Acosta Gallo, Belén

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Acosta Gallo
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Biológicas
Biodiversidad, Ecología y Evolución
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    Guía Rápida de SPSS v.25 (Prácticas de Ecología)
    (2019) López-Pintor Alcón, Antonio; Barandica Fernández, Jesús; Acosta Gallo, Belén; Casado González, Miguel Ángel; Delgado Sáez, Juan Antonio; García Avilés, Javier; de las Heras Puñal, Paloma; Herrero de Jáuregui, Cristina; Jiménez Escobar, María Dolores; López de Pablo, Carlos Tomás; Martín de Agar Valverde, Pilar; Martín Zorrilla, Juan Vicente; Morcillo Alonso, Felipe; Ortega Quero, Marta; Rovira Sanroque, José Vicente; Serrano Talavera, José Manuel
    Guía rápida de SPSS v.25 para usar en las Prácticas de Ecología (Grado en Biología, 3er curso)
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    Variation in phenology and overall performance traits can help to explain the plant invasion process amongst Mediterranean ecosystems
    (NeoBiota, 2018) Martín Forés, Irene; Casado González, Miguel Ángel; Castro Parga, Isabel; Pozo Lira, Alejandro del; Molina-Montnegro, Marco A.; Miguel Garcinuño, José Manuel de; Acosta Gallo, Belén
    Plant traits such as phenological development, growth rate, stress tolerance and seeds production may play an important role in the process of acclimatisation to new environments for introduced plants. Experiments that distinguish phenotypic plasticity from ecotypic differentiation would allow an understanding of the role of plant traits in the invasion process. We quantified the variation in phenological and overall performance traits associated with the invasion process for three herbaceous species native to Spain and invasive to Chile (Trifolium glomeratum, Hypochaeris glabra and Leontodon saxatilis). We grew plants from native and exotic populations along rainfall gradients in outdoor common gardens, located in the native and the introduced ranges and measured plant survival, phenology (days to flowering), biomass and seed output. Days to flowering was positively correlated with precipitation of the origin population for T. glomeratum and the native populations of H. glabra, but this pattern was not adaptive, as it was not associated with an increase in performance traits of these species. Phenology may instead reflect ecotypic differentiation to the environmental conditions of the original populations. Comparison between ranges (i.e. performance in both common gardens) was only possible for L. saxatilis. This species showed Littlevariation in phenology and both native and exotic populations had higher fitness in the introduced range. This suggests that plasticity enhances invasiveness through increased propagule pressure in the novel environment. Our findings highlight the utility of common garden experiments in examining patterns of phenological and performance traits that relate to species invasiveness.
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    The invasiveness of Hypochaeris glabra (Asteraceae): Responses in morphological and reproductive traits for exotic populations
    (PLoS ONE, 2018) Martín Forés, Irene; Acosta Gallo, Belén; Castro Parga, Isabel; Miguel Garcinuño, José Manuel de; Pozo Lira, Alejandro del; Casado González, Miguel Ángel
    Scientists have been interested in many topics driven by biological invasions, such as shifts in the area of distribution of plant species and rapid evolution. Invasiveness of exotic plant species depends on variations on morphological and reproductive traits potentially associated with reproductive fitness and dispersal ability, which are expected to undergo changes during the invasion process. Numerous Asteraceae are invasive and display dimorphic fruits, resulting in a bet-hedging dispersal strategy ±wind-dispersed fruits versus animal-dispersed fruits±. We explored phenotypic differentiation in seed morphology and reproductive traits of exotic (Chilean) and native (Spanish) populations of Hypochaeris glabra. We collected flower heads from five Spanish and five Chilean populations along rainfall gradients in both countries. We planted seeds from the ten populations in a common garden trial within the exotic range to explore their performance depending on the country of origin (native or exotic) and the environmental conditions at population origin (precipitation and nutrient availability). We scored plant biomass, reproductive traits and fruit dimorphism patterns. We observed a combination of bet-hedging strategy together with phenotypic differentiation.Native populations relied more on bet-hedging while exotic populations always displayed greater proportion of wind-dispersed fruits than native ones. This pattern may reflect a strategy that might entail a more efficient long distance dispersal of H. glabra seeds in the exotic range, which in turn can enhance the invasiveness of this species.
