Perea Pérez, Bernardo

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Perea Pérez
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Medicina Legal, Psiquiatría y Patología
Medicina Legal y Forense
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    Spanish allele and haplotype database for 32 X-chromosome Insertion-Deletion polymorphisms
    (Forensic Science International Genetics, 2020) Lopes Gomes, Claudia Filipa; Baeza Richer, Carlos; Palomo Díez, Sara; López Parra, Ana María; Labajo González, Elena; Perea Pérez, Bernardo; Arroyo Pardo, Eduardo
    X-chromosome markers have been proved to be decisive both complementing and solving kinship analysis, particularly when autosomal markers are not able to produce adequate likelihood ratios between different hypothesis. On the other hand, Pereira et al., (2012) have demonstrated that 32 Insertion/Deletion (InDel) markers located on the X-Chromosome have a very important power of discrimination in human populations, being a novel tool in the forensic and population fields. So, the aim of the present work was testing the forensic and population genetic efficiency of the 32 X-InDel polymorphisms in the Spanish population, and subsequently build an allele/haplotype frequencies database. To accomplish this objective, a total of 555 samples comprising male individuals from 13 Spanish regions were analysed for the above mentioned 32 X-InDels in two independent laboratories. A pairwise FST analysis was performed in order to understand if the studied Spanish sub-populations present significant differences among them, detecting possible population substructure. Also, linkage disequilibrium analyses were computed to investigate the presence of association between markers in the Spanish population. After Bonferroni correction, the absence of significant differences among the studied regions supports a global Spanish population database. Concerning LD, besides previously reported linked markers MID356-MID357 and MID3690-MID3719-MID2089, we also detected significant association between MID3703-MID3774, even after Bonferroni correction. Finally, after computing allele and haplotype frequencies, forensic efficiency parameters were calculated (PDmales = 99.999976 %; PDfemales = 99.99999999998 %). Mean exclusion chance values for duos were 0.999 and trios 0.99999. These results reinforce the suitability of the 32 X-InDels marker set both in identification and kinship studies.
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    Paleogenetic evidence of a Pyrenean Neolithic family: Kinship, physical appearance and biogeography multidisciplinary analysis
    (Journal of Archeological Science, 2020) Lopes Gomes, Claudia Filipa; Gerard Remolins; López Parra, Ana María; Baeza Richer, Carlos; Guerrero, Diana; Palomo Díez, Sara; Labajo González, Elena; Perea Pérez, Bernardo; Arroyo Pardo, Eduardo
    One of the most important Neolithic necropolises in the north-east of the Iberian Peninsula is La Feixa del Moro (3975-3790 cal. BC), located at 1335 mamsl in the Pyrenees (Juberri, Sant Julia de Lòria, Andorra). Within the scarcity of multiple simultaneous Neolithic burials, the main importance of La Feixa del Moro lies in the fact that it is one of the very few cases to suggest a biological family burial, comprising two adults and a newborn baby. Accordingly, the purpose of the present work was the multidisciplinary interpretation of the necropolis in the Neolithic context of the Pyrenees, on a potential route between the Iberian Peninsula and Europe. Therefore, kinship and biogeographic analyses were performed, as well as external visible characteristics phenotyping. Our results suggest the possibility of a traditional nuclear family, pointing to a very probable relation between the newborn and both adults. First, two mitochondrial haplotypes and two lineages were determined: H1, for the presumable mother and newborn, and U5, for the presumed father. Second, regarding their physical appearance, they all had brown eyes, the adult female and the neonate had dark brown hair, while the adult male's hair was dark red-brown. Finally, it was possible to confirm the sex of two of the individuals, as the newborn baby gender was also confirmed by the High Troughoutput Sequencing analysis. The multidisciplinary analysis of the La Feixa del Moro burial place envisions a very probable familial burial. Not only does the genetic evidence point to biological kinship, but also the archaeological record indicates a habitational area surrounding the burial site. The similar artefacts and the care shown during the funerary ritual suggest a probable biological Neolithic family.