca use a folding interference) whereas there is a high gradient of variation in a perpendicular strike where we have also registered brusque changes. These variations appear as the presence or absence of formations, facies and thickness changes, etc .. At present we foresee a possible zoning within the Ordovician of this branch where three new domains or juxtaposed bands appear, striking either N-S or NW-SE. If this zoning is demonstrated and characterized, the following step will be to justify its existence regarding the terms of tectonic and sedimentation, characterizing as well the faults or processes between the bands, with the help provided by the geophysical data and the correlation with neighbouring Ordovician areas.
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    Las sucesiones estratigráficas del Paleozoico inferior y medio
    (Contextos geológicos españoles: una aproximación al patrimonio geológico español de relevancia internacional, 2008) Gutiérrez Marco, Juan Carlos; Rábano, Isabel; Liñán, Eladio; Gozalo, Rodolfo; Fernández Martínez, Esperanza; Arbizu Senosiaín, Miguel; Mendez Bedia, Isabel; Pieren Pidal, Agustín Pedro; Sarmiento, Graciela N.; García Cortés, Ángel
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    Faunal dynamics between Iberia and Bohemia during the Oretanian and Dobrotivian (late Middle-earliest Upper Ordovician), and biogeographic relations with Avalonia and Baltica.
    (Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Geologica, 1999) Gutiérrez Marco, Juan Carlos; Rábano, Isabel; Sarmiento, Graciela N.; Aceñolaza, Guillermo F.; San José, M.Á. de; Pieren Pidal, Agustín Pedro; Herranz Araújo, Pedro; Couto, Helena M.; Piçarra, José Manuel
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    Novedades paleontológicas del Ordovícico en el Parque Nacional de Cabañeros (Castilla-La Mancha)
    (Geogaceta, 2008) Gutiérrez Marco, Juan Carlos; Pieren Pidal, Agustín Pedro; Rábano, Isabel; Reyes Abril, Jaime
    Lower and Middle Ordovician rocks outcropping in the Cabañeros National Park (Central Iberian Zone) are being explored within a mapping project aimed at identifying geosites representative of the geological and paleontological heritage on this natural area. Ongoing field-work has led to the discovery of three fossil localities that bring out significant paleontological data relevant to the whole Iberian Massif. The oldest comes from the upper part of the Armorican Quartzite Fm. (Floian/middle Arenigian) and is a large ichnofossil identified as Tumblagoodichnus? isp., which probably represents a shallow burrow filled by collapse of sand from above, and dug as a temporary refuge by a large arthropod. The trace is 45 cm wide, much bigger than the large arthropod traces previously reported from the Iberian Ordovician (rare Cruziana reach up to 26 cm in width). The second fossil locality lies towards the middle part of the overlying Marjaliza Beds (Dapingian to lower Darriwilian/middle-upper Arenigian) and is represented by a thick coquina of paleotaxodont and paleoheterodont bivalves, apparently formed due to a catastrophic event (an exceptional storm?) that transported and entombed en masse millions of individuals now preserved as complete specimens with closed valves. This local abundance strongly contrasts with the scarcity of Arenigian bivalves preserved in the Cruziana sandstone facies of SW Europe. Finally, the youngest locality is a rich fossiliferous bed of lower Oretanian (Darriwilian) age recorded in the Navas de Estena Shales, where the brachiopod genus Eodalmanella (Ranorthidae) makes its second European occurrence and reinforces the Ibero-Bohemian paleobiogeographic affinities.
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    Public dissemination of knowledge regarding Ordovician geologicaland palaeontological heritage inprotected natural areas of Iberia
    (Acta palaeontologica sinica, 2007) Gutiérrez Marco, Juan Carlos; Rábano, Isabel; Sá, Artur A.; San José, M.Á. de; Pieren Pidal, Agustín Pedro; Sarmiento, Graciela N.; Piçarra, José Manuel; Durán, Juan J.; Baeza, Eleuterio; Lorenzo Álvarez, Saturnino