Puente Regidor, Mónica

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Puente Regidor
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Políticas y Sociología
Economía Aplicada, Pública y Política
Economía Aplicada
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    La gobernanza económica de la Unión Europea. Retos y perspectivas de la Unión Económica y Monetaria Europea
    (2012) Puente Regidor, Mónica
    La crisis económica internacional iniciada en 2007 ha puesto de manifiesto los déficits e incoherencias en la arquitectura de la Unión Monetaria Europea. Los desequilibrios financieros acumulados previamente y los consecuentes rescates promovidos en 2010 y 2011 a Grecia, Italia y Portugal son claros indicadores de que la unión monetaria adolece de una falta de sistema adecuado de gobernanza, es decir, de un sistema institucional dotado de instrumentos monetarios, fiscales y financieros imprescindibles para garantizar en términos sostenibles y eficientes el desenvolvimiento de la unión monetaria así como para enfrentarse a shocks externos con consecuencias asimétricas en las economías de los estados miembros. El objeto de este libro es entender los retos que afronta la unión monetaria a partir del análisis de supuestos teóricos de la unión monetaria europea, el proceso de configuración institucional del Tratado de Maastricht y el diseño institucional y regulatorio que garantice la gobernanza y el futuro de la unión monetaria europea.
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    Institutional reform and changes in the economic governance of the European Union after the economic crisis
    (Institutional change after the great recession: European growth models and crossroads, 2021) Puente Regidor, Mónica; Sánchez Jiménez, Vicente; Cárdenas Del Rey, Luis; De Arribas Cámara, Javier
    The effects of the Greek sovereign debt crisis in 2009 placed in doubt the viability of the European Union's economic and political integration project. The design of the Monetary Union and its inability to cope with the external shock of the financial crisis originating in the USA in 2008, called into question whether or not it was a viable plan to continue developing the European integration project. Since then, despite evidence that the European Economic and Monetary Union is not an optimum currency area , difficulties in managing the crisis due to a lack of effective economic governance by the European Union and even the 2020 of one of its most powerful members, Great Britain, the process of community integration continues in progress. The objetive of this research is analyze the three types of actions were carried out: one, of a financial nature, took shape as urgent rescue measures for affected countries such as Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain, where community institutions worked together with international bodies such as the IMF (International Monetary Fund). Additionally, monetary policy actions were undertaken by the European Central Bank. And thirdly, a process was instigated to reform the European Union's model of economic governance as an insurance policy against future crises.