Sanz Alonso, Mariano

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Sanz Alonso
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Especialidades Clínicas Odontológicas
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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 34
  • Publication
    Cómo motivar al estudiante: Priming y B-learning
    (2017-06-15) Iniesta Albentosa, Margarita Isabel; Alonso Álvarez, Bettina María; Herrera González, David; Sanz Alonso, Mariano; Figuero Ruiz, Elena; Santa Cruz Astorgui, María Isabel; Legido Arce, Berta; Carrillo de Albornoz Sainz, Ana; Dolláguez Chamarro, Patricia
    Este proyecto pretende mejorar el rendimiento de los estudiantes, independientemente de su nivel de conocimientos y, a la vez, mejorar su motivación y su compromiso con la asignatura de Periodoncia. Para ello se construye una serie de actividades pre-clase adaptadas al nivel del 2º curso de Grado en Odontología.
  • Publication
    Management of peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis
    (Wiley-Blackwell, 2014) Figuero, Elena; Graziani, Filippo; Herrera Gonzalez, David; Sanz Alonso, Mariano
    Peri-implant diseases are defined as inflammatory lesions of the surrounding peri-implant tissues, and they include peri-implant mucositis (inflammatory lesion limited to the surrounding mucosa of an implant) and peri-implantitis (inflammatory lesion of the mucosa, affecting the supporting bone with resulting loss of osseointegration). This review aims to describe the different approaches to manage both entities and to critically evaluate the available evidence on their efficacy. Therapy of peri-implant mucositis and non-surgical therapy of peri-implantitis usually involve the mechanical debridement of the implant surface by means of curettes, ultrasonic devices, air abrasive devices or lasers, with or without the adjunctive use of local antibiotics or antiseptics. The efficacy of these therapies has been demonstrated for mucositis. Controlled clinical trials show an improvement in clinical parameters, especially in bleeding on probing. For peri-implantitis, the results are limited, especially in terms of probing pocket depth reduction. Surgical therapy of peri-implantitis is indicated when non-surgical therapy fails to control the inflammatory changes. The selection of the surgical technique should be based on the characteristics of the peri-implant lesion. In presence of deep circumferential and intrabony defects surgical interventions should be aimed for thorough debridement, implant surface decontamination and defect reconstruction. In presence of defects without clear bony walls or with a predominant suprabony component, the aim of the surgical intervention should be the thorough debridement and the repositioning of the margical mucosa that enables the patient for effective oral hygiene practices, although this aim may compromise the aesthetic result of the implant supported restoration.
  • Publication
    Acute periodontal lesions
    (Wiley-Blackwell, 2014) Herrera Gonzalez, David; Alonso Álvarez, Bettina María; Arriba de la Fuente, Lorenzo de; Santa- Cruz Astorqui, Isabel; Serrano, Cristina; Sanz Alonso, Mariano
    This is a review and update on acute conditions affecting the gingival tissues, including abscesses in the periodontium, necrotizing periodontal diseases, and other acute conditions that cause gingival lesions with acute presentation, such as infectious process not associated with oral bacterial biofilms, muco-cutanenous disorders, and traumatic and allergic lesions. A periodontal abscess is clinically important since it is a relatively frequent dental emergency, it can compromise the periodontal prognosis of the affected tooth, and because bacteria within the abscess have been identified, mainly by the type of etiology, and there are clear diffrences between those affecting a previously existing periodontal pocket ahd those affecting healthy sites. Therapy for this acute condition consists of drainage and tissue debridement, with individual evaluation of the need for systemic antimicrobial therapy. the definitive treatment of the pre-existing condition should be accomplished after the acute phase is controlled. Necrotizing periodontal disease (NPD) present three typical clinical features : papilla necrosis, gingival bleeding, and pain. Although the prevalence of these diseases is not high, their importance is clear, since they represent the most severe conditions associated with dental biofilm, with very rapid tissue destruction. In adittion to bacteria, the etiology of NPD includes numerous factors that alter the host response and predispose to these diseases, including HIV infection, malnutrition, stress, and tobacco smoking. The treatment consists of superficial debridement, careful mechanical oral hygiene, rinsing with chlorhexidine, and daily re-evaluation. Systemic antimicrobials may be used adjunctively in severe cases or in non-responding conditions and the best option is metronidazole.Once the acute disease is under control, definitive treatment should be provided, including the adequate therapy for the pre-existing gingivitis or periodontitis. Among other acute conditions affecting the periodontal tissues, but not caused by the microorganisms present in oral biofilms , are infectious diseases, muco-cutaneous diseases and traumatic or allergic lesions. In most cases, the gingival envolvement is not severe, though they are common and may prompt a dental emergency visit. These conditions may the direct result of a trauma or the consequence of the breaking of vesicles and bullae. A proper differential diagnosis is important for an adequate management of the case.
