González Calbet, José María

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José María
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González Calbet
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Químicas
Química Inorgánica
Química Inorgánica
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    The controlled transition-metal doping of SnO_2 nanoparticles with tunable luminescence
    (CrystEngComm, 2014) Peche Herrero, M. A.; Maestre Varea, David; Ramírez Castellanos, J.; Cremades Rodríguez, Ana Isabel; Piqueras De Noriega, Francisco Javier; González Calbet, José María
    SnO_2 nanoparticles doped with transition metals (V, Cr, Mn) have been synthesized by both the hydrothermal method (HDT) in a basic media and the liquid mixed method (LQM) based on the Pechini method. Nanocrystalline particles obtained via a liquid mixed technique show a well-defined chemical composition and an average size of 6 nm, with a high degree of both crystallinity and chemical homogeneity. Nanoparticles prepared via a hydrothermal method exhibit a high dispersion in size as well as agglomeration effects. As the LQM demonstrates advantages with respect to the HDT, a more detailed investigation has been carried out on the SnO_2 nanoparticles doped with V, Cr and Mn grown by this method. The microstructure of the materials was elucidated by means of X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Selected-Area Electron Diffraction (SAED), and High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy (HRTEM). Luminescence from undoped and doped SnO_2 nanoparticles was characterized by cathodoluminescence (CL). The luminescence studies demonstrate a strong dependence of CL signals with transition metal doping, thus inducing red, green or orange emissions when doping with Cr, V or Mn respectively.