Méndez Picazo, María Teresa

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First Name
María Teresa
Last Name
Méndez Picazo
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales
Administración Financiera y Contabilidad
Economía Financiera y Contabilidad
UCM identifierORCIDScopus Author IDWeb of Science ResearcherIDDialnet IDGoogle Scholar ID

Search Results

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  • Item
    Relationship between ambidexterity and entrepreneurial intensity
    (Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja, 2020) Castaño Martínez, María Soledad; Galindo Martín, Miguel Ángel; Méndez Picazo, María Teresa; Palacios Marqués, Daniel
    Within organisational analysis, a concept that has been gaining importance has been organisational ambidexterity, where two factors play an important role: entrepreneurial intensity and innovations. The objective of this article is to analyse the relationship between entrepreneurial intensity and ambidexterity. The conceptualisation of ambidexterity distinguishes between ambidextrous activities and ambidextrous outcomes. To carry out this objective, we have tested several theoretical relationships. We have used partial least squares methodology to develop an empirical study in 25 European countries. Results confirm that collaboration networks have a positive effect on entrepreneurship intensity. This effect is greater than the one obtained by ambidextrous activities or new technologies. We also show that entrepreneurship intensity has a mediating role between ambidextrous activities and ambidextrous outcomes.
  • Item
    Digitalization, entrepreneurship and competitiveness: an analysis from 19 European countries
    (Review of Managerial Science, 2023) Miguel-Ángel Galindo-Martín; María-Soledad Castaño-Martínez; Méndez Picazo, María Teresa
    In light of the economic situation resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, economists have claimed that an improvement in competitiveness can enhance economic growth. A greater degree of competitiveness allows the relevant actors to engage in entrepreneurial activity in new markets and to create market niches that promote job creation. Among the factors that can stimulate competitiveness, entrepreneurship and digitalization play relevant roles. Digital technologies have generated new business opportunities for entrepreneurs; likewise, digital entrepreneurship allows different entrepreneurs to connect via a platform, thus facilitating access to global markets with growth potential. The fundamental objective of this paper is to study the relationships among digitalization, entrepreneurship and competitiveness in light of the factors that influence the digitalization process. An empirical analysis of 19 European countries is conducted, and fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis is used to obtain the combinations of economic and social variables that affect competitiveness and entrepreneurship. The results of the empirical analysis show that to stimulate entrepreneurial activity, a country must exhibit an environment that is favourable to digitalization as well as an investment in talent that allows the relevant actors to take advantage of the benefits of digital technologies.