  • Publication
    Aprender educando: Experiencia ApS de promoción de la salud oral
    (2018-06-06) Iniesta Albentosa, Margarita Isabel; Alonso Álvarez, Bettina María; Arias Paniagua, Ana María; Hidalgo Arroquia, Juan José; Figuero Ruiz, Elena; Herrera González, David; Sanz Alonso, Mariano; De la Macorra Gracía, José Carlos; Méndez González, Raquel; Figueiras López, Iria; De Oliveira Pegado Figueiredo, Frederico Eduardo
    El programa de aprendizaje-servicio realizado ha permitido que el estudiante construya su propio aprendizaje y, por lo tanto, el aprendizaje académico ha mejorado el servicio ofrecido. Hemos preparado a los estudiantes para que sepan participar de forma activa en la sociedad; y hemos generado en ellos una serie de valores que dentro del aula son más difíciles de conseguir, como empatía, responsabilidad social, liderazgo, etc.
  • Publication
    Desarrollo y Evaluación de un nuevo modelo de enseñanza bilingüe en Periodoncia.
    (2016-01) Herrera González, David; Alonso Álvarez, Bettina María; Sanz Alonso, Mariano; Iniesta Albentosa, Margarita Isabel; Arriba de la Fuente, Lorenzo; Santa Cruz Astorqui, María Isabel; Legido Arce, Berta; Figuero Ruiz, Elena
    Entorno interactivo en inglés,para permitir al alumno valorar de manera objetiva e integrada su aprendizaje en la asignatura de Periodoncia, de forma totalmente interactiva.Se realizará una evaluación de este medio virtual de aprendizaje y enseñanza.
  • Publication
    Entrenamiento basado en un entorno interactivo para mejorar las competencias al final del grado. Proyecto de Innovación y Mejora de la Calidad Docente 2014. Nº de proyecto: 49
    (2014) Alonso Álvarez, Bettina María; Herrera Gonzalez, David; Sanz Alonso, Mariano; Iniesta Albentosa, Margarita; de Arriba de la Fuente, Lorenzo; Legido Arce, Berta; SantaCruz Astorqui, Isabel; Sánchez Pérez, Nerea; Mínguez Arnau, María
    Memoria final del proyecto de innovación 49
  • Publication
    Characterization and serotype distribution of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans isolated from a population of periodontitis patients in Spain
    (Elsevier, 2014) Mínguez, María; Pousa, Xiana; Herrera Gonzalez, David; Blasi, Andrea; Sánchez, Mari Carmen; León, Rubén; Sanz Alonso, Mariano
    Objective: There is no study characterizing the variability of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans isolates in periodontitis patients in Spain. It is therefore the aim of this investigation to study the serotype distribution of A. actinomycetemcomitans strains isolated from periodontitis patients in spain. The polymorphism of the genes that codifies the leukotoxin and the operon of the cytolethal-distending toxin (cdt) will also be investigated. Design.: From a total of 701 patients samples, 40 A. actinomycetemcomitans-positive periodontitis patients were s included in the study (mean age 45.3, 62,5% females) and their clinical periodontal status was assessed. On average, 1-3 isolates from each patient were subcultured and characterized by PCR. Results: Using culture the prevalence of A. actinomycetemcomitans was 5.7%. The most frequent serotype was "b", being 30 patients infected by a unique serotype, while 7 patients showed co-colonization, mostly with serotypes "a" and "b". From the 79 pure isolates obtained, 24 were from serotype "a", 30 from serotype "b", 12 from serotype "c" and 4 from serotype "d". Further characterization of these samples showed that none of these 79 isolates demonstrated the 530-bp detion in the leukotoxin's promoter region that characterizes the JPs strain. Conversely 65.8% of the isolates were cdt+. Conclusions: The most commonserotypes were "a" and "b", being serotype "b" the most prevalent in mono-colonization, while serotypes "e" and "f" were not detected.In the majority of samples,operon that codifies the cdt (65.8%) and the genes responsible for the codification of leukotin (100%) were found. None of the isolates were JP2 strains.
