Martín Duque, José Francisco

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José Francisco
Last Name
Martín Duque
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Geológicas
Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y Paleontología
Geodinámica Externa
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    Baseline to evaluate off-sitesuspended sediment-related mining effects in the Alto Tajo Natural Park, Spain
    (Land Degradation and Development, 2017) Zapico Alonso, Ignacio; Laronne, Jonathan; Martín Moreno, Cristina; Martín Duque, José Francisco; Ortega, Ana; Sánchez Castillo,Lázaro
    Mining is a human activity with considerable environmental impact. To evaluate such impacts, international laws require undertaking local studies based on direct sampling to establish baseline conditions of parameters modified by human activities. Mining takes place near the Alto Tajo Natural Park, where a suspended sediment concentration (SSC) baseline is required to determine whether mining affects water quality. To this end, we have monitored the Tajo River and its tributary the Tajuelo following Before–After Control-Impact (BACI) techniques, recommended by Australian and New Zealand laws, requiring a specific method based on continuous monitoring and sampling to enable evaluation of SSCs. An SSC baseline has been defined at stations situated upstream of the mining area and compared with those downstream. The highest detected SSC upstream of the Tajuelo mines was 24 g l−1 whereas the highest simultaneous downstream value was 391 g l−1, more than one order of magnitude higher than the supposed baseline (24 g l−1). Additionally, this value is 1000 times more than the average concentration of 25 mg l−1, used by the European Union until 2015, to guarantee the quality of salmonid waters. Following a BACI approach, a statistically significant SSC impact has been identified. The mined areas are the only source that can explain this increase. This is the first instance that such an increase and baseline have been found using this method. BACI is a simple and reliable method recommended for studying degraded areas rather than an irrelevant, fixed standard as included in most international laws.
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    The Ribagorda sand gully (east-central Spain): Sediment yield and human-induced origin
    (Geomorphology, 2014) Martín Moreno, Cristina; Fidalgo Hijano, C.; Martín Duque, José Francisco; González Martín, J.A.; Zapico Alonso, Ignacio; Laronne, Jonathan
    Gullies are developed under different climatic conditions and lithologies; however, those formed on sands have been scarcely described. This paper reports the study of the Ribagorda sand gully, 2.57 ha in area (east-central Spain). The main objectives were to characterize and quantify its geomorphic dynamics and to trace its origin. We described the landforms of the gully and measured the surface strength of the sand. We monitored, for six years, the filling of the storage areas of three check dams built downstream from the gully, and related it with rainfall characteristics. We also described the nature of the sediments trapped by the dams and estimated the amount of sediment eroded since the gully formation. Finally, we consulted historical records and maps to determine past land uses and transformations that may have affected the origin of the gully. The study shows a high diversity of landforms, denoting active processes, consistent with a measured mean annual sediment yield of 114 Mg ha−1 yr−1. A statistically significant relationship exists between the mass of sediment (Mg) and: 1) the total rainfall (mm) (P = 0.0007) or 2) the analysed rainfall intensities. Among five identified facies in the sedimentarywedge, the sandy ones are predominant. The total amount of sediment eroded by the Ribagorda gully since its originwas 962,800Mg. The results are unequivocal signs of an intense geomorphic activity within the gully, with an alluvial-fan type deposition in the dams.We interpret that the Ribagorda gully was initiated by deforestation after the 13th century, when forests began to be intensively logged, and before the 18th century,when the gullywas first indirectly described in print. The age, origin, evolution and dynamics of this gully indicate that this landscape is currently evolving towards a new steady state, after human disturbances over centuries. Given the gully evolution and local extent, we suggest that no correction measures are needed for its management.
