Medina Bujalance, Rafael

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Medina Bujalance
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Biológicas
Biodiversidad, Ecología y Evolución
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    Northeastern Turkey, an unnoticed but very important area for the Orthotrichaceae (Bryophyta)
    (Bryophyte Systematics, Phytodiversity, Phytosociology and Ecology. Festschrift in honour of Professor Dr. Harald Kürschner, 2010) Lara, Francisco; Mazimpaka, Vicente; Medina Bujalance, Rafael; Caparrós, Rut; Garilleti, Ricardo; Schweizerbart science publishers
    In the course of a prospecting trip in square A4 in Turkey, the authors have recorded a total of 29 species of Orthotrichaceae. This increases by 19 the number of species in this moss family in the area. Among the discoveries are 11 new records for Turkey: Orthotrichum callistomum, O. consobrinum, O. crenulatum, O. hispanicum, O. rogeri, O. sordidum, O. stellatum, O. vladikavkanum, Ulota coarctata, U. rehmannii and Zygodon dentatus, some of them previously unknown in Asia. Furthermore, Orthotrichum microcarpum is reported for the fi rst time from Anatolia and new populations of some other little known mosses in Turkey are documented: O. alpestre, O. patens, O. scanicum, and O. vittii. Data on distribution and habitat in the prospected territory are provided for each of the species. The novelties are discussed and comments provided on global distribution and key characters for differentiation, in some cases accompanied by illustrations. In the light of the new data, North-eastern Turkey is shown to be one of the most diverse and interesting areas for Orthotrichaceae in the Palaearctic.
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    Orthotrichum Norrisii (Orthotrichaceae), A New Epiphytic Californian Moss
    (Bryologist, 2008) Lara, Francisco; Mazimpaka, Vicente; Garilleti, Ricardo; Medina Bujalance, Rafael
    A new Orthotrichum species, O. norrisii, is described from California. The new taxon is recognized by a unique combination of sporophytic characters: capsule narrowly cylindrical and not contracted below mouth when dry, exothecial bands narrow and formed by 2(–3) cell rows, peristome with eight pairs of exostome teeth and eight endostome segments, stomata cryptopore and located in the lower part of the urn, lid plane and rostrate and vaginula hairy. Widely distributed throughout California, the new taxon has been overlooked and confused with O. tenellum.
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    On the presence of Orthotrichum patens Bruch & Brid. in the Iberian Peninsula
    (Cryptogamie, Bryologie, 2008) Lara, Francisco; Medina Bujalance, Rafael; Garilleti, Ricardo; Mazimpaka, Vicente
    Orthotrichum patens Bruch & Brid., considered to be a rare moss in the Iberian Peninsula, is reported from two localities in Northern Spain (Asturias and Navarra). After revision of the herbarium material corresponding to previous records of this species in the Iberian Peninsula, we conclude that most of them (Asturias, Álava, León and La Rioja provinces) are erroneous. However, two early records (Sierra Nevada and Sierra de Ancares) remain uncertain since the corresponding herbarium material has not been found. We also provide details of two new localities of Orthotrichum patens in Romania and two in Turkey, where the species has been poorly recorded. Finally, we discuss the characters that allow the discrimination of Orthotrichum patens from related species, especially from O. stramineum Hornsch., the moss that has most often been confused with it in Spain.
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    A new key to the genus Orthotrichum Hedw. in Europe and the Mediterranean Region
    (Cryptogamie, Bryologie, 2009) Lara, Francisco; Garilleti, Ricardo; Medina Bujalance, Rafael; Mazimpaka, Vicente
    An updated key for the identification of the 49 Orthotrichum s.l. taxa (45 species and 4 varieties) present in Europe, North Africa, Macaronesia and Western Asia, including the species in genus Nyholmiella, is provided. Orthotrichum leblebicii, described from Turkey, is synonymized with the Mediterranean O. vittii.
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    Lewinskya, a new genus to accommodate the phaneroporous and monoicous taxa of Orthotrichum (Bryophyta, Orthotrichaceae)
    (Cryptogamie, Bryologie, 2016) Lara, Francisco; Garilleti, Ricardo; Goffinet, Bernard; Draper, Isabel; Medina Bujalance, Rafael; Vigalondo, Beatriz; Mazimpaka, Vicente
    Molecular analyses have consistently evidenced the phylogenetic heterogeneity of Orthotrichum Hedw., and suggested the need to segregate the species with superficial stomata in a separate genus. A recent proposal has been made to accommodate the monoicous species with such stomata in the genus Dorcadion Adans. ex Lindb., which is, however, an illegitimate name according to the current Code of nomenclature of algae, fungi and plants. Consequently a new name is required, and the generic name Lewinskya F.Lara, Garilleti & Goffinet is proposed. New combinations are made for all the species included in the new genus. Given the long history of the genus Orthotrichum and the similarities between this genus and Lewinskya, the morphological and geographic circumscriptions of both genera are provided to define them accurately. The taxa remaining in Orthotrichum s.str. are also listed