Palomino Ruiz-Poveda, Olga María

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First Name
Olga María
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Palomino Ruiz-Poveda
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Farmacología, Farmacognosia y Botánica
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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 19
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    Effect of cooking and germination on phenolic composition and biological properties of dark beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
    (Food Chemistry, 2013) López, Ana; El-Naggar, Tarek; Dueñas, Montserrat; Ortega, Teresa; Estrella, Isabel; Hernández, Teresa; Gómez-Serranillos Cuadrado, María Pilar; Palomino Ruiz-Poveda, Olga María; Carretero Accame, María Emilia
    Legumes are the base´s diet in several countries. They hold a high nutritional value, but other properties related to human health are nowadays being studied. The aim of this work was to study the influence of processes (boiling or germination) on the phenolic composition of dark beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L. c.v. Tolosana) and their effect on their antioxidant, neuroprotective and anticancer ability. Phenolic composition of raw and processed dark beans was analysed by HPLC-PAD and HPLC–ESI/MS. The antioxidant activity was evaluated by ORAC. Astrocytes cultures (U-373) have been used to test their neuroprotective effect. Anticancer activities were evaluated on three different cell lines (renal adenocarcinoma (TK-10), breast adenocarcinoma (MCF-7) and melanoma (UACC-62)) by sulphorhodamine B method. Qualitative and quantitative differences in phenolic composition have been observed between raw and processed dark beans that influence the antioxidant activity, mainly for germinated samples which show a decrease of antioxidant capacity. Although every assayed extracts decreased reactive oxygen species release and exhibited cytotoxicity activities on cancer cell lines, raw beans proved to be the most active in neuroprotective and antitumoral effects; this sample is especially rich in phenolic compounds, mainly anthocyanins. This study further demonstrated that phenolic composition of dark beans is related with cooking process and so with their neuroprotective and anticancer activity; cooking of dark beans improves their digestion and absorption at intestinal level, while maintaining its protective ability on oxidative process at cellular level.
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    Project number: 167
    Diseño, elaboración y difusión de una campaña de concienciación ciudadana sobre fármacos que afectan a la conducción de vehículos
    (2020) Cuadrado Berrocal, Irene; De las Heras Polo, Beatriz; Ortega Hernández-Agero, María Teresa; Palomino Ruiz-Poveda, Olga María; Gonzalez Cofrade, Laura
    Proyecto Aprendizaje Servicio para el diseño, elaboración y difusión de una campaña de sensibilización ciudadana, realizada por estudiantes de Farmacia, sobre el uso de fármacos y la conducción de vehículos, basada en las necesidades de la sociedad.
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    Influence of processing in the phenolic composition and health-promoting properties of lentils (Lens culinaris L.)
    (Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 2017) López Pérez, Ana Esther; El-Naggar, Tarek; Dueñas Patón, Montserrat; Ortega Hernández-Agero, María Teresa; Estrella, Isabel; Hernández Fernández, María Teresa; Gómez-Serranillos Cuadrado, María Pilar; Palomino Ruiz-Poveda, Olga María; Carretero Accame, María Emilia
    'Lentils (Lens culinaris L.) are a source of polyphenolic compounds with health-promoting properties, but cooking processes before consumption cause hydrolytic reactions, endogenous enzymes and biochemical metabolism activation which could interfere with their positive physiological effects. The aim of this study was to assess the influence of boiling and germination in the phenolic content and composition of marketed lentils by liquid chromatography analysis and thus, to evaluate its impact on the neuroprotective and anticancer properties through cell culture assays. The protective effect toward astrocyte culture when submitted to an oxidant injury remained after processing while a decrease in the antioxidant activity by oxygen radical absorbing capacity assay and DPPH methods was detected. Every sample was cytotoxic on the assayed cancer cell lines, the strongest antiproliferative activity being for germinated lentils on melanoma cell line. In conclusion, processing of lentils led to significant chemical modifications in the polyphenolic content without significant influence on its healthy properties’
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    Cytoprotective–Antioxidant Effect of Brunfelsia grandiflora Extract on Neuron-like Cells
    (Applied Sciences, 2023) Rodríguez, José Luis; Mateos, Raquel; Palomino Ruiz-Poveda, Olga María; Fernández Alfonso, María Soledad; Ramos Cevallos, Norma; Inostroza Ruiz, Luis; Panduro Tenazoa, Nadia; Bada Laura, Wendy; Ramírez Flores, Noé; Goya, Luis
    Brunfelsia grandiflora is a South American solanaceae widely used since long ago for its recognized medicinal properties. We have recently reported its chemical composition, showing a relevant number of bioactive compounds with antioxidant capacity, and proved the cytoprotective and antioxidative stress potential of B. grandiflora in cultured endothelial cells. Since B. grandiflora extracts have shown effects on the central nervous system, the present study was designed to show the potential cytoprotective capacity and the antioxidative stress potential of phenolic extracts from the plant on cultured neuron-like cells, as a model to reduce the presentation or effects of chronic diseases of the nervous system. To this end, we studied its reactive oxygen species (ROS)-reducing capacity, its antioxidant defense mechanisms, and some molecular markers involved in redox balance and apoptosis. The results show that cell survival and most changes in biomarkers related to oxidative status, ROS, reduced glutathione, glutathione peroxidase and reductase, malondialdehyde, and caspase 3/7 activity, and molecular expression of cell death-related genes (BAX, BNIP3, and APAF1), NFκB, SOD, and NRF2 (genes from oxidative stress—antioxidants) induced by oxidative stress were prevented by either co- or pretreatment of neuron-like cells with B. grandiflora extracts (25–200 µg/mL). The results demonstrate the chemoprotective potential of the plant and support its medicinal use.
