Pizarro Díaz, Manuel

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Pizarro Díaz
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Medicina y Cirugía Animal
Medicina y Cirugía Animal
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    Project number: 278
    Diseño y desarrollo de herramientas para el auto-aprendizaje de Anatomía Patológica General Veterinaria
    (2016) Peña Fernández, Laura Luisa; González Huecas, Marta; Tabanera De Lucio, Enrique; García Fernández, Rosa Ana; Pizarro Díaz, Manuel
    Este proyecto es la continuación de otro anterior de innovación docente: PIMCD 238/2014 “Implantación de un sistema de telepatología digital para la enseñanza práctica de Anatomía Patológica General (asignatura de 2º curso del Grado en Veterinaria)”. Hemos elaborado una colección completa de preparaciones digitalizadas para todas las prácticas de histopatología de APG. Con la colección completa de preparaciones histopatológicas digitalizadas, se han realizado también guías específicas de auto-ayuda para una mejor comprensión y observación de las mismas por parte del alumno, favoreciendo el auto-aprendizaje individualizado y en grupo. Así mismo, hemos realizado un módulo de auto-aprendizaje teórico-práctico en inglés para que el alumno auto-evalúe sus conocimientos de partes de la asignatura y los conocimientos transversales de otras asignaturas del grado en veterinaria. Como complemento se ha producido un juego de “pasapalabra” con contenidos de Anatomía Patológica, con el fin de estimular el aprendizaje mediante el juego. Ambos sistemas se encuentran en el campus virtual UCM para su utilización por los alumnos de veterinaria. Al finalizar el curso se enlazarán en la página web del Dpto.
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    Project number: 428
    GROSSPath 3D: Principales lesiones macroscópicas de decomiso en matadero en tres dimensiones
    (2021) Rodríguez Bertos, Antonio Manuel; González Huecas, Marta; Hernández Carrillo, Javier; Martín Andrés, Carlos; Mayoral Alegre, Francisco José; Pérez Pérez, Antonio; Pizarro Díaz, Manuel; Porras González, Néstor; Rebollada Merino, Agustín Miguel
    En GROSSPath 3D hemos creado modelos 3D de las lesiones observadas en los órganos decomisados en el matadero, centrado en las principales lesiones de decomiso en el cerdo para generar imágenes 3D que puedan resultar de interés para los alumnos de Grado en Veterinaria. En estos casos hemos incluido la descripción macroscópica de la lesión, el diagnóstico morfológico anatomopatológico y una imagen histológica característica del proceso con la causa etiológica microbiológica tanto en español como en inglés. Con el fin de establecer colaboraciones futuras con los mataderos, que son nuestra principal fuente de lesiones en los animales de abasto, hemos facilitado el acceso a la web a los veterinarios inspectores para que determinen su utilidad, como herramienta formativa para los veterinarios sustitutos o en formación del matadero. Además, conseguir fomentar su interés en contribuir de forma permanente al desarrollo de esta página web GROSSPath 3D mediante el envío de órganos decomisados, especialmente en otras especies como pequeños rumiantes, bovino y equino.
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    Effects of dietary polyphenol-rich grape products on intestinal microflora and gut morphology in broiler chicks
    (Poultry Science, 2011) Pizarro Díaz, Manuel; Chamorro, S.; Viveros Montoro, Agustín; Arija, I.; Centeno, C.; Brenes, A.
    Grapes have high amounts of phenolic compounds, which can modulate the gut activity as well as modify the structure and function of the gastrointestinal tract. The microbiological activity of avoparcin, grape pomace concentrate, and grape seed extract was evaluated in an in vitro study. An in vivo experiment was also conducted to study the effect of the inclusion of grape pomace concentrate and grape seed extract in the diet of broiler chicks on performance, intestinal microflora (by cultured and terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism methodology), and gut morphology at 21 d of age. Dietary treatments included an antibiotic-free diet (CON), a positive control (AVP; 50 mg/kg of avoparcin), and antibiotic-free diets containing grape pomace concentrate (GPC; 60 g/kg) or grape seed extract (GSE; 7.2 g/kg). Performance was not affected by dietary treatment except in the case of birds fed the GSE diet, which showed decreased weight gain. In the ileal content, birds fed CON and GSE diets had the highest populations of Lactobacillus. Compared with the CON diet, the AVP, GPC, and GSE diets increased the populations of Enterococcus and decreased the counts of Clostridium in the ileal content. In the cecal digesta, birds fed GPC and GSE diets had higher populations of Escherichia coli, Lactobacillus, Enterococcus, and Clostridium than birds in any other treatment group. Animals fed GPC and GSE diets showed a higher biodiversity degree than those fed control diets. The frequency of detection of several potential phenol-degrading bacteria as well as unidentified and uncultured organisms was increased in animals fed GPC and GSE diets. Birds fed the CON diet had longer villi and deeper crypt depth than birds in any other treatment group. The highest villi height:crypt depth ratio corresponded to birds fed GPC and AVP diets and the lowest to those fed CON and GSE diets. In conclusion, dietary polyphenol-rich grape products modify the gut morphology and intestinal microflora and increase the biodiversity degree of intestinal bacteria in broiler chicks.
