Pieren Pidal, Agustín Pedro

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First Name
Agustín Pedro
Last Name
Pieren Pidal
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Geológicas
Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y Paleontología
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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 15
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    Faunal dynamics between Iberia and Bohemia during the Oretanian and Dobrotivian (late Middle-earliest Upper Ordovician), and biogeographic relations with Avalonia and Baltica.
    (Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Geologica, 1999) Gutiérrez Marco, Juan Carlos; Rábano, Isabel; Sarmiento Chiesa, Graciela Noemí; Aceñolaza, Guillermo F.; San José, M.Á. de; Pieren Pidal, Agustín Pedro; Herranz Araújo, Pedro; Couto, Helena M.; Piçarra, José Manuel
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    Itinerarios geológicos por el Macizo Ibérico
    (1996) Herranz Araújo, Pedro; San José Lancha, Miguel Ángel de; Pieren Pidal, Agustín Pedro; García Quintana, Álvaro
    Transversal geológica de las Zonas de Ossa-Morena y SW de la zona Centro-Ibérica del Macizo Hespérico entre el Este de la Tierra de Barros (Badajoz central), y los Montes de Toledo Occidentales (Toledo). Se trata de la memoria para un viaje de estudios geológicos que tiene como objetivo concreto mostrar las características estratigráficas de las distintas unidades metamórficas y sedimentarias que forman el Precámbrico y Paleozoico en el sector meridional de la Zona Centro-Ibérica (Subzona Lusooretana) y en el sector nororiental de la Zona de Ossa-Morena (nueva Zona Lusitano-Mariánica), y el estudio de sus relaciones, en especial las que presentan mayor importancia para la interpretación evolutiva de dichas áreas, cuyo carácter controvertido resalta su interés didáctico. Se trata de la excursión y la edición de 1996. Como objetivo más general, este viaje de estudios pretende ofrecer al alumno la posibilidad de contrastar con la realidad, al menos una parte de los contenidos contemplados en el desarrollo de la asignatura. En las Ciencias Territoriales, como es el caso de la Geología, la realidad es sustituida en el proceso de aprendizaje por representaciones indirectas de la misma, como descripciones, tablas, gráficos, mapas, fotografías, diapositivas, videos, etc. Ello lleva con frecuencia al alumno a errores conceptuales importantes, que no son detectados fácilmente por los métodos usuales de evaluación. Por ello, para una correcta formación del alumno en estas ciencias, es imprescindible la realización de este tipo de actividades docentes.
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    El margen pasivo ordovícico-silúrico
    (Geología de España, 2004) Gutiérrez Marco, Juan Carlos; Herranz Araújo, Pedro; Pieren Pidal, Agustín Pedro; Rábano, Isabel; Sarmiento Chiesa, Graciela Noemí; San José Lancha, Miguel Ángel de; Barnolas Cortina, Antonio; Villas, E.; Vera, J.A.
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    The Lusitanian-Marianic area as a new zone of the Hesperian massif. Stratigraphic arguments
    (Journal of conference abstracts, 1999) Herranz Araújo, Pedro; Pieren Pidal, Agustín Pedro; San José, M.Á. de
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    Geotraverse south (B-1) : (excursion guidebook. Day 2)
    (Geotraverse south (B-1) : (excursion guidebook), 1986) Martínez García, E.; Herranz Araújo, Pedro; San José Lancha, Miguel Ángel de; Perejón, Antonio; González Casado, José Manuel; Pieren Pidal, Agustín Pedro; Apalategui, O.; Eguiluz, L.; Hernández Enrile, José Luis; Martínez García, E.
    The purpose of this excursion is to make a quick geological reconnaissance of the main stratigraphic and tectonic characteristics of the terranes in the southern part of the Iberian Peninsula, starting with the Alcudian Terrane (days 1 and 2), Obejo-Valseguillo (day 2), Hornachos (day 2), Valencia de las Torres (day 3), Sierra Albarrana (day 3), Olivenza-Monesterio (days 4 and 5), Barrancos (day 5), Aracena (day 5), Pule do Lobo (day 5), and South Portuguese (day 6), by visiting strategic outcrops where the main points and problems can be discussed.
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    A review of the Ossa-Morena Zone and its limits. Implications for the definition of the Lusitan-Marianic Zone.