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    HPLC isolation of antioxidant constituents from Xanthoparmelia spp
    (Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2010) Amo De Paz, Guillermo; Raggio Quílez, José; Gómez-Serranillos Cuadrado, María Pilar; Palomino Ruiz-Poveda, Olga María; González Burgos, Elena María; Carretero Accame, María Emilia; Crespo De Las Casas, Ana María
    A chromatographic method is described for the purification and characterization of secondary lichen substances with biological activity. A simple reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography method with gradient elution has been developed that allows the determination and isolation of salazinic, usnic and stictic acids from lichen samples in a single run and the quantification of every acid in the tested extracts. The antioxidant activity of both the isolated compounds and the respective lichen belonging to Xanthoparmelia genus was determined by the Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) assay; their effect as free radical scavengers, effect on cell survival by the 3(4,5-dimethyltiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium reduction assay and 2′,7′-dichlorofluorescin diacetate method were tested on U373 MG human astrocytome cell line. Both lichens extracts and all isolated compounds protected U373 MG cells from hydrogen peroxide-induced damage, suggesting that they could act as antioxidant agents in those neurodegenerative disorders associated with oxidative damage, such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease.
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    Study of red wine neuroprotection on astrocytes
    (Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 2009) Gómez-Serranillos Cuadrado, María Pilar; Martín, Sara; Ortega Hernández-Agero, María Teresa; Palomino Ruiz-Poveda, Olga María; Prodanov, Marín; Vacas, Visitación; Hernández, Teresa; Estrella, Isabel; Carretero Accame, María Emilia
    Phenolic composition of wine depends not only on the grape variety from which it is made, but on some external factors such as winemaking technology. Red wine possesses the most antioxidant effect because of its high polyphenolic content. The aim of this work is to study for the first time, the neuroprotective activity of four monovarietal Spanish red wines (Merlot (ME), Tempranillo (T), Garnacha (G) and Cabernet-Sauvignon (CS)) through its antioxidant ability, and to relate this neuroprotection to its polyphenolic composition, if possible. The wine effect on neuroprotection was studied through its effect as free radical scavenger against FeSO4, H2O2 and FeSO4 + H2O2. Effect on cell survival was determined by 3(4,5-dimethyltiazol-2-il)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium reduction assay (MTT) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release assay on astrocytes cultures. Results showed that most of the studied wine varieties induced neuroprotection through their antioxidant ability in astrocytes, Merlot being the most active; this variety is especially rich in phenolic compounds, mainly catechins and oligomeric proanthocyanidins. Our results show that red wine exerts a protection against oxidative stress generated by different toxic agents and that the observed neuroprotective activity is related to their polyphenolic content.
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    Chemical Characterization, Antioxidant Capacity and Anti-Oxidative Stress Potential of South American Fabaceae Desmodium tortuosum
    (Nutrients, 2023) Rodríguez, José Luis; Berrios, Paola; Clavo, Zoyla-Mirella; Martín-Bravo, Manuel; Inostroza-Ruiz, Luis; Ramos-González, Mariella; Quispe-Solano, Miguel; Fernández Alfonso, María Soledad; Palomino Ruiz-Poveda, Olga María; Goya, Luis
    It has been proposed that oxidative stress is a pathogenic mechanism to induce cytotoxicity and to cause cardiovascular and neuronal diseases. At present, natural compounds such as plant extracts have been used to reduce the cytotoxic effects produced by agents that induce oxidative stress. Our study aimed to evaluate the antioxidant and cytoprotective capacity of Desmodium tortuosum (D. tortuosum) extract in the co- and pre-treatment in EA.hy926 and SH-SY5Y cell lines subjected to oxidative stress induced by tert-butylhydroperoxide (t-BOOH). Cell viability, reactive oxygen species (ROS), nitric oxide (NO), caspase 3/7 activity, reduced glutathione (GSH), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), glutathione reductase (GR), and molecular expression of oxidative stress biomarkers (SOD2, NRF2 and NFκB1) and cell death (APAF1, BAX, Caspase3) were all evaluated. It was observed that the D. tortuosum extract, in a dose-dependent manner, was able to reduce the oxidative and cytotoxicity effects induced by t-BOOH, even normalized to a dose of 200 µg/mL, which would be due to the high content of phenolic compounds mainly phenolic acids, flavonoids, carotenoids and other antioxidant compounds. Finally, these results are indicators that the extract of D. tortuosum could be a natural alternative against the cytotoxic exposure to stressful and cytotoxic chemical agents.
