Estupiñá Puig, Francisco José

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Francisco José
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Estupiñá Puig
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Personalidad, Evaluación y Psicología Clínica
Personalidad, Evaluación y Tratamiento Psicológico
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    Advertising Games of Chance in Adolescents and Young Adults in Spain
    (Journal of Gambling Studies, 2020) Labrador Encinas, Francisco Javier; Bernaldo De Quirós Aragón, Mónica; Sánchez Iglesias, Iván; Labrador Méndez, Marta Isabel; Vallejo Achón, Marina; Fernández Arias, Ignacio Gabino; Estupiñá Puig, Francisco José
    Gambling advertising can influence attitudes and gaming behavior of adolescents and young adults (A&Y). Objective: to study the effect of advertising on the attitudes and gaming behavior of a sample of 2887 Spanish A&Y (12-22 years old), by means of a self-report assessment. Results and discussion: on average, participants show a weak effect of advertising, however there are great variations, estimating that 11% of A&Y acknowledge being influenced by advertising and 5% recognize being severely affected. Men see themselves more impacted than women, without age differences. Those who play videogames signal a stronger effect of this kind of advertising and although these differences are not substantial in effect size, they reach statistically significance in 12 of the 13 questions assessed. A&Y who showed higher scores indicating problematic use of videogames in the IDGS9-SF, are those who indicate a greater impact of advertising on their attitudes towards gaming, as well as on the way they play or on their intention to play. These results support the idea that videogames can, albeit modestly, predispose engagement in games of chance.
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    Video Game Playing and Internet Gaming Disorder: A Profile of Young Adolescents
    (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2023) Labrador Méndez, Marta Isabel; Sánchez Iglesias, Iván; Bernaldo De Quirós Aragón, Mónica; Estupiñá Puig, Francisco José; Fernández Arias, Ignacio Gabino; Vallejo Achón, Marina; Labrador Encinas, Francisco Javier
    In recent times, growing concern has arisen regarding the utilization of technology, video games, and the emergence of internet gaming disorder (IGD), particularly among young adolescents. This worry arises from the ambiguity in distinguishing between “normal” and “problematic” video game behavior, despite efforts to establish clear criteria for defining both. The goal of this study is to outline distinct profiles of adolescent video game players and identify variables associated with their gaming practices that correlate with problematic gaming. The study utilizes a substantial sample of adolescents drawn from a representative cross-section of educational institutions in the city of Madrid, ranging in age from 12 to 16 years. In total, 1516 participants (75%) acknowledged engaging in video game activities. The research delves into characterizing prevailing profiles of video game participants within this cohort and scrutinizes the profile that aligns with issues of IGD. In summary, approximately three-quarters of young adolescents participate in video gaming, with males constituting the majority. Typically, participants immerse themselves in action genre games for over three days per week, with males exhibiting a higher frequency than their female counterparts. Elevated gaming frequency correlates with heightened IGD scores, particularly among females. Young adolescents show a preference for game consoles (males) and mobile phones (females) and often play alone at home. Specific factors such as the device used, online mode, company, and gaming location impact the IGD scores. These profiles aim to assist families and educators in recognizing potential risk behaviors and IGD concerns; however, it is crucial to emphasize the necessity for case-specific screening and evaluation before deliberating on such behaviors.
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    Psychometric properties of a brief on-line screening instrument to detect at-risk gamblers
    (Psicothema, 2017) Bernaldo De Quirós Aragón, Mónica; Labrador Encinas, Francisco Javier; Estupiñá Puig, Francisco José; García Fernández, Gloria; Labrador Méndez, Marta Isabel
    Background: Gambling facilitates the development of psychopathological problems in some gamblers. Rapid and easy detection of the presence of these problems, or the risk of their development, will allow early action at the beginning of the problem, including preventive action. For this purpose, we developed the “Sistema de Cribado de Riesgo de Problemas de Juegos” (SCRI-PJ [Risk of Gambling Problems Screening System]), an on-line instrument for the detection of people who have, or may develop, gambling problems. The goal of this work is to present and validate the SCRI-PJ. Method: 85 people with gambling problems undergoing treatment and 119 people from the general population were assessed with the SCRI-PJ and the DSM-RT Diagnostic Criteria for Pathological Gambling questionnaire. Results: The SCRI-PJ showed high internal consistency (α = .96), sensitivity (94.2%) specifi city (91.4%), with a negative predictive value of 98.6%. Conclusion: The SCRI-PJ is a brief and effective screening instrument to detect people with gambling problems or who are at risk of developing them.