  • Publication
    Implant treatment in pharmacologically immunosuppressed liver transplant patients: A prospective‐controlled study
    (Wiley, 2017-07-21) Paredes Rodríguez, Víctor Manuel; López-Pintor Muñoz, Rosa María; Torres García Denche, Jesús; de Vicente, Juan Carlos; Sanz Alonso, Mariano; Hernández Vallejo, Gonzalo
    Abstract Objectives: The main objective of this prospective study was to evaluate the long-term outcome of implant therapy in liver transplant patients (LTP). The secondary goal was to assess several implant- and patient-dependent variables, such as peri-implantitis (PI), peri- implant mucositis (PIM), bone loss (BL), and immediate postoperative complications. Material and methods: Two groups, including 16 pharmacologically immunosup- pressed LTP and 16 matched controls, received 52 and 54 implants, respectively, be- tween 1999 and 2008. After evaluating the postoperative healing, a mean follow-up of more than 8 years was carried out, and radiographic, clinical, and periodontal pa- rameters were recorded to evaluate implant survival and implant- and patient- dependent outcomes. Results: The early postsurgical complications were similar in both groups. Implant sur- vival rate was 100% in the LTP group and 98.15% in the CG. PIM was diagnosed in 35.42% of the implants and 64.29% of the patients of LTP group (LTPG) and in 43.40% of the implants and 56.25% of the patients in the CG. PI was detected in 4.17% of the implants and 7.10% of the patients in the LTPG and in 9.43% of the implants and 18.80% of the patients in the CG. Conclusion: Pharmacologically immunosuppression in liver transplant patients was not a risk factor for implant failure, nor for the incidence of peri-implant diseases. Liver transplant is not a contraindication for dental implant treatment, although these pa- tients should be carefully monitored during follow-up care.
  • Publication
    Structure, viability and bacterial kinetics of an in vitro biofilm model using six bacteria from the subgingival microbiota
    (Willey, 2011-01-25) Sánchez Beltrán, María Del Carmen; Llama Palacios, María Arantxazu; Blanc, Vanesa; León, Rubén; Herrera González, David; Sanz Alonso, Mariano
    Background and Objective: There are few in vitro models available in the scientific literature for study of the structure, formation and development of the subgingival biofilm. The purpose of this study was to develop and validate an in vitro biofilm model, using representative selected bacteria from the subgingival microbiota. Material and Methods: Six standard reference strains were used to develop biofilms over sterile ceramic calcium hydroxyapatite discs coated with saliva within the wells of presterilized polystyrene tissue culture plates. The selected species represent initial (Streptococcus oralis and Actinomyces naeslundii), early (Veillonella parvula), secondary (Fusobacterium nucleatum) and late colonizers (Porphyromonas gingivalis and Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans). The structure of the biofilm obtained was studied using a vital fluorescence technique in conjunction with confocal laser scanning microscopy. The biofilm bacterial kinetics were studied by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. Results: After 12 h, initial and early colonizers were the first microorganisms detected adhering to the calcium hydroxyapatite discs. The intermediate colonizer F. nucleatum was not detected in the model until 24 h of incubation. Late colonizers A. actinomycetemcomitans and P. gingivalis could be measured inside the biofilm after 48 h. The biofilm reached its steady state between 72 and 96 h after inoculation, with bacterial vitality increasing from the hydroxyapatite surface to the central part of the biofilm. Conclusion: An in vitro biofilm model was developed and validated, demonstrating a pattern of bacterial colonization and maturation similar to the in vivo development of the subgingival biofilm.
  • Publication
    Detection of specific periodontal microorganisms from bacteraemia samples after periodontal therapy using molecular-based diagnostics
    (Wiley, 2011-03-11) Castillo, Diana Marcela; Sánchez Beltrán, María Del Carmen; Castellanos, Jaime Eduardo; Sanz Sánchez, Ignacio; Mayorga-Fayad, Isabel; Sanz Alonso, Mariano; Lafaurie, Gloria Inés
    Aim: The aim of this study was to assess the presence of subgingival pathogens in peripheral blood samples from periodontitis patients before and after scaling and root planing (Sc/RP) using nested polymerase chain reaction (nested PCR). Materials and methods: Peripheral blood samples were obtained from 42 patients with severe generalized chronic or aggressive periodontitis. In each patient, four samples of peripheral blood were drawn at different times: immediately before the Sc/RP procedure; immediately after Sc/RP; 15 and 30 min. post-Sc/RP. Blood samples were analysed for bacteraemia with anaerobic culturing and nested PCR, using universal bacterial primers that target the 16S-rRNA gene of most bacteria, subsequently re-amplified with specific primers to Porphyromonas gingivalis, Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Tannerella forsythia, Eikenella corrodens, Campylobacter rectus and Prevotella intermedia, using a modified phenol-chloroform method for DNA extraction. Results: Presence of specific periodontal pathogens in peripheral blood after treatment was detected in 54.8% of the patients, in 47.6% with anaerobic culturing and in 19% with nested PCR. In 16.6%, the periodontal pathogens were detected before Sc/RP. P. gingivalis and A. actynomicetemcomitans were the pathogens most frequently detected in the bloodstream before and after Sc/RP. Conclusions: Nested PCR demonstrated the presence of DNA from periodontal pathogens in blood samples in severe periodontitis patients before, during and after periodontal therapy. The use of these molecular-based techniques may improve the accuracy from the results obtained by haemoculture.