Aicart Sospedra, Emilio

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Aicart Sospedra
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Químicas
Química Física
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    A delocalizable cationic headgroup together with an oligo-oxyethylene spacer in gemini cationic lipids improves their biological activity as vectors of plasmid DNA
    (Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2015) Kumar, Krishan; Barrán-Berdón, Ana ; Datta,Sougata; Muñoz Úbeda, Mónica; Aicart-Ramos, Clara; Kondaiah, Paturu; Junquera González, María Elena; Bhattacharya, Santanu; Aicart Sospedra, Emilio
    Lipoplex nano-aggregates constituted of plasmid DNA (pDNA) pEGFP-C3 and mixed cationic liposomes, consisting of several percentages of a gemini cationic lipid (GCL) of the 1,2-bis(hexadecyl imidazolium) oxyethylene series, referred to as (C16Im)2(C2O)n, with oxyethylene spacers (n = 1, 2 or 3) between the imidazolium cationic groups and the DOPE zwitterionic helper lipid, have been characterized by various biophysical and biological approaches carried out at several GCL compositions (α), and either the mass or the effective charge ratio of the lipoplex. The electrochemical study by ζ-potential confirms that the three GCLs yield a 10% lower effective charge than the nominal one, while compacted pDNA yields only a 25% effective negative charge. The SAXS study reveals, irrespective of the spacer length (n) and effective charge ratio (ρeff), the presence of two lamellar structures, i.e., one (Lα,main) in the whole GCL composition and another (Lα,DOPE,rich) with higher periodicity values that coexists with the previous one at low GCL composition (α = 0.2). The cryo-TEM analysis shows two types of multilamellar structures consisting of cationic lipidic bilayers with pDNA sandwiched between them: a cluster-type (C-type) at low α = 0.2 and a fingerprint-type (FP-type) at α ≥ 0.5, both with similar interlamellar spacing (d) in agreement with the Lα,main structure determined by SAXS. Transfection efficacies (TEs) of each lipid mixture were determined in four different cell lines (HEK293T, HeLa, Caco-2 and A549) at several α and ρeff values in the absence and presence of serum (FBS). The optimized formulations (α = 0.2 and ρeff = 2.0) substantially transfect cells much better than a commercial transfection reagent, Lipofectamine 2000 and previously studied efficient lipoplexes containing other cationic head groups or spacers both in the absence and presence of serum. The activity of optimized formulations may be attributed to the combination of several factors, such as: (a) the fusogenic character of DOPE which results in higher fluidity of the lipoplexes at α = 0.2, (b) the coexistence of two lamellar structures at α = 0.2 that synergizes the TE of these lipid vectors, and mainly (c) the higher biocompatibility of the GCLs reported in this work due to the presence of two imidazolium cationic groups together with an oligo-oxyethylene spacer. The length of the spacer in the GCL seems to have less impact, although (C16Im)2(C2O)n/DOPE-pDNA lipoplexes with n = 1 and 3 show higher gene transfection than n = 2. All the optimum formulations reported herein are all highly efficient with negligible levels of toxicity, and thus, may be considered as very promising gene vectors for in vivo applications.
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    Gene vectors based on DOEPC/DOPE mixed cationic liposomes: a physicochemical study
    (Soft Matter, 2011) Muñoz Úbeda, Mónica; Rodríguez-Pulido, Alberto; Nogales, Aurora; Llorca, Oscar; Quesada-Pérez, Manuel; Martín-Molina, Alberto ; Aicart Sospedra, Emilio; Junquera González, María Elena
    A double approach, experimental and theoretical, has been followed to characterize from a physicochemical standpoint the compaction process of DNA by means of cationic colloidal aggregates. The colloidal vectors are cationic liposomes constituted by a mixture of a novel cationic lipid, 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-ethylphosphocholine (chloride salt) (DOEPC) and a zwitterionic lipid, the 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylethanolamine (DOPE). A wide variety of high precision experimental techniques have been used to carry out the analysis: electrophoretic mobility, small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), cryogenic transmission electron microscopy (cryo-TEM) and fluorescence spectroscopy (ethidium bromide intercalation assays). On the other hand, a theoretical model that considers the renormalization of charges of both the polyelectrolyte and the colloidal aggregates sheds light as well on the characteristics of the compaction process. This global information reveals that the compaction of DNA by the cationic liposomes is mostly driven by the strong electrostatic interaction among the positively charged surfaces of the colloidal aggregates and the negatively charged DNA, with a potent entropic component. DOEPC/DOPE liposomes are mostly spherical, with a mean diameter of around 100 nm and a bilayer thickness of 4.4 nm. From a morphological viewpoint, an appreciable amount of multilamellar structures has been found not only on the lipoplexes but also on the parent liposomes. The isoneutrality of the lipoplexes is found at liposome/DNA mass ratios that decrease with the molar fraction of cationic lipid in the mixed liposome (a). This liposome composition has a clear effect as well on the lipoplex structure, which goes from an inverted hexagonal phase (HII), usually related to improved cell transfection efficiency, at low cationic lipid molar fraction (a z 0.2), to a lamellar structure (La) when the cationic lipid content in the mixed liposomes increases (a $ 0.4), irrespective of the lipoplex charge ratio. On the other hand, a theoretical complexation model is employed to determine the net charge of the lipoplexes studied in this work, by using renormalized charges. The model allows us to confirm and predict the experimental isoneutrality conditions as well as to determine the maximum magnitude of this charge as a function of the composition of the resulting lipoplexes.