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    Project number: 238
    Implantación de un sistema de telepatología digital para la enseñanza práctica de Anatomía Patológica General (asignatura de 2º curso del Grado en Veterinaria)
    (2015) Peña Fernández, Laura Luisa; González Huecas, Marta; García Fernández, Rosa Ana; Pizarro Díaz, Manuel; Tabanera De Lucio, Enrique
    Observación mediante ordenador de preparaciones histopatológicas escaneadas (microscopio virtual) a través del campus virtual, sustituyendo así parcialmente la docencia práctica tradicional con microscopio óptico, sin que existan limitaciones de temporalidad y espacio. Se potencia el aprendizaje autónomo con bajo coste y la coordinación de la docencia práctica con otras asignaturas. Cuando el alumno prefiera, desde cualquier ordenador y con la duración que sea necesaria, con una gran calidad de imagen y un software básico que contiene las herramientas de manejo de la preparación escaneada en su totalidad semejante a un microscopio virtual.
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    Animal abuse in Spanish-breed fighting cocks (Gallus gallus domesticus)
    (Forensic Science International: Animals and Environments, 2022) Rebollada Merino, Agustín Miguel; Bárcena Asensio, María Carmen; Barreno San Antolín, Lucía; Pizarro Díaz, Manuel; Domínguez Rodríguez, Lucas José; Rodríguez Bertos, Antonio Manuel
    Cockfighting is illegal both in the European Union and the United States, although fighting cock husbandry and breed preservation are allowed. Here, we describe the pathological findings observed in the carcasses of two Spanish-breed fighting cocks submitted to our laboratory after an animal abuse-suspected death. The postmortem examination revealed these cocks may have been used for cockfighting (comb, ear lobes, wattles, and chest feather removal; and trimmed spurs). The severe extensive hemorrhages observed in the cervical region of both birds, affecting C1-C4 in bird No. 1 and C8-C11 in No. 2, suggested cervical dislocation in a non-professional manner. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of abuse in a Spanish-breed fighting cock. The aim of this paper is to contribute to the identification of animal abuse cases in avian species which may lead to successful prosecutions in Spain and elsewhere.
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    Age Effects Aggressive Behavior: RNA-Seq Analysis in Cattle with Implications for Studying Neoteny Under Domestication
    (Behavior Genetics, 2022) García Eusebi, Paulina; Sevane Fernández, Natalia; O’Rourke, Thomas; Pizarro Díaz, Manuel; Boeckx, Cedric; Dunner Boxberger, Helene Susana
    The reactive type of aggression is regulated mostly by the brain’s prefrontal cortex; however, the molecular changes underlying aggressiveness in adults have not been fully characterized. We used an RNA-seq approach to investigate diferential gene expression in the prefrontal cortex of bovines from the aggressive Lidia breed at diferent ages: young three-year old and adult four-year-old bulls. A total of 50 up and 193 down-regulated genes in the adult group were identifed. Furthermore, a cross-species comparative analysis retrieved 29 genes in common with previous studies on aggressive behaviors, representing an above-chance overlap with the diferentially expressed genes in adult bulls. We detected changes in the regulation of networks such as synaptogenesis, involved in maintenance and refnement of synapses, and the glutamate receptor pathway, which acts as excitatory driver in aggressive responses. The reduced reactive aggression typical of domestication has been proposed to form part of a retention of juvenile traits as adults (neoteny).
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    A short-term treatment with BKI-1294 does not protect foetuses from sheep experimentally infected with Neospora caninum tachyzoites during pregnancy
    (International Journal for Parasitology: Drugs and Drug Resistance, 2021) Sánchez Sánchez, Roberto; Ferré Pérez, Ignacio; Re, Michela Tatiana; Pérez Arroyo, Bárbara; Cleofé Resta, Darío; Herrero García, Victor; Pizarro Díaz, Manuel; Ferrer, Luis Miguel; Ruiz, Hector; Vallejo García, Raquel; Benavides, Julio; Hulverson, Matthew A.; Choi, Ryan; Whitman, Grant R.; Hemphill, Andrew; Van Voorhis, Wesley C.; Ortega Mora, Luis Miguel
    The Neospora caninum Calcium-dependent protein kinase 1 (NcCDPK1) inhibitor BKI-1294 had demonstrated excellent efficacy in a pregnant mouse model of neosporosis, and was also highly efficacious in a pregnant sheep model of toxoplasmosis. In this work, we present the efficacy of BKI-1294 treatment (dosed 5 times orally every 48 h) starting 48 h after intravenous infection of sheep with 105 Nc-Spain7 tachyzoites at mid-pregnancy. In the dams, BKI-1294 plasma concentrations were above the IC50 for N. caninum for 12–15 days. In treated sheep, when they were compared to untreated ones, we observed a minor increase in rectal temperature, higher IFNγ levels after blood stimulation in vitro, and a minor increase of IgG levels against N. caninum soluble antigens through day 28 post-infection. Additionally, the anti-NcSAG1 and anti-NcSAG4 IgGs were lower in treated dams on days 21 and 42 post-infection. However, BKI-1294 did not protect against abortion (87% foetal mortality in both infected groups, treated and untreated) and did not reduce transplacental transmission, parasite load or lesions in placentomes and foetal brain. The lack of foetal protection was likely caused by short systemic exposure in the dams and suboptimal foetal exposure to this parasitostatic drug, which was unable to reduce replication of the likely established N. caninum tachyzoites in the foetus at the moment of treatment. New BKIs with a very low plasma clearance and good ability to cross the blood-brain and placental barriers need to be developed.