Fernández Arias, Ignacio Gabino

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First Name
Ignacio Gabino
Last Name
Fernández Arias
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Personalidad, Evaluación y Psicología Clínica
Personalidad, Evaluación y Tratamiento Psicológico
UCM identifierORCIDScopus Author IDWeb of Science ResearcherIDDialnet ID

Search Results

Now showing 1 - 7 of 7
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    Advertising Games of Chance in Adolescents and Young Adults in Spain
    (Journal of Gambling Studies, 2020) Labrador Encinas, Francisco Javier; Bernaldo De Quirós Aragón, Mónica; Sánchez Iglesias, Iván; Labrador Méndez, Marta Isabel; Vallejo Achón, Marina; Fernández Arias, Ignacio Gabino; Estupiñá Puig, Francisco José
    Gambling advertising can influence attitudes and gaming behavior of adolescents and young adults (A&Y). Objective: to study the effect of advertising on the attitudes and gaming behavior of a sample of 2887 Spanish A&Y (12-22 years old), by means of a self-report assessment. Results and discussion: on average, participants show a weak effect of advertising, however there are great variations, estimating that 11% of A&Y acknowledge being influenced by advertising and 5% recognize being severely affected. Men see themselves more impacted than women, without age differences. Those who play videogames signal a stronger effect of this kind of advertising and although these differences are not substantial in effect size, they reach statistically significance in 12 of the 13 questions assessed. A&Y who showed higher scores indicating problematic use of videogames in the IDGS9-SF, are those who indicate a greater impact of advertising on their attitudes towards gaming, as well as on the way they play or on their intention to play. These results support the idea that videogames can, albeit modestly, predispose engagement in games of chance.
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    Video Game Playing and Internet Gaming Disorder: A Profile of Young Adolescents
    (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2023) Labrador Méndez, Marta Isabel; Sánchez Iglesias, Iván; Bernaldo De Quirós Aragón, Mónica; Estupiñá Puig, Francisco José; Fernández Arias, Ignacio Gabino; Vallejo Achón, Marina; Labrador Encinas, Francisco Javier
    In recent times, growing concern has arisen regarding the utilization of technology, video games, and the emergence of internet gaming disorder (IGD), particularly among young adolescents. This worry arises from the ambiguity in distinguishing between “normal” and “problematic” video game behavior, despite efforts to establish clear criteria for defining both. The goal of this study is to outline distinct profiles of adolescent video game players and identify variables associated with their gaming practices that correlate with problematic gaming. The study utilizes a substantial sample of adolescents drawn from a representative cross-section of educational institutions in the city of Madrid, ranging in age from 12 to 16 years. In total, 1516 participants (75%) acknowledged engaging in video game activities. The research delves into characterizing prevailing profiles of video game participants within this cohort and scrutinizes the profile that aligns with issues of IGD. In summary, approximately three-quarters of young adolescents participate in video gaming, with males constituting the majority. Typically, participants immerse themselves in action genre games for over three days per week, with males exhibiting a higher frequency than their female counterparts. Elevated gaming frequency correlates with heightened IGD scores, particularly among females. Young adolescents show a preference for game consoles (males) and mobile phones (females) and often play alone at home. Specific factors such as the device used, online mode, company, and gaming location impact the IGD scores. These profiles aim to assist families and educators in recognizing potential risk behaviors and IGD concerns; however, it is crucial to emphasize the necessity for case-specific screening and evaluation before deliberating on such behaviors.
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    Emotional regulation in gaming disorder: A systematic review
    (The American Journal on Addictions, 2024) Estupiñá Puig, Francisco José; Bernaldo De Quirós Aragón, Mónica; Vallejo Achón, Marina; Fernández Arias, Ignacio Gabino; Labrador Encinas, Francisco Javier
    Background and Objectives: Problematic video game use is a source of concern. In addictions, difficulties with emotional regulation have become an important variable of interest. However, their study in relation to problematic video game use remains insufficient. Methods: A systematic review was conducted following PRISMA 2020 guidelines; 322 studies were screened, resulting in a final sample of k = 18 studies. The methodological quality of these studies was rated as moderate according to the McMaster Critical Review Form for Quantitative studies (CRF-Q). Results: There is evidence of relationship between different facets of emotional regulation and the presence of problematic video game use. Particularly, video games serve as escape strategy for suppressing emotional expression. There is no consensus regarding the nature of the relationship between emotional regulation, psychopathology, and problematic video game use, with various proposals suggesting moderation and mediation. There is also no consensus regarding the mediation of gender in the relationship between emotional dysregulation and problematic video game use. The level of certainty regarding the validity of the results was moderate. Discussion and Conclusions: Emotional dysregulation plays a role in problematic video game use, especially through strategies as emotional suppression, and lack of abilities to understand and control emotions. It is important to consider emotional regulation as a potential target for research and intervention in clinical populations. Scientific Significance: We review the largest sample of papers on problem gaming and emotion regulation to date. Our results highlight the importance of emotion regulation and, specially, emotional suppression, or negative escapism, on problematic video game use.
