Sanz García, Eduardo Santiago

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First Name
Eduardo Santiago
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Sanz García
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Químicas
Química Física
Química Física
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Search Results

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    A simulation study of homogeneous ice nucleation in supercooled salty water
    (Journal of chemical physics, 2018) Soria, Guiomar D.; Espinosa, Jorge R.; Ramirez, Jorge; Valeriani, Chantal; Vega De Las Heras, Carlos; Sanz García, Eduardo Santiago
    We use computer simulations to investigate the effect of salt on homogeneous ice nucleation. The melting point of the employed solution model was obtained both by direct coexistence simulations and by thermodynamic integration from previous calculations of the water chemical potential. Using a seeding approach, in which we simulate ice seeds embedded in a supercooled aqueous solution, we compute the nucleation rate as a function of temperature for a 1.85 NaCl mol per water kilogram solution at 1 bar. To improve the accuracy and reliability of our calculations, we combine seeding with the direct computation of the ice-solution interfacial free energy at coexistence using the Mold Integration method. We compare the results with previous simulation work on pure water to understand the effect caused by the solute. The model captures the experimental trend that the nucleation rate at a given supercooling decreases when adding salt. Despite the fact that the thermodynamic driving force for ice nucleation is higher for salty water for a given supercooling, the nucleation rate slows down with salt due to a significant increase of the ice-fluid interfacial free energy. The salty water model predicts an ice nucleation rate that is in good agreement with experimental measurements, bringing confidence in the predictive ability of the model. We expect that the combination of state-of-the-art simulation methods here employed to study ice nucleation from solution will be of much use in forthcoming numerical investigations of crystallization in mixtures. Published by AIP Publishing.
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    Seeding approach to nucleation in the NVT ensemble: The case of bubble cavitation in overstretched Lennard Jones fluids
    (Physical review E, 2020) Rosales Peláez, Pablo; Sánchez Burgos, Ignacio; Valeriani, Chantal; Vega De Las Heras, Carlos; Sanz García, Eduardo Santiago
    Simulations are widely used to study nucleation in first order phase transitions due to the fact that they have access to the relevant length and time scales. However, simulations face the problem that nucleation is an activated process. Therefore, rare event simulation techniques are needed to promote the formation of the critical nucleus. The Seeding method, where the simulations are started with the nucleus already formed, has proven quite useful in efficiently providing estimates of the nucleation rate for a wide range of orders of magnitude. So far, Seeding has been employed in the NPT ensemble, where the nucleus either grows or redissolves. Thus, several trajectories have to be run in order to find the thermodynamic conditions that make the seeded nucleus critical. Moreover, the nucleus lifetime is short and the statistics for obtaining its properties is consequently poor. To deal with these shortcomings we extend the Seeding method to the NVT ensemble. We focus on the problem of bubble nucleation in a metastable Lennard Jones fluid. We show that, in the NVT ensemble, it is possible to equilibrate and stabilise critical bubbles for a long time. The nucleation rate inferred from NVT-Seeding is fully consistent with that coming from NPT-Seeding. The former is quite suitable to obtain the nucleation rate along isotherms, whereas the latter is preferable if the dependence of the rate with temperature at constant pressure is required. Care should be taken with finite size effects when using NVT-Seeding. Further work is required to extend NVT seeding to other sorts of phase transitions.
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    Seeding approach to bubble nucleation in superheated Lennard-Jones fluids
    (Physical review E, 2019) Rosales Peláez, Pablo; García Cid, M. I.; Valeriani, Chantal; Vega De Las Heras, Carlos; Sanz García, Eduardo Santiago
    We investigate vapor homogeneous nucleation in a superheated Lennard-Jones liquid with computer simulations. Special simulation techniques are required to address this study since the nucleation of a critical vapor bubble-one that has an equal chance to grow or shrink-in a moderately superheated liquid is a rare event. We use the Seeding method, which combines Classical Nucleation Theory with computer simulations of a liquid containing a vapor bubble to provide bubble nucleation rates in a wide temperature range. Seeding has been successfully applied to investigate the nucleation of crystals in supercooled fluids, and here we apply it to the liquid-to-vapor transition. We find that the Seeding method provides nucleation rates that are consistent with independent calculations not based on the assumptions of Classical Nucleation Theory. Different criteria to determine the radius of the critical bubble give different rate values. The accuracy of each criterion depends of the degree of superheating. Moreover, seeding simulations show that the surface tension depends on pressure for a given temperature. Therefore, using Classical Nucleation Theory with the coexistence surface tension does not provide good estimates of the nucleation rate.
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    Viscosity and self-diffusion of supercooled and stretched water from molecular dynamics simulations
    (Journal of chemical physics, 2018) Montero De Hijes, Pablo; Sanz García, Eduardo Santiago; Joly, Laurent; Valeriani, Chantal; Caupin, Frederic
    Among the numerous anomalies of water, the acceleration of dynamics under pressure is particularly puzzling. Whereas the diffusivity anomaly observed in experiments has been reproduced in several computer studies, the parallel viscosity anomaly has received less attention. Here we simulate viscosity and the self-diffusion coefficient of the TIP4P/2005 water model over a broad temperature and pressure range. We reproduce the experimental behavior and find additional anomalies at negative pressure. The anomalous effect of pressure on dynamic properties becomes more pronounced upon cooling, reaching two orders of magnitude for viscosity at 220 K. We analyze our results with a dynamic extension of a thermodynamic two-state model, an approach which has proved successful in describing experimental data. Water is regarded as a mixture of interconverting species with contrasting dynamic behaviors, one being strong (Arrhenius) and the other fragile (non-Arrhenius). The dynamic parameters of the two-state models are remarkably close between experiment and simulations. The larger pressure range accessible to simulations suggests a modification of the dynamic two-state model, which in turn also improves the agreement with experimental data. Furthermore, our simulations demonstrate the decoupling between viscosity eta and self-diffusion coefficient D as a function of temperature T. The Stokes-Einstein relation, which predicts a constant D eta/T, is violated when T is lowered, in connection with the Widom line defined by an equal fraction of the two interconverting species. These results provide a unifying picture of thermodynamics and dynamics in water and call for experiments at negative pressure. Published by AIP Publishing.