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    Campaña de concienciación para el uso racional de fármacos ansiolíticos e hipnóticos
    (2023) Cuadrado Berrocal, Irene; Prieto Chinchilla, Patricia; Ortega Hernández-Agero, María Teresa; Heras Polo, Beatriz De Las; Palomino Ruiz-Poveda, Olga María; González Cofrade, Laura
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    Vochysia rufa Stem Bark Extract Protects Endothelial Cells against High Glucose Damage
    (Medicines, 2017) Moura de Gouveia, Neire; Ramos, Sonia; Martín, María Ángeles; Espindola, Foued Salmen; Goya, Luis; Palomino Ruiz-Poveda, Olga María
    Background: Increased oxidative stress by persistent hyperglycemia is a widely accepted factor in vascular damage responsible for type 2 diabetes complications. The plant Vochysia rufa (Vr) has been used in folk medicine in Brazil for the treatment of diabetes. Thus; the protective effect of a Vr stem bark extract against a challenge by a high glucose concentration on EA.hy926 (EA) endothelial cells is evaluated. Methods: Vegetal material is extracted with distilled water by maceration and evaporated until dryness under vacuum. Then; it is isolated by capillary electrophoresis–tandem mass spectrometry. Cell viability is evaluated on EA cells treated with 0.5–100 µg/mL of the Vr extract for 24 h. The extract is diluted at concentrations of 5, 10 and 25 µg/mL and maintained for 24 h along with 30 mM of glucose to evaluate its protective effect on reduced glutathione (GSH); glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and reductase (GR) and protein carbonyl groups. Results: V. rufa stem bark is composed mainly of sugars; such as inositol; galactose; glucose; mannose; sacarose; arabinose and ribose. Treatment with Vr up to 100 µg/mL for 24 h did not affect cell viability. Treatment of EA cells with 30 mM of glucose for 24 h significantly increased the cell damage. EA cells treated with 30 mM of glucose showed a decrease of GSH concentration and increased Radical Oxygen Species (ROS) and activity of antioxidant enzymes and protein carbonyl levels; compared to control. Co-treatment of EA with 30 mM glucose plus 1–10 µg/mL Vr significantly reduced cell damage while 5–25 µg/mL Vr evoked a significant protection against the glucose insult; recovering ROS; GSH; antioxidant enzymes and carbonyls to baseline levels. Conclusion: V. rufa extract protects endothelial cells against oxidative damage by modulating ROS; GSH concentration; antioxidant enzyme activity and protein carbonyl levels.
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    Project number: 212
    Diseño, planificación y desarrollo de herramientas digitales y multimedia para la virtualización de clases prácticas de Farmacognosia y Fitoterapia del Grado en Farmacia y Doble Grado en Farmacia y Nutrición Humana y Dietética
    (2021) Ortega Hernández-Agero, María Teresa; Acero Mesa, Nuria; De las Heras Polo, Beatriz; Palomino Ruiz-Poveda, Olga María; Martínez Solis, María Isabel; Muñoz Mingarro, Dolores; Cuadrado Berrocal, Irene; Prieto Chinchilla, Patricia; Gonzalez Cofrade, Laura; Estrada San Antolín, Pablo
    Mediante este proyecto se ha diseñado y creado un espacio de aprendizaje virtual soportado por recursos digitales y multimedia que simulan prácticas reales, presenciales, de Farmacognosia y Fitoterapia. Contiene un amplio banco de imágenes micrográficas de drogas vegetales, estructuradas en forma de presentaciones interactivas powerpoint y videos H5P. También ofrece microvideos interactivos que simulan prácticas presenciales de fitoquímica. Los materiales elaborados, fácilmente portables mediante copias de seguridad adaptadas a diferentes plataformas virtuales, pueden se utilizados en casos de emergencias sanitarias que limiten la presencialidad y, además, constituir herramientas complementarias para facilitar y completar la adquisición de los conocimientos teórico-prácticos propuestos en la asignatura, en situaciones de normalidad. Asimismo, puede ser una herramienta para la formación continuada de profesionales del ámbito farmacéutico.