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    Morpho-textural implications to bedload flux and texture in the sand-gravel ephemeral Poveda Gully
    (Geomorphology, 2018) Zapico Alonso, Ignacio; Laronne, Jonathan; Lucía Vela, Ana; Martín Duque, José Francisco
    We report on channel morpho-texture and bedload transport in a natural, steep, sand-gravel ephemeral channel draining the small Poveda Gully watershed in the mining area of the Alto Tajo Natural Park, Spain. First-ever continuous bedload flux and texture monitoring in a transitional sand-gravel environment was undertaken by two independent Reid-type slot samplers. Morphological changes in the feeder reach have been quantified by TLS (terrestrial laser scanning) and SfM (structure from motion) technologies. We identified a pattern in channel-bed morphology and texture (morpho-texture): when the channel is incised its texture is coarser, otherwise sand-filling occurs. These changes determine bedload flux and texture: sand fill brings rise to high fluxes and fine-grained bedload, whereas incision caused by evacuation of sand leaves a sandy-gravel surface with lower bedload fluxes and coarser texture. A video camera recording during events allowed identification of dramatic changes in bedload flux and texture owing to the appearance and erosion of bars, supplying field evidence to explain the difficulty in the prediction of bedload flux at short time intervals.
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    Geomorphic rehabilitation in Europe: recognition as best available technology and its role in LIFE projects
    (2019) Martín Duque, José Francisco; Tejedor, M.; Martín Moreno, Cristina; Nicolau Ibarra, José Manuel; Zapico Alonso, Ignacio; Fourie, A. B.; Tibbett, M.
    Geomorphic rehabilitation ([GR], also known as geomorphic reclamation or geomorphic restoration) is a general term to describe alternative methods and procedures to conventional mine rehabilitation. The main aim of GR is to replicate ‘natural’ landforms for the new conditions after mining and to restore functionality and diversity of ecosystems at degraded sites. The correct application of the GR technique ensures visual integration with surrounding landscapes. Although GR is a broad term, referring to any geomorphic restoration of land, GR is often synonymous with fluvial GR, mostly following the GeoFluvTM-Natural Regrade method. This paper describes how and why the application of GR through GeoFluv-Natural Regrade in Spain since 2009 has attracted formal recognition by the European Commission (EC) of the European Union (EU) as one, among others, of a catalogue of best available techniques (BATs) for the management of waste from extractive industries, in accordance with the European Directive 2006/21/EC. GR has been recognised as BAT at the EU for multiple reasons, including mine site monitoring results that demonstrate increased physical stability with minimised erosion from stormwater and snowmelt runoff; natural hydrological function being established; the variability within the formed landform promotes ecological diversity for vegetation and wildlife communities; construction and short and long-term maintenance and repair costs are minimised; and visual impact of the mined landscape is reduced. This paper describes also the role of GeoFluv-Natural Regrade GR in the L’Instrument Financier pour l’Environnement (LIFE) program, which is the EU’s most important funding instrument addressing environment and climate action. A focus is provided on the LIFE TECMINE project, described in detail, since it is the most recent and complete GeoFluv-Natural Regrade example in Europe. The TECMINE project is a geomorphic-based ecological restoration project in the Valencia province, within the Iberian Mountain Range and where conventional mine rehabilitation practice, based on gradient terraces, shows general and widespread failure. The demonstration project is fostered by the Administration of the Valencia Region, which seeks to test innovative techniques (GR, micro-catchments, soil amendments and new protocols of revegetation) for mine rehabilitation, promote improved practices and disseminate the best practice output through their development and analysis. Testing GR is the main focus of the project. The application of GR at the TECMINE project included (a) finding ‘natural’ and ‘stable’ landforms and landscapes to be used as reference or analogues for replication in GR, although difficult, was possible due to ancestral land transformation; (b) the steep terrain, characteristic of the Iberian Range, challenged the formation of GR GeoFluv-Natural Regrade designs, but the project demonstrated that they can be implemented in that mountain setting; (b) the mining company reported similar cost estimations for this alternative GR rehabilitation (as-built) as that for a conventional restoration design (projected); (c) a holistic approach to GR, not dealing only with topography, allowed the identification and use of limestone colluvium as an adequate growth media for initiating soil development; this solution not used before for rehabilitation in this region provided a clear and advanced contribution from the project.
