Méndez Picazo, María Teresa

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First Name
María Teresa
Last Name
Méndez Picazo
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales
Administración Financiera y Contabilidad
Economía Financiera y Contabilidad
UCM identifierORCIDScopus Author IDWeb of Science ResearcherIDDialnet IDGoogle Scholar ID

Search Results

Now showing 1 - 9 of 9
  • Item
    Innovation, internationalization and business-growth expectations among entrepreneurs in the services sector
    (Journal of Business Research, 2016) Castaño, María Soledad; Méndez Picazo, María Teresa; Galindo Martín, Miguel Ángel
    World economies experience a huge process of globalization that, among other things, makes more markets available for businesses and entrepreneurs to place their products. Market availability, in turn, generates positive expectations of business growth, which results in greater competition and innovation, which help to achieve a higher level of product internationalization. This study aims to ascertain whether service sector entrepreneurs who decide to innovate and internationalize have expectations of achieving greater business growth. This study examines the direct relationship between innovation, internationalization, and the expectations of business growth of service sector entrepreneurs. To do so, this study conducts an empirical analysis with data from seventeen countries.
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    Policies to promote entrepreneurial activity and economic performance
    (Management Decision, 2015) Castaño Martínez, María Soledad; Méndez Picazo, María Teresa; Galindo Martín, Migue Ángel
    The purpose of this paper is to analyse the effects of some political measures on entrepreneurship to promote economic growth and employment, specifically, R&D policies, training, elimination of administrative barriers, access to finance support and promotion of entrepreneurial culture. Design/methodology/approach – Seven hypotheses are tested developing a latent variables model with data from 13 European countries (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and UK) in 2012, using partial least squares estimation method. Findings – Greater expenditure on R&D by governments and universities, public investment in education and measures to stimulate entrepreneurial culture have a positive effect on entrepreneurship. Furthermore, countries with complex legal systems which regulate the start-up of an economic activity and where access to credit is complicated, present lower levels of entrepreneurship. Societies with a greater number of innovative entrepreneurs present higher levels of entrepreneurial activity and economic performance. Finally, human capital and entrepreneurial activity positively affect economic performance in the case of the European countries studied in the sample. Practical implications – The results obtained in the paper would facilitate the design of measures to stimulate to entrepreneurs and improve economic performance. Originality/value – Several factors, qualitative and quantitative, have been considered in the analysis that they have not traditionally included in the analysis of the entrepreneurship behaviour taking into account the role played by the policy makers measures to improve such behaviour.
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    Digital transformation, digital dividends and entrepreneurship: A quantitative analysis
    (Journal of Business Research, 2019) Miguel-Ángel Galindo-Martín; María-Soledad Castaño-Martínez; Méndez Picazo, María Teresa
    The literature traditionally has focused its attention on the relationship between innovation and entrepreneurial activity. From this perspective, new innovations are accompanied by digital transformations that enhance value creation. However, it is also important to consider the effect of digital dividends on society overall as well as on entrepreneurship activity. Studies generally do not address this latter possibility. This paper analyses the theoretical and quantitative effects of digital transformation and digital dividends on entrepreneurial activity, that is, the broader developmental benefits that using these technologies brings, in the shape of digital transformation. Partial least square (PLS) estimation is used to develop an empirical estimation for the case of 29 European countries.
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    The role of innovation and institutions in entrepreneurship and economic growth in two groups of countries
    (International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 2019) Miguel-Angel Galindo-Martín; María-Soledad Castaño-Martínez; Méndez Picazo, María Teresa
