Aliende Povedano, Ignacio

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Aliende Povedano
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Estudios estadísticos
Economía Aplicada, Pública y Política
Economía Aplicada
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  • Item
    Is income level a relevant trigger to decide starting refereeing?
    (Studies of Applied Economics, 2023) Aliende Povedano, Ignacio; Escot Mangas, Lorenzo
    There is an open debate about the motivation of football referees to start and progress in their careers. Identifying altruistic and self-servicing factors is critical for the federations to establish the most effective policies to enlarge the referee’s career and minimise turnover. In this article, we analyse how the willingness to become a referee is determined by the average income level in the referee’s neighbourhood. More specifically, our alternate hypothesis is that the number of referees per district is affected by the average income level in that postcode. Sequential linear regressions generated six models using data from the Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE) and the Real Federación de Fútbol de Madrid (RFFM). The best-fit outcome shows that the number of referees is partly determined by the income level in their postcode at the beginning of the referee’s career, although the overall fit of the model decreases for experienced referees.
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    Survival analysis of football referees in Madrid, 1991-2021: a data-science approach
    (Soccer and Society, 2022) Aliende Povedano, Ignacio; Bacigalupe Solagaistua, Carlos; Escot Mangas, Lorenzo
    While football is a billionaire spectacle, the figure of the referee mainly presents an amateur career and a notorious diversity among the different national and regional federations. In this article, we analyse which variables determine the lifespan of the referee’s career in Madrid. We apply survival analysis toa dataset of 2,978 registered referees provided by the Real Federation de Fútbol de Madrid (RFFM). The results show relevant conclusions like the different career paths of men and women, the incidence of belonging to each of the three branch offices, the effect of being a ‘talent’, which are the category levels where men and women mainly drop, the relevance of starting on an earlier age and the positive effect of having been born in Madrid for men. They all constitute remarkable insights to be considered when establishing recruitment policies, training and development and support for young and active referees.
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    Why Policymakers and Social Scientists Should Adopt Behavioral Economics: An Analysis for the Period 2000-2020
    (Revista Finanzas y Política Económica, 2022) Aliende Povedano, Ignacio; Escot Mangas, Lorenzo
    This paper analyzes the advisability of applying behavioral economics (BE) by social researchers and policymakers. Over the last twenty years, the number of contributions about BE has grown exponentially in the scientific literature, reports published by international organizations, and the so-called Behavioral Insight Units (nudge units). However, to consider BE a core disci-pline, it is necessary to ensure that all such behavioral practice corresponds to a distinctive approach or field of study. This article evaluates whether BE provides a solid methodological and unique approach. It has analy-zed twenty relevant articles with the label “behavioral economics” published in the last five years in recogni-zed journals to evaluate whether they follow a distinct method. According to the results, the level of compliance is high (84%), which amplifies the possibilities of BE as an approach in social sciences, besides reinforcing its importance in supporting the implementation of public policies. Nevertheless, the analysis also provides some observations about subsequent developments and con-sideration of the discipline as a homogeneous approach.