Castillo Sánchez, José Carlos

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First Name
José Carlos
Last Name
Castillo Sánchez
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Biológicas
Bioquímica y Biología Molecular
Bioquímica y Biología Molecular
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Search Results

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    Project number: 34
    La conciencia social es la vacuna
    (2021) García Linares, Sara; Ferrari Puerta, Alberto; Rivera de Torre, Esperanza; Castillo Sánchez, José Carlos
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    Molecular mechanisms in the biogenesis of surface-active lung surfactant complexes
    (2021) Castillo Sánchez, José Carlos; Cruz Rodríguez, Antonio; Pérez Gil, Jesús
    The pulmonary surfactant is a lipid/protein complex that diminishes surface tension forces and facilitates respiratory dynamics upon coating the alveolar air-liquid interface. This surfaceactive agent is synthesized by specialized cells of the alveolar epithelium termed type II pneumocytes. The synthesis of lung surfactant is a highly regulated biological process involving, not only synthesis and maturation of surfactant proteins, but also lipid packing and assembly. Its biogenesis leads to the formation of tightly packed multilamellar organelles calledlamellar bodies. In the recent years, several studies have suggested that freshly secreted lung surfactant complexes have particular structural properties leading to a highly active interfacial behaviour. However, surfactant complexes used typically in both research and clinical applications are usually isolated from lavages of animal lungs and have already gone through structural alterations as a result of exposure to respiratory dynamics and highly oxidative environments, and scarcely contain freshly assembled surfactant complexes. Notwithstanding evidence, there is not a detailed characterization of the structural and functional differences between a surfactant assembled as lamellar body-like particles and a material already subjected to respiratory dynamics. The reason is the necessary use of cell cultures of type II pneumocytes as the main approach to obtain lamellar bodies, what limits its experimental use. Therefore, the main objective of this Thesis is to describe the molecular determinants underlaying structure-function relationships of lung surfactant complexes with similar properties to freshly secreted surfactant aggregates packed as highly dehydrated and particularly active lamellar bodies...
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    Compositional, structural and functional properties of discrete coexisting complexes within bronchoalveolar pulmonary surfactant
    (Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Biomembranes, 2022) Castillo Sánchez, José Carlos; Cruz Rodríguez, Antonio; Pérez Gil, Jesús; Cerrada, Alejandro; Conde, Mikel
    Lung surfactant (LS) stabilizes the respiratory surface by forming a film at the alveolar air-liquid interface that reduces surface tension and minimizes the work of breathing. Typically, this surface-active agent has been isolated from animal lungs both for research and biomedical applications. However, these materials are constituted by complex membranous architectures including surface-active and inactive lipid/protein assemblies. In this work, we describe the composition, structure and surface activity of discrete membranous entities that are part of a LS preparation isolated from bronchoalveolar lavages of porcine lungs. Seven different fractions could be resolved from whole surfactant subjected to sucrose density gradient centrifugation. Detailed compositional characterization revealed differences in protein and cholesterol content but no distinct saturated:unsaturated phosphatidylcholine ratios. Moreover, no significant differences were detected regarding apparent hydration at the headgroup region of membranes, as reported by the probe Laurdan, and lipid chain mobility analysed by electron spin resonance (ESR) in spite of the variety of membranous assemblies observed by transmission electron microscopy. In addition, six of the seven separated LS subfractions formed similar, essentially disordered-like, interfacial films and performed efficient surface activity, under physiologically relevant conditions. Altogether, our work show that a LS isolated from porcine lungs is comprised by a heterogenous population of membranous assemblies lacking freshly secreted unused LS complexes sustaining highly dehydrated and ordered membranous assemblies as previously reported. We propose that surfactant subfractions may illustrate intermediates in sequential structural steps within the structural transformations occurring along the respiratory compression-expansion cycles.
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    The highly packed and dehydrated structure of preformed unexposed human pulmonary surfactant isolated from amniotic fluid
    (American Journal of Physiology - Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology (AJP - Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology), 2022) Castillo Sánchez, José Carlos; Roldán, Nuria; García Álvarez, Begoña; Batllori, Emma; Galindo Izquierdo, Alberto; Cruz Rodríguez, Antonio; Pérez Gil, Jesús
    By coating the alveolar air-liquid interface, lung surfactant overwhelms surface tension forces that, otherwise, would hinder the lifetime effort of breathing. Years of research have provided a picture of how highly hydrophobic and specialized proteins in surfactant promote rapid and efficient formation of phospholipid-based complex three-dimensional films at the respiratory surface, highly stable under the demanding breathing mechanics. However, recent evidence suggests that the structure and performance of surfactant typically isolated from bronchoalveolar lung lavages may be far from that of nascent, still unused, surfactant as freshly secreted by type II pneumocytes into the alveolar airspaces. In the present work, we report the isolation of lung surfactant from human amniotic fluid (amniotic fluid surfactant, AFS) and a detailed description of its composition, structure, and surface activity in comparison to a natural surfactant (NS) purified from porcine bronchoalveolar lavages. We observe that the lipid/ protein complexes in AFS exhibit a substantially higher lipid packing and dehydration than in NS. AFS shows melting transitions at higher temperatures than NS and a conspicuous presence of nonlamellar phases. The surface activity of AFS is not only comparable with that of NS under physiologically meaningful conditions but displays significantly higher resistance to inhibition by serum or meconium, agents that inactivate surfactant in the context of severe respiratory pathologies. We propose that AFS may be the optimal model to study the molecular mechanisms sustaining pulmonary surfactant performance in health and disease, and the reference material to develop improved therapeutic surfactant preparations to treat yet unresolved respiratory pathologies.
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    Structural hallmarks of lung surfactant: Lipid-protein interactions, membrane structure and future challenges
    (Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2021) Castillo Sánchez, José Carlos; Cruz Rodríguez, Antonio; Pérez Gil, Jesús
    Lung surfactant (LS) is an outstanding example of how a highly regulated and dynamic membrane-based system has evolved to sustain a wealth of structural reorganizations in order to accomplish its biophysical function, as it coats and stabilizes the respiratory air-liquid interface in the mammalian lung. The present review dissects the complexity of the structure-function relationships in LS through an updated description of the lipid-protein interactions and the membrane structures that sustain its synthesis, secretion, interfacial performance and recycling. We also revise the current models and the biophysical techniques employed to study the membranous architecture of LS. It is important to consider that the structure and functional properties of LS are often studied in bulk or under static conditions, in spite that surfactant function is strongly connected with a highly dynamic behaviour, sustained by very polymorphic structures and lipid-lipid, lipid-protein and protein-protein interactions that reorganize in precise spatio-temporal coordinates. We have tried to underline the evidences available of the existence of such structural dynamism in LS. A last important aspect is that the synthesis and assembly of LS is a strongly regulated intracellular process to ensure the establishment of the proper interactions driving LS surface activity, while protecting the integrity of other cell membranes. The use of simplified lipid models or partial natural materials purified from animal tissues could be too simplistic to understand the true molecular mechanisms defining surfactant function in vivo. In this line, we will bring into the attention of the reader the methodological challenges and the questions still open to understand the structure-function relationships of LS at its full biological relevance.