Cao García, Francisco Javier

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First Name
Francisco Javier
Last Name
Cao García
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Físicas
Estructura de la Materia, Física Térmica y Electrónica
Física Aplicada
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Search Results

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    Spatial scales of population synchrony in Predator-Prey Systems
    (The American Naturalist, 2020) Jarillo Díaz, Javier; Sæther, Bernt-Erik; Engen, Steinar; Cao García, Francisco Javier
    Many species show synchronous fluctuations in population size over large geographical areas, which are likely to increase their regional extinction risk. Here we examine how the degree of spatial synchrony in population dynamics is affected by trophic interactions using a two-species predator-prey model with spatially correlated environmental noise. We show that the predator has a larger spatial scale of population synchrony than the prey if the population fluctuations of both species are mainly determined by the direct effect of stochastic environmental variations in the prey. This result implies that in ecosystems regulated from the bottom up, the spatial scale of synchrony of the predator population increases beyond the scale of the spatial autocorrelation in the environmental noise and in the prey fluctuations. Harvesting the prey increases the spatial scale of population synchrony of the predator, while harvesting the predator reduces the spatial scale of the population fluctuations of its prey. Hence, the development of sustainable harvesting strategies should also consider the impact on unharvested species at other trophic levels as well as human perturbations of ecosystems, whether the result of exploitation or an effect on dispersal processes, as they can affect food web structures and trophic interactions over large geographical areas.
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    The effect of harvesting on the spatial synchrony of population fluctuations
    (Theoretical Population Biology (TPB), 2018) Engen, Steinar; Cao García, Francisco Javier; Saether, Bernt-Erik
    Harvesting in space affects, in general, the spatial scale of the synchrony in the population fluctuations, which determines the size of the areas subjected to simultaneous quasi-extinction risk. Here we show that harvesting reduces the population synchrony scale if it depends more strongly on population fluctuations than the density dependence of the growth rate in the absence of harvesting. We show that constant and proportional harvesting always increases the spatial scale, using a theta-logistic model for density regulation. We also provide exact scaling results under harvesting for the Beverton–Holt and the Ricker stock-recruitment models that are commonly applied, e.g. in fisheries. Our results indicate that harvest in areas with large abundances should be encouraged to avoid increase of the spatial scale of synchrony in the population fluctuations that can lead to unexpected quasi-extinction of populations over large areas. Our results quantify this harvesting impact giving the resulting scales of spatial synchrony of population fluctuations. This emphasizes the importance of estimating the form of density dependence as well as the dependency of harvest upon population density of exploited populations, in order to get reliable predictions of the size of areas that can undergo simultaneous quasi-extinction.
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    Population responses to harvesting in fluctuating environments
    (Climate Research, 2022) Lee, Aline Magdalena; Jarillo, Javier; Peeters, Bart; Hansen, Brage Bremset; Cao García, Francisco Javier; Saether, Bernt-Erik; Engen, Steinar
    Achieving sustainable harvesting of natural populations depends on our ability to predict population responses to the combined effects of harvesting and environmental fluctuations while accounting for other internal and external factors that influence population dynamics in time and space. Here, we review recent research showing how spatial patterns and interspecific interactions can influence population responses to harvesting in fluctuating environments. We highlight several pathways through which harvesting can, often inadvertently, influence the dynamics and resilience to environmental fluctuations of both harvested and surrounding non-harvested populations and species. For instance, spatial models have shown that harvesting is expected to influence the spatial synchrony of population fluctuations, both of the harvested species and its competitors, predators and prey, with implications for population extinction risk. Dispersal and interspecific interactions can cause responses to harvesting in areas and species that are not themselves harvested. Harvesting that selectively targets certain groups of individuals, either intentionally or through for example spatially biased harvesting, can amplify environmentally induced population fluctuations by biasing the population structure towards individuals that are more sensitive to environmental variation. On the other hand, harvesting can in some cases buffer populations against the densitydependent effects of harsh climatic conditions, which are probably more common than previously acknowledged. Recent advances in modeling are providing new predictions that are highly relevant under global warming and now need to be tested empirically. We discuss how knowledge of these pathways can be used to increase the sustainability of harvesting.
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    Spatial scales of population synchrony of two competing species: effects of harvesting and strength of competition
    (OIKOS, 2018) Jarillo Díaz, Javier; Sæther, Bernt‐Erik; Engen, Steinar; Cao García, Francisco Javier
    Theoretical analyses of single‐species models have revealed that the degree of synchrony in fluctuations of geographically separated populations increases with increasing spatial covariation in environmental fluctuations and increased interchange of individuals, but decreases with local strength of density dependence. Here we extend these results to include interspecific competition between two species as well as harvesting. We show that the effects of interspecific competition on the geographical scale of population synchrony are dependent on the pattern of spatial covariation of environmental variables. If the environmental noise is uncorrelated between the competing species, competition generally increases the spatial scale of population synchrony of both species. Otherwise, if the environmental noises are strongly correlated between species, competition generally increases the spatial scale of population synchrony of at least one, but also often of both species. The magnitude of these spatial scaling effects is, however, strongly influenced by the dispersal capacity of the two competing species. If the species are subject to proportional harvesting, this may synchronise population dynamics over large geographical areas, affecting the vulnerability of harvested species to environmental changes. However, the strength of interspecific competition may strongly modify this effect of harvesting on the spatial scale of population synchrony. For example, harvesting of one species may affect the spatial distribution of competing species that are not subject to harvesting. These analytical results provide an important illustration of the importance of applying an ecosystem rather than a single‐species perspective when developing harvest strategies for a sustainable management of exploited species.