Barrientos Yuste, Rafael

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Barrientos Yuste
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Biológicas
Biodiversidad, Ecología y Evolución
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    Year-round defecation pattern in wild genets (Genetta genetta L.) in a mountain forest (Toledo, central Spain)
    (Polish Journal of Ecology, 2006) Barrientos Yuste, Rafael; Polish Academy of Sciences
    Faeces are used by many territorial car-nivores as a communication tool (G or man 1990). A lot of species, from small muste-lids (Hutchings and White 2000) to big predators (Vi l á et al. 1994, Mat yush k i n 2000), leave their scats in places where the probability of interception by other animals is maximal and which are associated with reference points that may visually and/or ol-factorily increase the effectiveness of the signal. The pattern and frequency of marking within species varies with the sex, social and reproductive status of the individual (Mac-dona ld 1980). Common genet (Genetta genetta Linneus 1758) is a medium-sized carnivore distributed in southwestern Europe (L ar iv ière and C a lzad a 2001). It is a territorial species (Pa lomares and D elib es 1994, Zub ero-goit i a et al. 2002, Munuera and L lob e t 2004) that deposits its scats in latrines (R o e der 1980a, Virgós et al. 1996, 2001), which can be used multiply by the same individual or by familiar groups, using such latrines as marking tools (R o e der 1980a). Ano-urogenital marking in males increases during the breeding season and decreases when this ends (R o e der 1978). Scent marks in common genets permit assessment of social status and may allow individual recognition (R o e der 1980b). When present, rocks are the commonest defecation location, but other elevated points such as tree branches, walls or raptor nests can also be used (L ive t and R o e der 1987, Pa lomares 1993, Vi rgós et al. 1996). Def-ecation behaviour of genets in the wild has been studied by Pa lomares (1993) in Do-ñana National Park (Southwestern Spain), where two annual peaks in the number of faeces at latrines were found. The first one, in February and March, could be related to the mating period. The second one, in November and December, is coinciding with the dispersal period of cubs and with a secondary rut season (D el ib es 1974, Ay mer ich 1982). Rocks are not available in Doñana (Pa lo-mares 1993). The aim of this study is to test whether the number of scats as well as the height of their deposition (above the ground) is related to the period of reproductive cycle. The study was carried out in Toledo Mountains (Central Spain; 39º35´N, 4º 41´W).
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    Reduction of potential food interference in two sympatric carnivores by sequential use of shared resources
    (Acta Oecologica, 2006) Virgós, Emilio; Barrientos Yuste, Rafael
    The common genet (Genetta genetta) and the stone marten (Martes foina) are two species that overlap extensively in their distribution ranges in southwest Europe. Available diet data from these species allow us to predict some interference competition for food resources in sympatric populations. We checked the food interference hypothesis in a sympatric population. The diet of both predators was analyzed through scat collection. Seasonal differences in biomass consumption were compared between both species in those items considered as key resources according to biomass consumption. Strawberry tree fruits can be considered as key resource exclusively for genets whereas fungi, blackberries and rabbits are keys for stone martens only. For other key resources consumed by both species (wood mouse and figs) we suggest that a possible mechanism to reduce diet overlap could be the sequential use of these resources: no intensive exploitation by both species of the same key resource during the same season was detected. Figs and wood mouse were used alternatively. Although strawberry tree fruits and blackberry are exclusive key resources of one of the species, their consumptions showed the same pattern. Diet niche overlap in our study is low compared with other carnivore communities suggesting that exclusive use of some key resources and sequential use of shared ones is an optimal scenario to reduce overall competition for food resources.
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    Patrones ecológicos en poblaciones periféricas de un ave de ecosistemas subdesérticos, el camachuelo trompetero "bucanetes githagineus"
    (2009) Barrientos Yuste, Rafael; Barbosa Alcón, Andrés; Valera Hernández, Francisco
    Esta tesis se enmarca en el campo de la Biogeografía y su objetivo general es el estudio de patrones ecológicos en distintos tipos de poblaciones periféricas, usando como modelo un ave de ecosistemas subdesérticos, el camachuelo trompetero Bucanetes githagineus. Se han estudiado dos tipos de poblaciones periféricas: la primera se trata de una población en expansión y de reciente asentamiento en el sureste peninsular. La segunda habita las islas orientales del archipiélago canario y se encuentra aparentemente estable. Tras esclarecer las relaciones entre ambas poblaciones periféricas y su presumible población fuente, situada en el noroeste del continente africano, se abordan diversas hipótesis biogeográficas que atañen tanto a la especie de estudio en sí (ej. su morfología), como a sus parásitos y a su biología.