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    Práctica clínica basada en la evidencia para el tratamiento psicológico de los trastornos depresivos: utilidad clínica y coste-efectividad
    (2016) Estupiñá Puig, Francisco José; Labrador Encinas, Francisco Javier
    Objetivos: evaluar las características de la práctica basada en la evidencia (PBE) en contexto asistencial; su efectividad sobre la sintomatología depresiva; las variables asociadas a la misma; y su eficiencia. Método: estudio retrospectivo sobre una muestra propositiva compuesta por 89 casos diagnosticados de trastorno depresivo mayor (80,9%) o de distimia (19,1%) en la Clínica Universitaria de Psicología de la UCM. Un 78,7% de los casos eran mujeres, y un 48,3% de los casos seguía un tratamiento farmacológico; la duración promedio del problema fue 30,9 meses y la puntuación promedio en el BDI-­‐II en el pretratamiento fue 33 puntos. Diversas variables fueron evaluadas para responder a los objetivos. Resultados: los pacientes recibieron un tratamiento individualizado y autocorrectivo basado sobre todo en psicoeducación, reestructuración cognitiva, activación conductual, técnicas de relajación, entrenamiento en solución de problemas y en habilidades sociales, durante unas 18 sesiones semanales. Un 35,96% de los pacientes terminó prematuramente la intervención, estando la adherencia a las técnicas y a las sesiones y el índice de severidad global del SCL-­‐90-­‐R asociados de modo significativo al abandono. En total, un 80,3% de los pacientes alcanzó un cambio clínicamente significativo de la sintomatología depresiva según el BDI-­‐II, y un 86,2% según el BAI. La reducción en las puntuaciones del BDI-­‐II se asoció con el entrenamiento en habilidades sociales; además, los pacientes más graves y los diagnosticados a partir del BDI-­‐II y el juicio clínico mejoraron más. El tratamiento fue coste – efectivo en relación a la intervención aplicada en Atención Primaria (AP): el coste directo promedio de incrementar un 1% el porcentaje de la muestra que experimentó recuperación en AP fue mayor que el tratamiento psicológico basado en la evidencia en un 34,9% (sólo tratamiento) o en un 11,0% (tratamiento más evaluación) Discusión: se constata para este estudio que los tratamientos aplicados desde la perspectiva de la PBE para la depresión son similares a los tratamientos empíricamente apoyados, especialmente a la terapia cognitiva de Beck, aunque adicionan elementos a partir del juicio del clínico, que en el caso de las técnicas de relajación y la solución de problemas no parecen contribuir a la mejoría. La efectividad de la intervención fue comparable a la hallada en contextos asistenciales o investigadores, con un porcentaje de abandonos elevado, pero consistente con lo hallado en otros centros universitarios. La ausencia de un efecto significativo de la duración de las intervenciones, y la evidencia de que los pacientes que terminan prematuramente el tratamiento se beneficiaron del mismo es consistente con un modelo de “nivel suficiente de funcionamiento” (GEL), según el cual los pacientes continúan en la intervención hasta que han mejorado lo bastante según su criterio. La generalizabilidad de los resultados del estudio es elevada de acuerdo a criterios estandarizados. Entre las limitaciones del estudio están la ausencia de seguimiento a largo plazo; el elevado número de valores perdidos; y la naturaleza archivística del estudio. Conclusiones: este estudio viene a reforzar la evidencia sobre la efectividad de la PBE para los trastornos depresivos. Adicionalmente, la PBE resultó más cara pero más eficiente en cuanto a costes directos que la intervención desarrollada en AP, sin que su efectividad se viera reducida en pacientes más graves o más crónicos. Además, existe aún margen para incrementar su eficiencia y competitividad. A partir de estos resultados, se recomienda prolongar la intervención psicológica hasta la obtención de mejoría; emplear la formulación de casos como un medio para reducir la duración del tratamiento y prescindir de elementos superfluos, enfatizando en cambio el abordaje de la temática interpersonal en la depresión.