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    Cationic gemini lipids containing polyoxyethylene spacers as improved transfecting agents of plasmid DNA in cancer cells
    (Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2014) Barrán Berdón, Ana ; Misra, Santosh; Datta, Sougata; Muñoz Úbeda, Mónica; Kondaiah, Paturu; Junquera González, María Elena; Bhattacharya, Santanu; Aicart Sospedra, Emilio
    Lipoplex nano-aggregates have been analyzed through biophysical characterization (electrostatics, structure, size and morphology), and biological studies (transfection efficiency and cell viability) in five cancer cell lines. Lipoplexes were prepared from pEGFP-C3 plasmid DNA (pDNA) and mixed liposomes, constituted by a zwitterionic lipid (DOPE) and a gemini cationic lipid (GCL) synthesized in this work, [bis(hexadecyl dimethyl ammonium) oxyethylene], referred to as (C16Am)2(C2O)n, (where n is the oxyethylene spacer length, n ¼ 1, 2 or 3, between the ammonium heads). Cryo-TEM micrographs show nano-aggregates with two multilamellar structures, a cluster-type (at low-to-medium GCL composition) and a fingerprint-type that coexists with the cluster-type at medium GCL composition and appears alone at high GCL composition. SAXS diffractograms show that these lipoplexes present three lamellar structures, two of them coexisting at low and high GCL composition. The optimized transfection efficiency (TE) of pDNA was higher for lipoplexes containing GCLs with a longer (n ¼ 3) or shorter (n ¼ 1) polyoxyethylene spacer, at high GCL composition (a ¼ 0.7) with low charge ratio (reff ¼ 2). In the all cancer cell lines studied, the TE of the optimized formulations was much better than those of both lipofectamine 2000 and lipoplexes with GCLs of the bis(hexadecyl dimethyl ammonium) alkane series recently reported. Probably, (a) the coexistence of two lamellar structures at high GCL composition synergizes the TE of these lipid vectors, (b) the orientation of the polyoxyethylene region in (C16Am)2(C2O)3/DOPE may occur in such a way that the spacing between two cationic heads becomes smaller than that in (C16Am)2(C2O)2/DOPE which is poor in terms of TE, and (c) the synergistic interactions between serum proteins and (C16Am)2(C2O)n/DOPE-pDNA lipoplexes containing a polyoxyethylene spacer improve TE, especially at high GCL content. Lipoplexes studied here show very low levels of toxicity, which confirm them as improved vectors of pDNA in gene therapy
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    Ribbon-type and cluster-type lipoplexes constituted by a chiral lysine based cationic gemini lipid and plasmid DNA
    (Soft Matter, 2012) Barrán Berdón, Ana ; Muñoz Úbeda, Mónica; Aicart Ramos, Clara; Pérez, Louedes; Infante, María Rosa; Castro Hartmann, Pablo; Martín Molina, Alberto; Aicart Sospedra, Emilio; Junquera González, María Elena
    Lipoplexes constituted by plasmid DNA pEGFP-C3 (pDNA) or linear double-stranded calf thymus DNA (ctDNA) and mixed cationic liposomes consisting of several percentages of the cationic lysine derived lipid C6(LL)2 and the zwitterionic lipid 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine (DOPE) have been analyzed by both experimental and theoretical approaches. Experimental studies, consisting of electrophoretic mobility/zeta potential, small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), cryogenic transmission electron microscopy (cryo-TEM), negatively stained transmission electron microscopy (NS-TEM), and GelRed f1uorescence intercalation assays, have been carried out at several liposome and lipoplex compositions, defined in terms of cationic lipid molar fraction and either the mass or charge ratios of the lipoplex. The electrochemical study confirms that, in the presence of the mixed lipids and in contrast with what has usually been found for linear DNA, the plasmid DNA is compacted with a large number of its Na+ counterions, thus yielding a much lower effective negative charge (q pDNA) than that for ctDNA (q ctDNA), as reported recently by us (J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2011) for other lipoplexes. This finding is revealed as crucial for an optimum and efficient lipoplex preparation, since a lower effective negative charge implies a lower quantity of cationic lipid and, accordingly, a potential lower cytotoxicity. TEM experiments reveal a complex scenario of multilamellar nanostructures, from ribbon-type (typically present for chiral lipids) to cluster-type structures (usually found in cationic lipid/ DOPE systems), the composition of the mixed liposome playing an important role in the final morphology of the lipoplex. SAXS diffractograms confirm the existence of these two types of multilamellar structures through a deconvolution process of the first peak of diffractograms into two overlapping bands. On the other hand, a theoretical complexation model is employed to determine the net charge of the lipoplexes studied in this work. The model allows analysis and comparison of the electrochemical behaviour of lipoplexes containing linear DNA vs. those constituted by a supercoiled DNA, confirming the experimental findings