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    From Spain to Chile: environmental filters and success of herbaceous species in Mediterranean-climate regions
    (Biological Invasions, 2015) Martín Forés, Irene; Sánchez Jardón, Laura; Acosta Gallo, Belén; Pozo Lira, Alejandro del; Castro Parga, Isabel; Miguel Garcinuño, José Manuel de; Ovalle, Carlos; Casado González, Miguel Ángel
    In central Chile, many exotic species associated with cereal culture and livestock activities were introduced during Spanish colonization. Nowadays, Chilean semi-natural grasslands are a mixture of native species and exotics that mainly originated in the Mediterranean Basin. The establishment and persistence of exotics (i.e. naturalization) can be due to abiotic (climate and soil properties) and biotic (interaction between plants) factors. We assess the importance of these environmental factors as filters that have promoted/ limited the successful naturalization of Spanish species in Chile. Fifteen sites distributed throughout a wide range of Mediterranean climatic conditions, with similar geomorphology and land-use, were selected in both Chile and Spain. At each site we recorded a broad set of soil and climate variables as well as plant species richness during two consecutive years. In Chile, species were classified as natives or exotics whereas in Spain species were classified as colonizers (species that have been naturalized in Chile) or exclusives (only present in Spain).Species richness was higher in Spain (229 species) than in Chile (152), the latter with a high proportion (almost 50 %) of exotics. Different environmental factors affected species richness in each Mediterranean region. In Spain, species classified as colonizers were weakly related to a combination of soil and climate properties, while in Chile the number of exotic species was highly related with climate conditions (especially water availability). Lack of association between native and exotics pecies richness indicated that biotic filters (i.e. species competition) are less important than abiotic ones in transcontinental naturalization in Chile.
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    Alien plant species coexist over time with native ones in Chilean Mediterranean grasslands
    (Journal of Plant Ecology, 2016) Martín Forés, Irene; Castro Parga, Isabel; Acosta Gallo, Belén; Pozo Lira, Alejandro; Sánchez Jardón, Laura; Miguel Garcinuño, José Manuel de; Ovalle, Carlos; Casado González, Miguel Ángel
    Aims Alien species are commonly considered as harmful weeds capable of decreasing native biodiversity and threatening ecosystems. Despite this assumption, little is known about the long-term patterns of the native–alien relationships associated with human disturbed managed landscapes. This study aims to elucidate the community dynamics associated with a successional gradient in Chilean Mediterranean grasslands, considering both native and alien species. Methods Species richness (natives and aliens separately) and life-form (annuals and perennials) were recorded in four Chilean post-agricultural grazed grasslands each covering a broad successional gradient (from 1 to 40 years since crop abandonment). A detrended correspondence analysis (DCA), mixed model effects analyses and correlation tests were conducted to assess how this temporal gradient influenced natives and aliens through community dynamics. Important Findings Our results show different life-form patterns between natives and aliens over time. Aliens were mainly represented by annuals (especially ruderals and weeds), which were established at the beginning of succession. Annual aliens also predominated at midsuccessional stages, but in old grasslands native species were slightly more representative than alien ones within the community. In the late successional states, positive or no correlations at all between alien and native species richness suggested the absence of competition between both species groups, as a result of different strategies in occupation of the space. Community dynamics over time constitute a net gain in biodiversity, increasing natives and maintaining a general alien pool, allowing the coexistence of both. Biotic interactions including facilitation and/or tolerance processes might be occurring in Chilean post-agricultural grasslands, a fact that contradicts the accepted idea of the alien species as contenders.