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    Cognitive Patterns and Problematic Use of Video Games in Adolescents: A Cluster Analysis
    (2023) Fernández Arias, Ignacio Gabino; Labrador Méndez, Marta Isabel; Bernaldo De Quirós Aragón, Mónica; Estupiñá Puig, Francisco José; Vallejo Achón, Marina; Sánchez Iglesias, Iván; González Álvarez, María; Labrador Encinas, Francisco Javier
    Background: Video game playing (VGP) is an increasingly common leisure activity among children and adolescents, although in some cases, it is accompanied by problems due to misuse. Method: A sample of 2884 children and adolescents aged between 12 and 20, representative of the Community of Madrid (Spain), were studied using a cluster analysis to explore the existence of cognitive patterns associated with engagement, attitudes, and concurrent cognitions. We also explored the relationship between these patterns and problematic VGP, using the 2173 gamers as a reference. Results: The concurrent cognitions were not qualitatively different between the problematic users and the others. High engagement and high activation of concurrent cognitions (intensity and frequency) showed the greatest relationship with problematic VGP. Conclusions: The results suggest the existence of different groups of gamers and the relevance to include psycho-educational aspects in intervention programs, as well as the training of specific skills, especially those related with the control of activation. Limitations related to the sample size and potential supplementary analyses are acknowledged.
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    Project number: 149
    Entrenamiento en habilidades básicas de intervención grupal para la mejora de la regulación emocional de personal Complutense: protocolo para alumnos de posgrado en Psicología General Sanitaria
    (2020) Larroy García, Cristina; Fernández Arias, Ignacio Gabino; Quiroga Estévez, María Ángeles; Valiente Ots, M. Carmen; Asenjo Villamayor, Marta; Ayuela González, Daniel; Lozano Viñas, Belen; Vicente Moreno, Raquel Pilar de; Florido Farfan, Rocio; Gómez Zubeldia, Ainara; Pousada Fonseca, Teresa; Martínez Bernardo, Ana; Rodrigo Apio, Juan José; Solera Casilda, María Teresa; Suarez Dueñas, Laura; Gozalo Arenal, María; Martín Vallejo, María Cristina; Roldan Díaz, Laura
    Se presenta un protocolo de entrenamiento de gestión de grupos, dirigido a los alumnos del Máster en Psicología General Sanitaria (MPGS), y diseñado para la mejora de las habilidades de regulación emocional de la comunidad Complutense (PAS y PDI).
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    Project number: 352
    Adaptación y aplicación de escalas de adquisición de competencias en el aprendizaje práctico de la psicoterapia
    (2022) Fernández Arias, Ignacio Gabino; Bermejo Casado, Irene; Castelló Pinel, Elena; Cerezo Sarmiento de Sotomayor, Elena; Eguren Fernández, Beatriz; Estupiñá Puig, Francisco José; García Castañeda, Yanixa; Hervás Torres, Gonzalo; Larroy García, Cristina; Luque Suarez, Sofía; Martin Vallejo, María Cristina; Miramón Alonso, Andrea; Morán Jusdado, Marta; Pousada Fonseca, Teresa; Prieto Vila, Maider; Quiroga Estévez, María Ángeles; Sanz Alcazar, Sandra; Segura Millán, Raquel; Solera Casilda, María Teresa; Valiente Ots, Carmen
    El aprendizaje de la Psicoterapia requiere la adquisición de conocimientos teórico-prácticos que se ven recogidos en los planes de postgrado (fundamentalmente en el Master en Psicología General Sanitaria). Sin embargo, la adquisición de competencias y habilidades ha pasado a un segundo plano, delegando su adquisición a aprendizajes informales. En este proyecto se pretende aplicar una escala de competencias en psicoterapia (CTTS) a una muestra de psicólogos en formación, analizar sus resultados en función de la dificultad del caso y adoptar las medidas pedagógicas (fundamentalmente de supervisión) que sean necesarias para la potenciación de estas competencias.
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    Spanish Validation and Scoring of the Internet Gaming Disorder Scale - Short-Form (IGDS9-SF)
    (2020) Fernández Arias, Ignacio Gabino; Sánchez Iglesias, Iván; Bernaldo De Quirós Aragón, Mónica; Labrador Encinas, Francisco Javier; Estupiñá Puig, Francisco José; Labrador Méndez, Marta Isabel; Fernández Arias, Ignacio Gabino
    Since the inclusion of the Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) in the Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.) (DSM-5), the Internet Gaming Disorder Scale-Short Form (IGDS9-SF), a short nine items test, has become one of the most used standardized instruments for its psychometric evaluation. This study presents a validation and psychometric evaluation of the Spanish version of the IGDS9-SF. A sample of 2173 videogame players between 12 and 22 years old, comprising both genders, was employed, achieved with a randomized selection process from educational institutions in the city of Madrid. Participants completed the adapted version of the IGDS9-SF, the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) and a negative cognitions scale associated with videogame use, as well as sociodemographic data and frequency of videogame play. A unifactorial structure with sufficient reliability and internal consistency was found through exploratory and confirmatory analyses. In addition, the instrument was found to have good construct validity; the scoring of the IGDS9-SF were found to show a positive association with gaming frequency, with general health problems, and to a greater extent, with problematic cognitions with regard to videogames. Factorial invariance was found concerning the age of participants. However, even though the factorial structure was consistent across genders, neither metric nor scalar invariance were found; for this reason, we present a scale for the whole sample and a different one for gender. These results suggest that this Spanish version of the IGDS9-SF is a reliable and valid instrument, useful to evaluate the severity of IGD in Spanish students, and we provide a scoring scale for measurement purposes.