    Economic growth is one the most relevant economic objectives for policy makers. In order to determine the variables that enhance such an objective it is important to consider different types of entrepreneurial activity. It is also necessary to consider the level of development and growth of a country to design the proper economic policy measures, given that entrepreneurship motivations and circumstances vary from country to country. Therefore, the objective of this study is to analyse the relationship between entrepreneurship and economic growth, including the role played by institutions and innovation considering two types of entrepreneurship (necessity and opportunity) and countries
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    The effect of social, cultural, and economic factors on entrepreneurship
    (Journal of Business Research, 2015) Castaño Martínez, María Soledad; Méndez Picazo, María Teresa; Galindo Martín, Miguel Ángel
    Current economic downturn encourages extensive research into economic growth engines, with entrepreneurship as one of the key drivers of growth. Although crucial, determining which variables stimulate entrepreneurial activity constitutes a difficult task due to interrelated factors. This study analyzes three groups of factors affecting entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs' perceptions of opportunity: social, cultural, and economic variables. Therefore, this study employs the partial least squares method for two groups of countries: (1) European countries, and (2) Latin-American and Caribbean countries. This approach identifies how these factors' effects differ across different countries.
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    La actividad emprendedora y competitividad: factores que inciden sobre los emprendedores
    (Papeles de Europa, 2011) Galindo Martín, Miguel Ángel; Méndez Picazo, María Teresa
    La competividad en un sentido amplio se fundamenta en una serie de pilares en los que los emprendedores desempeñan un papel importante. Ello junto con la relación positiva que guardan con el crecimiento económico hace que sea necesario que se diseñen medidas adecuadas para estimular dicha actividad. En este artículo, además de exponer las características del emprendedurismo, analizaremos los efectos que ejercen las políticas fiscal y monetaria sobre los emprendedores.
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    The effect of public policies on entrepreneurial activity and economic growth
    (International Journal of Management Education, 2016) Castaño, María Soledad; Méndez Picazo, María Teresa
    Policy makers’ main interest is to avoid the problems resulting from the economic crisis. One way to avoid these problems is to stimulate economic growth as well as the necessary economic activity to reduce unemployment and to increase welfare. Specialized recent literature shows entrepreneurship as a key factor to enhance economic growth. Consequently, determining which economic policies could stimulate entrepreneurial activity and, indirectly, economic growth is relevant. This article's main goal is to analyze some of these policies’ effects on entrepreneurship and economic growth. To achieve this goal, the study performs an empirical analysis of 13 European Union countries, divided in two complementary methods: Partial Least Squares (PLS) estimation and fsQCA. fsQCA allows completing the results obtained by PLS estimation, by allowing to obtain causal recipes or sufficient conditions that help to determine the relevant relation between economic variables.
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    Project number: 331
    Creación de la Red UCM de emprendimiento universitario internacional a través de las buenas prácticas del TFM del MBA-UCM y las herramientas de Crowdsourcing
    (2016) Rodríguez Paredes, María Mercedes; Méndez Picazo, María Teresa; Cristóbal Arcediano, Teodoro Javier; Granados Martín, Francisco; Pérez Fraile, José Manuel; Rubio Martín, Gracia María; García De Madariaga Miranda, Jesús; García Anduiza, Jacobo; López Sáez, Pedro; Torilo, Florencia; Tettamanti, Juan; Pereira Albornoz, Carlos; Prieto Hontoria, Pedro
    Se propone incorporar herramientas del crowdsourcing como mecanismo de incentivo al emprendimiento universitario utilizando como base el Trabajo de Fin de Máster de los alumnos del MBA, creando la Red UCM de emprendimiento universitario a nivel internacional.
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    Project number: 378
    Gestión virtual de Trabajos Fin de Grado o Máster a través de Moodle 2.6 y redes sociales
    (2015) Rodríguez Paredes, María Mercedes; Rubio Martín, Gracia María; Pérez Fraile, José Manuel; Méndez Picazo, María Teresa; Granados Martín, Francisco; Cristóbal Arcediano, Teodoro Javier
    Al conseguir una herramienta que nos sirve de guía tanto para los tutores de los TFM como para los alumnos, el beneficio en primer lugar va destinado a los alumnos del MBA, ya que se ha elegido esta titulación como muestra. Pero el producto que se ha conseguido con este Proyecto será extensible y aplicable a todos los TFM de todos los Másteres y a todos los TFG de todos los Grados. La muestra se ha decidido que sea un trabajo en equipo, dada su complejidad, pero se podrá aplicar evidentemente a los trabajos individuales.