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    Flora of the mediterranean basin in the chilean espinales: evidence of colonisation
    (Pastos, 2012) Martín Forés, Irene; Casado González, Miguel Ángel; Castro Parga, Isabel; Ovalle Molina, Carlos; Pozo Lira, Alejandro del; Acosta Gallo, Belén; Sánchez Jardón, Laura; Miguel Garcinuño, José Manuel de
    In Chile’s Mediterranean region, over 18% of plant species are alien. This is particularly noteworthy in some agrosilvopastoral systems such as the espinales, which are functionally very similar to the Spanish dehesas and are of great ecological and socioeconomic interest. In the present paper we analyse Chile’s non-native flora, considering three scales of analysis: national, regional (the central region, presenting a Mediterranean climate) and at community level (the espinales within the central region). We compare this flora with that recorded in areas of the Iberian Peninsula with similar lithological and geomorphological characteristics, and land use. We discuss possible mechanisms that might have been operating in the floristic colonisation from the Mediterranean Basin to Chile’s Mediterranean region.
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    Estudio de comunidades de matorral mediterráneo I
    (2019) López-Pintor Alcón, Antonio; Barandica Fernández, Jesús; Acosta Gallo, Belén; Casado González, Miguel Ángel; Delgado Sáez, Juan Antonio; García Avilés, Javier; de las Heras Puñal, Paloma; Herrero de Jáuregui, Cristina; Jiménez Escobar, María Dolores; López de Pablo, Carlos Tomás; Martín de Agar Valverde, Pilar; Martín Zorrilla, Juan Vicente; Morcillo Alonso, Felipe; Ortega Quero, Marta; Rovira Sanroque, José Vicente; Serrano Talavera, José Manuel
    Conjunto de guiones de prácticas de Ecología, correspondientes al bloque temático sobre el estudio de comunidades, y material complementario (estadillo y plantilla para la matriz de datos).
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    Ecotypic differentiation and phenotypic plasticity combine to enhance the invasiveness of the most widespread daisy in Chile, Leontodon saxatilis
    (Scientific Reports, 2017) Martín Forés, Irene; Avilés, Marta; Acosta Gallo, Belén; Breed, Martin F.; Pozo Lira, Alejandro del; Miguel Garcinuño, José Manuel de; Sánchez Jardón, Laura; Castro Parga, Isabel; Ovalle, Carlos; Casado González, Miguel Ángel
    Dispersal and reproductive traits of successful plant invaders are expected to undergo strong selection during biological invasions. Numerous Asteraceae are invasive and display dimorphic fruits within a single flower head, resulting in differential dispersal pathways - wind-dispersed fruits vs. nondispersing fruits. We explored ecotypic differentiation and phenotypic plasticity of seed output and fruit dimorphisms in exotic Chilean and native Spanish populations of Leontodon saxatilis subsp. rothii. We collected flower heads from populations in Spain and Chile along a rainfall gradient. Seeds from all populations were planted in reciprocal transplant trials in Spain and Chile to explore their performance in the native and invasive range. We scored plant biomass, reproductive investment and fruit dimorphism. We observed strong plasticity, where plants grown in the invasive range had much greater biomass, flower head size and seed output, with a higher proportion of wind-dispersed fruits, than those grown in the native range. We also observed a significant ecotype effect, where the exotic populations displayed higher proportions of wind-dispersed fruits than native populations. Together, these patterns reflect a combination of phenotypic plasticity and ecotypic differentiation, indicating that Leontodon saxatilis has probably increased propagule pressure and dispersal distances in its invasive range to enhance its invasiveness.
