Vázquez Osorio, María Teresa

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First Name
María Teresa
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Vázquez Osorio
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Anatomía y Embriología
Anatomía y Embriología Humana
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Search Results

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    Patterns of the circumflex femoral arteries revisited
    (Clinical Anatomy, 2006) Vázquez Osorio, María Teresa; Murillo González, Jorge Alfonso; Maranillo Alcaide, Eva; Parkin, Ian; Sañudo Tejero, José Ramón
    Knowledge of variations of the circumflex femoral arteries is important when undertaking clinical procedures within the femoral region and in hip joint replacement. Since the 19th century, many different patterns have been proposed to classify their origins. This work studied a statistically reliable sample, the lower limbs of 221 embalmed human cadavers (equal right–left and approximately equal sex distributions), and reviewed the previous literature to propose a unified and simple classification that will be useful to clinicians. Statistical comparisons were made using the chi(2) test. The medial and lateral circumflex femoral arteries have been classified into three different patterns based on the levels of their origin. Distribution related to sex and side was also studied. Pattern I: Both arteries arose from the deep femoral artery (346 cases, 78.8%). This pattern was more frequent in females, P = 0.01. There was no significant difference between sides. Type Ia, medial circumflex femoral artery origin was proximal to the lateral circumflex femoral artery origin (53.2%); Type Ib, lateral circumflex femoral artery origin was proximal to medial circumflex femoral artery origin (23.4%); Type Ic, both arteries arose from a common trunk (23.4%). Pattern II: One of the arteries arose from the femoral artery and the other from the deep femoral artery (90 cases, 20.5%). Type IIa, the medial circumflex femoral artery arose from the femoral artery (77.8%) and Type IIb, the lateral circumflex femoral artery arose from the femoral artery (22.2%). There were no significant differences between sexes or sides. Pattern III: Both arteries arose from the femoral artery (2 cases, 0.5%). In every disposition there was a significantly higher prevalence of unilateral rather than bilateral occurrence. In one dissection the medial circumflex femoral artery was absent. Awareness of these variations could avoid unexpected injuries.
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    Ciliary muscle in avian is derived from mesenchymal and epithelial cells
    (Vision Research, 2002) Barrio Asensio, María Del Carmen; Peña Melián, Ángel; Puerta Fonollá, Javier; Vázquez Osorio, María Teresa; Murillo González, Jorge Alfonso
    It has long been maintained that the ciliary muscle derives from mesenchymal cells. The embryonic development of the avian ciliary muscle was studied in chick embryos from stage 25 HH to the time of hatching. Serial sections of the eye were stained routinely or immunocytochemically using the monoclonal antibody 13F4, which recognizes a cytoplasmic antigen specific for all types of muscle cells. We found that the mesenchymal immunoreactive cells, at stage 37 HH, are arranged in two distinct orientations forming the anterior and posterior portions of the ciliary muscle. At stages 38 and 39 HH the pigmented epithelium contained 13F4 positive cells, which detach from the epithelium and apparently migrate into stroma. These epithelial cells may differentiate into muscle cells. Within this same time period a progressive accumulation of myoblasts was detected between the pigmented epithelium and the ciliary muscle. Some myoblasts containing melanin were also observed. At stage 40 HH the internal portion of the ciliary muscle was visible. These findings indicate that the immunopositive epithelial cells participate in the formation of the internal portion of the muscle. We conclude that the ciliary muscle derives not only from the mesenchymal cells but also from the pigmented epithelium.
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    Magnetic resonance microscopy versus light microscopy in human embryology teaching
    (Clinical Anatomy, 2004) Puerta Fonolla, Antonio Javier; Vázquez Osorio, María Teresa; Ruiz-Cabello Osuna, Jesús; Murillo González, Jorge Alfonso; Peña Melián, Ángel
    A study was carried out on the application of magnetic resonance microscopy (MRM) in teaching prenatal human development. Human embryos measuring 8 mm, 15 mm, 18.5 mm, and 22 mm were fixed in a 4% paraformaldehyde solution and sections obtained with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were compared to those prepared for light microscopy (LM), using the same embryos. The MRM and LM slices were of a similar quality. In the MRM sections, embryonic organs and systems were clearly visible, particularly the peripheral and central nervous systems, and the cardiovascular and digestive systems. The digitalization and clarity of the MRM images make them an ideal teaching aid that is suitable for students during the first years of a health‐science degree, particularly medicine. As well as providing students with their first experience of MRM, these images allow students to access, at any time, all embryos used, to assess changes in the positions of different organs throughout their stages of development, and to acquire spatial vision, an absolute requirement in the study of human anatomy. We recommend that this technique be incorporated into the wealth of standard embryonic teaching methods already in use.
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    Lipectomy of Arms and Lipograft of Shoulders Balance the Upper Body Contour
    (Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, 2005) Chamosa, Miguel; Murillo González, Jorge Alfonso; Vázquez Osorio, María Teresa
    Lipodystrophies of upper limbs are less significant than lipodystrophies affecting inferior limbs, and the results of liposuction in that area are not always aesthetically acceptable. The authors topographically studied the amount of fat in a lipodystrophic arm of seven cadavers, and found that the zone located over the humerus trochiter frequently presents lipodystrophic cumuli. In these cases, the maximum width is not the bideltoid width, but the bitrochiteric width. Intermediate and deep liposuction was performed only over the posterior and external aspect, because superficial and circumferential liposuction may result in multiple irregularities on the anterior and internal surfaces. During the same medical act, fat-graft injection in deltoid region was performed to balance the contour of the scapular belt. With this technique, an aesthetically balanced zone was obtained. The results for 48 patients treated with arm liposuction and fat-graft injection in the deltoid area were very satisfying.
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    Femoral nerve entrapment: A new insight
    (Clinical Anatomy, 2006) Vázquez Osorio, María Teresa; Murillo González, Jorge Alfonso; Maranillo Alcaide, Eva; Parkin, Ian; Sañudo Tejero, José Ramón
    Compression of the femoral nerve in the iliac fossa has been reported as a consequence of several pathologies, but never as a result of muscular compression. Aberrant slips of iliacus, however, have occasionally been reported to cover or split the femoral nerve. This study aimed to assess such variations as potential factors in femoral nerve compression. A large and homogeneous sample of 121 embalmed cadavers (242 specimens) was studied. Statistical comparisons were made using the chi‐squared test. Muscular slips from iliacus and psoas, piercing or covering the femoral nerve, were found in 19 specimens (7.9%). No significant differences by sex or side were found. The more frequent variation was piercing of the femoral nerve by a muscular slip (17 specimens, 7.0%). The nerve then entered the thigh as one or more branches. The less frequent variation found was a muscular slip or sheet covering the femoral nerve as it lay on iliacus (2 specimens, 0.8%). Each disposition may be a potential risk for nerve entrapment.