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    Emotional regulation in gaming disorder: A systematic review
    (The American Journal on Addictions, 2024) Estupiñá Puig, Francisco José; Bernaldo De Quirós Aragón, Mónica; Vallejo Achón, Marina; Fernández Arias, Ignacio Gabino; Labrador Encinas, Francisco Javier
    Background and Objectives: Problematic video game use is a source of concern. In addictions, difficulties with emotional regulation have become an important variable of interest. However, their study in relation to problematic video game use remains insufficient. Methods: A systematic review was conducted following PRISMA 2020 guidelines; 322 studies were screened, resulting in a final sample of k = 18 studies. The methodological quality of these studies was rated as moderate according to the McMaster Critical Review Form for Quantitative studies (CRF-Q). Results: There is evidence of relationship between different facets of emotional regulation and the presence of problematic video game use. Particularly, video games serve as escape strategy for suppressing emotional expression. There is no consensus regarding the nature of the relationship between emotional regulation, psychopathology, and problematic video game use, with various proposals suggesting moderation and mediation. There is also no consensus regarding the mediation of gender in the relationship between emotional dysregulation and problematic video game use. The level of certainty regarding the validity of the results was moderate. Discussion and Conclusions: Emotional dysregulation plays a role in problematic video game use, especially through strategies as emotional suppression, and lack of abilities to understand and control emotions. It is important to consider emotional regulation as a potential target for research and intervention in clinical populations. Scientific Significance: We review the largest sample of papers on problem gaming and emotion regulation to date. Our results highlight the importance of emotion regulation and, specially, emotional suppression, or negative escapism, on problematic video game use.
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    Characteristics of demand and psychological treatments in a university clinic
    (Clínica y Salud, 2016) Labrador Méndez, Marta Isabel; Labrador Encinas, Francisco Javier; Bernaldo De Quirós Aragón, Mónica; García Fernández, Gloria; Estupiñá Puig, Francisco José; Fernández Arias, Ignacio Gabino
    The objectives of this study are to describe the most common characteristics of patients receiving psychological treatment and the treatments administered. We analyzed a sample of 856 patients at the University Psychology Clinic of the Complutense University of Madrid. Five diagnostic categories accounted for 78.4% of demand: anxiety disorders (31.9%), no diagnosis (15.4%), other problems requiring clinical attention (14.2%), mood disorders (9.5%) and adaptive disorders (7.4%). A total of 17.7% presented a comorbid diagnosis and 49.3% had received treatment previously. The mean of assessment and treatment sessions was 3.5 and 12.7, respectively. The most commonly applied techniques included psychoeducation (95.1%), cognitive restructuring (74.8%), relaxation (74.4%), and control of internal dialogue (68.1%).Of the patients that had finished contact with the clinic, 68.3% were a therapeutic success. We discuss the generalization of the results and the implications for the profession and clinical practice.
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    Cognitive Patterns and Problematic Use of Video Games in Adolescents: A Cluster Analysis
    (2023) Fernández Arias, Ignacio Gabino; Labrador Méndez, Marta Isabel; Bernaldo De Quirós Aragón, Mónica; Estupiñá Puig, Francisco José; Vallejo Achón, Marina; Sánchez Iglesias, Iván; González Álvarez, María; Labrador Encinas, Francisco Javier
    Background: Video game playing (VGP) is an increasingly common leisure activity among children and adolescents, although in some cases, it is accompanied by problems due to misuse. Method: A sample of 2884 children and adolescents aged between 12 and 20, representative of the Community of Madrid (Spain), were studied using a cluster analysis to explore the existence of cognitive patterns associated with engagement, attitudes, and concurrent cognitions. We also explored the relationship between these patterns and problematic VGP, using the 2173 gamers as a reference. Results: The concurrent cognitions were not qualitatively different between the problematic users and the others. High engagement and high activation of concurrent cognitions (intensity and frequency) showed the greatest relationship with problematic VGP. Conclusions: The results suggest the existence of different groups of gamers and the relevance to include psycho-educational aspects in intervention programs, as well as the training of specific skills, especially those related with the control of activation. Limitations related to the sample size and potential supplementary analyses are acknowledged.