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    Project number: 240
    Internacionalización de los recursos educativos de la asignatura de Ecología y adaptación al Espacio Superior de Educación Europeo (EEES)
    (2017) Acosta Gallo, Belén; Herrero Jaúregui, Cristina; Casado González, Miguel Ángel; Delgado Sáez, Juan Antonio
    Dentro del marco Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES), se contempla la internacionalización de la docencia de Grado, con objeto de facilitar la participación de estudiantes extranjeros y la colaboración de los españoles con el resto de universidades europeas. La asignatura troncal de Ecología, impartida con carácter anual en el tercer curso del Grado en Biología y consolidada desde hace décadas en el actual departamento de Ecología, estudia los fenómenos físicos y procesos ecológicos que configuran la estructura y función de la ecosfera. Tal y como establece el nuevo grado, la asignatura está estructurada en diferentes bloques de contenidos con parte práctica y teórica. Transcurridos tres años de la institución del Grado en Biología como resultado del Proceso de Bolonia, el equipo que presenta este proyecto ha detectado deficiencias del material docente de la asignatura de Ecología, que influyen negativamente en la internacionalización del alumnado, ya sea el alumnado extranjero que quiera cursar sus estudios en la UCM, ya sea el alumnado español que, cursados sus estudios, pueda insertarse en equipos de trabajo extranjeros. Las carencias detectadas en el material docente se refieren fundamentalmente a dos puntos: i) la inexistencia de material didáctico en lengua inglesa; ii) la utilización de software estadístico privado de uso limitado internacionalmente. Estas carencias son particularmente relevantes si se toma en consideración que la Ecología es una asignatura del ámbito científico, donde la lengua vehicular es el inglés y su docencia también implica proporcionar al alumnado las herramientas, en este caso el uso de programas estadísticos, que les permita insertarse profesionalmente en equipos internacionales de investigación. Adicionalmente, el uso de programas estadísticos que requieren de licencia, impide a los estudiantes trabajar de forma autónoma fuera de la universidad, lo que repercute en su dedicación a la asignatura y en la comprensión de los ejercicios prácticos. Detectadas estas dificultades, el proyecto que se presenta contempla dos objetivos complementarios, que impulsen la convergencia al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior.
 Por un lado, elaborar el material docente en lengua inglesa, de tal forma que se facilite la participación de estudiantes extranjeros y se otorgue a los españoles las herramientas necesarias para desenvolverse con éxito en las universidades extranjeras. Por otro lado, adaptar los protocolos de prácticas para que los análisis estadísticos se lleven a cabo utilizando programas de uso común internacionalmente, apropiados por su versatilidad y gratuidad, como es el lenguaje de programación R.
 El proyecto se llevará a cabo en un grupo piloto del módulo de ‘Ecología numérica’ de la asignatura de Ecología. Al finalizar las sesiones, se elaborará una encuesta de satisfacción de los estudiantes así como una comparativa de resultados del grupo piloto con los grupos restantes. De resultar exitoso, el material elaborado y la metodología son fácilmente replicables en el resto de los grupos e incluso en otras asignaturas del Grado.
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    Non-random co-occurrence of native and exotic plant species in Mediterranean grasslands
    (Acta Oecologica, 2016) Miguel Garcinuño, José Manuel de; Martín Forés, Irene; Acosta Gallo, Belén; Pozo Lira, Alejandro del; Ovalle, Carlos; Sánchez Jardón, Laura; Castro Parga, Isabel; Casado González, Miguel Ángel
    Invasion by exotic species in Mediterranean grasslands has determined assembly patterns of native and introduced species, knowledge of which provides information on the ecological processes underlying these novel communities. We considered grasslands from Spain and Chile. For each country we considered the whole grassland community and we split species into two subsets: in Chile, species were classified as natives or colonizers (i.e. exotics); in Spain, species were classified as exclusives (present in Spain but not in Chile) or colonizers (Spanish natives and exotics into Chile). We used null models and co-occurrence indices calculated in each country for each one of 15 sites distributed along a precipitation gradient and subjected to similar silvopastoral exploitation. We compared values of species co-occurrence between countries and between species subsets (natives/colonizers in Chile; exclusives/colonizers in Spain) within each country and we characterised them according to climatic variables. We hypothesized that: a) the different coexistence time of the species in both regions should give rise to communities presenting a spatial pattern further from random in Spain than in Chile, b) the co-occurrence patterns in the grasslands are affected by mesoclimatic factors in both regions. The patterns of co-occurrence are similar in Spain and Chile, mostly showing a spatial pattern more segregated than expected by random. The colonizer species are more segregated in Spain than in Chile, possibly determined by the longer residence time of the species in the source area than in the invaded one. The segregation of species in Chile is related to water availability, being species less segregated in habitat with greater water deficit; in Spain no relationship with climatic variables was found. After an invasion process, our results suggest that the possible process of alteration of the original Chilean communities has not prevented the assembly between the native and colonizer species together.