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    Transformación del Territorio y Cambio Global
    (2011) Martín Duque, José Francisco; de Alba, S.; Alcázar, M.; Barbero, F.; Cermeño, I.; Lucia, Angelo; Martín Moreno, Cristina; Zapico Alonso, Ignacio; Pérez-Monserrat, Elena M.; Charco Romero, María
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    Reconstrucción geomorfológica en la restauración minera de la cantera Los Quebraderos de la Serrana de Toledo
    (Energía & Minas, 2011) Zapico Alonso, Ignacio; Martín Duque, José Francisco; Bugosh, N; Balaguer Núñez, Luis; Campillo, J.V.; De Francisco, C.; García, J.; Hernando, N.; Nicolau, J.M.; Nyssen, S.; Oria, J.; Sanz Santos, Miguel Ángel; Tejedor, M.
    En este artículo se describen los aspectos fundamentales de un Plan de Restauración. Se explican las actuaciones realizadas en el caso concreto de la cantera los Quebraderos de la Serrana (Noez, Toledo). Primero se realiza una reconstrucción geomorfológica, para después proponer un diseño de explotación y restauración que compatibiliza la obtención de aglomerado asfáltico, con la conservación del águila imperial. Al final de este artículo se llega concluye que deberían realizarse este tipo de actuaciones frente a la mera corrección del impacto visual.
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    Reconstrucción geomorfológica y de hábitats en la restauración minera de la cantera "Los Quebraderos de la Serrana" (Toledo, España)
    (2011) Zapico Alonso, Ignacio; Martín Duque, José Francisco; Bugosh, N; Balaguer Núñez, Luis; Campillo, J.V.; De Francisco, C.; García, J.; Hernando, N.; Nicolau, J.M.; Nyssen, S.; Oria, J.; Sanz Santos, Miguel Ángel; Tejedor, M.
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    A descriptive and quantitative approach regarding erosion and development of landforms on abandoned mine tailings: New insights and environmental implications from SE Spain
    (Geomorphology, 2015) Martín Duque, José Francisco; Zapico Alonso, Ignacio; Oyarzun Muñoz, Roberto; López García, José Ángel; Cubas Domínguez, M. Paloma
    The San Cristóbal–Perules mining site in Mazarrón in southeast Spain was subjected to about a hundred years of intense mining activity for lead, silver, and zinc. Metallurgical operations (smelting, calcination, gravity concentration) carried out during the late nineteenth century–early twentieth century induced significant land transformation, and the most conspicuous wastes of this period consist of a chaotic piling of ‘old’ tailing deposits. Later on, during the mid-twentieth century, ‘modern’ tailings resulting from froth flotation were accumulated filling small valleys; these latter valley-fill tailings rose sequentially according to the upstream construction method, progressively raising the level of the dam during the process. Once abandoned, both types of tailing deposits underwent severe erosion, resulting in a mosaic of erosional and sedimentary landforms developed upon (e.g., gully formation) and within them (e.g., piping). We made an inventory and classification of these landforms. Our study shows the geomorphic work to reestablish a new steady state between the tailings deposits and the local erosive conditions. This scenario implies several hazards related to the extremely high heavy metal contents of these tailings and the geomorphic instability of the deposits. We also quantified the tailings tonnage and erosion that occurred at one of the tailings dams (El Roble). As shown by an oblique aerial photograph taken in 1968, this dam had a terraced topography, whereas in 2013 this morphology had evolved into a badland-type relief with deep parallel gullies. By recognizing and surveying specific, remnant points along the benches and outslopes of the older terraced topography, we were able to build up a first digital elevation model (DEM1) reflecting the initial topography. A second DEM, this time showing the present topography, allowed quantification of erosion via Material Loss = DEM1 − DEM2. This yields an erosion rate (1968–2009) of 151.8 Mg (MT) ha− 1 y− 1, which matches well typical values for erosion of mined areas, commonly above 100 Mg (MT) ha− 1 y− 1. Abandoned mine tailing deposits are extremely common in the semiarid scenarios of the SW USA, Australia, Chile, and Peru. Given the similarities of these scenarios with SE Spain, the example from Mazarrón may provide useful new insights regarding the erosion and geomorphic evolution of such tailing deposits. These matters should be addressed in key environmental actions such as mine closure plans and land reclamation projects. A solution may come via restoration of these deposits through landform design involving the building up of stable mature landscapes, which in turn can withstand erosion much more easily.