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    Factors associated with prolonging psychological treatment for anxiety disorders
    (2015) Labrador Mendez, Marta; Bernaldo De Quirós Aragón, Mónica; Labrador Encinas, Francisco Javier; García Fernández, Gloria; Fernández Arias, Ignacio Gabino; Estupiñá Puig, Francisco José; Labrador Méndez, Marta Isabel
    Background: Anxiety disorders are one of the disorders most frequently requested for psychological attention. The purpose of this study is to identify the factors that can explain a longer duration of psychological treatment for anxiety disorders. Method: 202 patients from the University Psychology Clinic of the Complutense University of Madrid were analyzed. Results: Multivariate regression analysis showed that the presence of obsessive-compulsive disorder and the application of arousal control techniques followed by modeling and other specifi c techniques were the best predictors of treatment duration. Conclusion: Reducing as much as possible the number of techniques applied without reducing intervention effi cacy is suggested. In some disorders that produce a greater life disorganization, it may be useful to try to organize the patient´s life either as a fi rst goal or at the same time as the intervention program, so as to increase its effectiveness and reduce the number of sessions.
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    Premature termination of psychological treatment for anxiety disorders in a clinical setting
    (Psicothema, 2016) Fernández Arias, Ignacio Gabino; García Fernández, Gloria; Bernaldo De Quirós Aragón, Mónica; Estupiñá Puig, Francisco José; Labrador Encinas, Francisco Javier; Labrador Méndez, Marta Isabel
    Background: Empirically supported psychological treatments (ESTs) have demonstrated their effectiveness and clinical utility for the treatment of anxiety disorders (AD) but few studies have assessed the factors associated with premature termination in ESTs for AD. Method: The goals of this study, which involved 291 patients with a diagnosis of anxiety who had received outpatient psychological care, consisted of examining premature termination of treatment (PTT), comparing the individual characteristics of the patients who successfully completed treatment with those who terminate it prematurely, and analyzing the predictors of PTT. Results: Of the sample, 8.2% refused to start treatment, 28.5% dropped out before completing it, and 63.2% successfully completed treatment. In 50% of the cases, PTT occurred during the fi rst 7 sessions, and in 80%, before the 15th session. Alternatively, 76.4% of the patients who complete treatment successfully do so before session 20. We found that patients with PTT attended a significantly lower number of treatment sessions and attended the sessions more irregularly and unpunctually. Presenting a generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), problems with punctuality and with task performance were predictors of failure to complete treatment. Conclusions: These findings suggest the need to reinforce early adherence to treatments to help patients remain in treatment.
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    Factors Interfering with the Course of Treatment for Anxiety Disorders: Prolongation and Premature Termination of Treatment
    (2019) Bernaldo De Quirós Aragón, Mónica; Estupiñá Puig, Francisco José; Labrador Encinas, Francisco Javier; Labrador Méndez, Marta Isabel; Fernández Arias, Ignacio Gabino
    The efficacy and the effectiveness of anxiety disorder treatments have been proven. However, the desired results are not always achieved. Studying the factors that interfere with the natural course of the treatments could help to correct and to adapt them. Two of these factors are the unnecessary prolongation of treatments and their premature termination. As expected, the duration of the treatment depends on the nature of the problem and the existence of comorbid problems, however treatments that are too ambitious (an excess of techniques) or combined with pharmacological treatments (increasing sessions by up to 21%) also have a longer duration. Premature termination is around 30-35% and patients “announce” the dropout by displaying poorer task performance and more irregular attendance from the beginning. More than 50% of the therapeutic dropout occurs before the eighth session and 80% of successful treatments are completed before the 20th session.