    (Journal of iberian geology, 2004) San José, M.A. de; Herranz Araújo, Pedro; Pieren Pidal, Agustín Pedro
    The boundary between the Central-Iberian Zone and the Ossa-Morena Zone of the Hesperian Massif has long been placed either in Los Pedroches batholith or in the Badajoz-Cordoba shear zone, using different arguments. Here, based on mainly stratigraphic and paleogeographic criteria, we propose that this boundary is in fact a new zone of the Hesperian Massif, the Lusitan-Marianic Zone, and not just a simple lineament. The northern limit of this zone is at present concealed by the Variscan “Los Pedroches” batholith, and the southern one is the “Malcocinado Fault”. The main distinctive geological features of this zone are: 1) The Proterozoic-Lower Cambrian basement rocks are similar to those of the Ossa-Morena Zone. This basement cannot be correlated with Precambrian rocks outcropping north-eastwards of the Los Pedroches batholith, even if the Alcudian-type sediments might have a Central-Iberian equivalent. 2)The Paleozoic sequences younger than Middle/Upper Cambrian, outcropping between the Malcocinado fault and the Pedroches batholith, display however clear Central-Iberian affinities, and have nothing in common with those of SW Ossa Morena. Excepting the Silurian, a persistent paleogeographic high existed in the south of the Lusitan-Marianic Zone that migrated transversally through time. The proposed new Lusitan-Marianic Zone shows more distinctive properties to be recognised as an independent entity, than other traditionally distinguished zones, e.g., the Cantabrian Zone, West Asturian-Leonese Zone or Central-Iberian Zone, whose boundaries do not correspond to paleogeographic features as significant as those described here.
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    Geotraverse south (B-1) : (excursion guidebook. Day 1)
    (Geotraverse south (B-1) : (excursion guidebook), 1986) Martínez García, E.; Herranz Araújo, Pedro; San José Lancha, Miguel Ángel de; Perejón, Antonio; González Casado, José Manuel; Pieren Pidal, Agustín Pedro; Apalategui, O.; Eguiluz, L.; Hernández Enrile, José Luis; Martínez García, E.
    The purpose of this excursion is to make a quick geological reconnaissance of the main stratigraphic and tectonic characteristics of the terranes in the southern part of the Iberian Peninsula, starting with the Alcudian Terrane (days 1 and 2), Obejo-Valseguillo (day 2), Hornachos (day 2), Valencia de las Torres (day 3), Sierra Albarrana (day 3), Olivenza-Monesterio (days 4 and 5), Barrancos (day 5), Aracena (day 5), Pule do Lobo (day 5), and South Portuguese (day 6), by visiting strategic outcrops where the main points and problems can be discussed.
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    Presencia y caracterización del "Alcudiense superior" (Vendiense) en el entronque de La Serena y El Valle de Alcudia (Este de la Provincia de Badajoz)
    (II Congreso Geológico de España, Granada 1988., 1988) Pieren Pidal, Agustín Pedro; Herranz Araújo, Pedro
    Upper Alcudian series are studied in a new location in westernmost Alcudia Valley (Badajoz). Basal angular unconformity, inner disconformities, and the presence of dolos tones and ichnofossils suggesting the stratigraphic environment of these facies, are described. The paleogeograhic implications, as well as the magnitude of the intra-alcudian, sardic and taconic phases in this area are discussed. Finally the Upper Alcudian series are compared with known Upper Alcudian of neighbor areas.
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    Una visión actualizada de la distribución de los materiales preordovícicos de la Zona Centro Ibérica meridional
    (Geotemas, 2004) Pieren Pidal, Agustín Pedro; Herranz Araújo, Pedro
    The southern boundary of the Central Iberían Zone is discussed and undoubtedly located in the "Los Pedroches" axis for Precambrian and Cambrian times. We have studied the pre-Ordovician rocks on a 200 km long band immedíately bounding thís axis and 60 km wide differentiating three main units below the Armorican Quartzite: Lower Alcudian, Upper Alcudian and Basal Ordovician. Our work is mainly focussed on Upper Alcudían subdívided in three units separated by unconformities and discontinuities. The first one AS1 is entirely uppermost Proterozoic, AS2 corresponds to the Lowermost Cambrian and AS3 is a well-dated Lower Cambrian. The purpose of this work is to review every zone where the Upper Alcudian rocks outcrop beca use many of them were absolutely unknown, some other were considered as Ordovician in the existing maps, and the age of the well-known outcrops is discussed. Their distribution is depicted on an actualized map.
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    Discordancia intra-Alcudiense en el anticlinal de Agudo (Ciudad Real-Badajoz)
    (Geogaceta, 1987) Pieren Pidal, Agustín Pedro; Pineda Velasco, A.; Herranz Araújo, Pedro
    The Proterozoic unconfomity, also known more to the East, is described in the Agudo Antic/ine at the base of the Upper Alcudian (Upper Vendian) and extended to the whole antic/inory. This allows the extension of the Intra-Alcudian unconformity to the W.