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    Project number: 72
    Modelos a escala de ríos (Flumes), fotogrametría digital, técnicas LiDAR, e impresión 3D para el desarrollo de un manual docente de prácticas de laboratorio con el objetivo de dinamizar la enseñanza de los procesos ligados a la geomorfología fluvial
    (2022) Garrote Revilla, Julio; Uribelarrea Del Val, David; Sanz Santos, Miguel Ángel; Zapico Alonso, Ignacio; Martín Moreno, Cristina; Martín Duque, José Francisco; Fernández Esteban, David; Comas López, Nuria; Durán Cerrato, Daniel; Garcia Mendez, Alejandro; Gómez Garre, Daniel; Sarobe García, Héctor
    Este proyecto de innovación docente (Proyecto INNOVA-Docencia 2021/22 - Nº 72), continuación de los proyectos INNOVA-Docencia 2019/20 - Nº 38, e INNOVA-Docencia 2020/21 - Nº 301, tiene varios objetivos específicos: a) la actualización y mejora del modelo a escala de río para que el mismo pueda reproducir todos los tipos de cauces que encontramos en la naturaleza; b) enseñanza de formas y procesos geomorfológicos fluviales mediante el desarrollo de un manual de ejercicios prácticos; y c), la exposición pública a la comunidad educativa de los experimentos y logros alcanzados.
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    A Somolinos quarry land stewardship history: From ancient and recent land degradation to sensitive geomorphic-ecological restoration and its monitoring
    (Ecological Engineering, 2021) Martín Duque, José Francisco; Zapico Alonso, Ignacio; Bugosh, N.; Tejedor, M.; Delgado, F.; Martín Moreno, Cristina; Nicolau Ibarra, José Manuel
    This research documents the successful application of a novel holistic approach to return land degraded over thousands of years of use to full ecological function. The surroundings of the Somolinos hamlet in Central Spain illustrate a millennial history of land transformation and degradation by agrarian and extractive activities exacerbated at the second half of the 20th century by mechanized mining. This land stewardship history was culminated by a recent intervention of geomorphic-based ecological restoration and its monitoring. Historic anthropogenic processes which triggered gully erosion were intense deforestation for agriculture and grazing, and construction materials quarrying. From 1963 to 2006 mechanized quarrying operated over ancient extractive landforms. In 2007, a conventional rehabilitation mitigated risks but failed at controlling erosion and promoting soil and vegetation reestablishment. A geomorphic-based ecological restoration was accomplished since 2011. The GeoFluv-Natural Regrade CAD software was used for geomorphic landform design, and construction was completed with a carbonatic colluvium topdressing supplemented with a manure-amended soil, that was seeded with grasses. The whole process was a truly complete application of ecological engineering. One of the main purposes of this research was to carefully scrutinize the completed project, to evaluate its effectiveness and, if any deficiencies were found, to analyze their causes, so that they could be avoided in the future. Therefore, the landscape evolution and erosional behaviour of the restored area has been monitored from 2011 to 2020 through a time-lapse sequence of several oblique aerial photos, and by comparing topographies through Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) of Difference (DoDs). Those topographies were surveyed with differential GPS (DGPS) and with Structure from Motion (SfM) combined with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). This monitoring revealed: (a) landscape healing and diversification of the vegetation community composition and structure, as a result of the environmental heterogeneity of the geomorphic design; and (b) absence of hillslope and channel erosion for 99.8% of the area with limited surface erosion zones in 0.2% of the restored area. Our analysis attributed those limited erosion zones to a combination of: (a) minor design oversights; (b) slight construction deviation from the design grade; and (c) excessive runoff entering the repaired area that exceeded the design discharge. These erosion zones started to stabilize five years after initial restoration and achieved steady-state stability at nine years. The main lesson learnt from these minor deficiencies is that such erosion zones can be avoided at the design phase within GeoFluv-Natural Regrade by checking proper convex-concave slopes and concave channel profiles and by carefully considering any adjacent runoff entering the designed areas, which influence the channel's tractive forces. The use of Landscape Evolution Models, such as SIBERIA, can also identify design anomalies subject to erosion. Then, after rigorously inspecting the design, it is imperative that the construction is completed true to the design by defining and following construction tolerances.