Puente Regidor, Mónica

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Puente Regidor
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Políticas y Sociología
Economía Aplicada, Pública y Política
Economía Aplicada
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Search Results

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  • Item
    Central banking and the crisis A comparison of the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank measures, and the ECB´s changing role in the EU economic governance system
    (OASIS. Observatorio de análisis de los sistemas internacionales, 2016) Puente Regidor, Mónica; Czubala Ostapiuk, Marcin
    The European Central Bank (ECB) has received a lot of criticism for its too little, too late performance to ease market preassures during the economic crisis. At the same time, the ECB and the Federal Reserve (FED) has managed the new economic realities that have emerged in the international context differently. Despite the criticisms, the European Central Bank is the European Union institution that has assumed more control due to the new model of economic governance of the EU. Why did the Federal Reserve act to nimbly and quickly to calm the markets, while the ECB was so cautious in managing monetary policy? The aim of this paper is the perform a comparative analysis of the management of interest rates and other monetary policy measures undertaken by the Central Bank and the Federal Reserve during the economic crisis, as well as to understand changes in the context of the ECBand emergence of its authority within the European Union´s economic governance model since 2011. Thus, in order to carry out a scrupulous exposition, we will also limit the time frame of this study to the 2007-2014 period.
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    Rural depopulation in spain: Next generation eu as a stimulus to accelerate the transformation
    (Journal of Liberty and International Affairs, 2022) Czubala Ostapiuk, Marcin; Puente Regidor, Mónica; Corullón Hermosa, Carlos
    The main objective of this study was to examine the situation of depopulation in Spain. Also, to highlight the importance of digital transformation and the funds provided through the Next Generation EU (NGEU) to fight against this phenomenon. Basedon data from the National Institute of Statistics (INE), an empirical investigation about the current state of population abandonment in Spain has been carried out. Moreover, the Digitization Index (DiGiX) has been used to obtain a territorial vision about the digitization degree of the Autonomous Communities (CCAA). Finally, the estimates of the Spanish executive set out in the National Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (RTRP) have been used to underline the importance of Next Generation EU resources to fight the problem of „empty Spain‟. That was to see that mentioned country is currently at the head of the „demographic deserts‟ of the EU. Likewise, the Recovery Plan for Europe, and its digital axe, constitute one of the key factors to combat the population abandonment of the Spanish rural areas. In other words, an important approach, which addresses the wide deficiencies in the literature on the subject, is making this research highly relevant and interesting
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    Los cambios en el modelo de gobernanza económica de la Unión Europea a partir de 2011: El efecto en su legitimidad democrática
    (Revista de Estudios Europeos, 2015) Czubala Ostapiuk, Marcin; Puente Regidor, Mónica; Mitxelena Kamiruaga, Carmen
    La crisis económica y financiera internacional a partir de 2008 ha puesto de manifiesto las enormes debilidades que presentaba el modelo institucional y de gobernanza de la Unión Europea (UE) para enfrentarse a los nuevos retos. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar el efecto que el nuevo modelo de gobernanza económica de la Unión Europea a partir de 2011 ha tenido tanto sobre su legitimidad institucional como sobre la crisis de representatividad que, por un lado, manifiestan algunos Estados sobre las instituciones decisorias y, por otro, los propios ciudadanos sobre los gobiernos de los Estados. Para ello, se analizarán los tres pilares básicos de la gobernanza económica de la UE: las nuevas directrices en materia fiscal, el Mecanismo Europeo de Estabilidad y la reforma del sistema financiero europeo.