González Burgos, Elena María

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Elena María
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González Burgos
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Farmacología, Farmacognosia y Botánica
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    Climate change, from science to society: methodological Guide
    (2022) Aranaz Corral, Inmaculada; Castiñeiras García, Pedro; García Tartera, Francisco José; González Burgos, Elena María; Pérez Del Pozo, María Josefa; Rodríguez López, Blanca María; Sánchez Millas, María Del Pilar; Chumbo, Isabel; Exposto, José; Gonçalves, V; Silva, Elisabette; Greco, Michele; Milella, Luigi; Paternoster, Michele; Rizzo, Giovanna; Moraitis, Nikolaos; Moschovakou, Aikaterini Aloizia; Buyukkalay, Nurgul
    This methodological guide is the outcome of Erasmus + CTwoSEAS (Cambio climático: Ciencia, ética y sociedad) project carried out between 2019 and 2022 . In this project 5 european institutions were involved, Complutense University (coordinator of the project), Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (Portugal), SEV/IVEPE center (Greece), Akdeniz Univerity(Turkey) and Basilicata University (Italy). This methodological guide aims to support the teaching of the course Climate Change: From Science to Society in terms of the organisation of students' learning, the development of these learnings, and their evaluation. All of this will be focused on the competences that the students must acquire during their learning process. We are aware that, sometimes, the pedagogical training of university faculty staff outside the branches of education is scarce and, therefore, this guide will offer a myriad of methodological tools and strategies that can overcome some of these possible shortcomings. In the development of this methodological guide, we are mindful that the proposed methodologies to be used in each specific case are limited by the context of the course and the organisational context of each educational institution. Given the diverse nature of each educational institution and its conditions (physical resources, teacher training, budget, among others) it will be the task of the teachers of the course in each of the institutions to select the most appropriate methodology to their reality. The challenge of this methodological guide is to design working modalities and methodologies for both teachers and students that are appropriate for a standard student in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) to achieve the skills that are proposed.
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    Risk of dementia among antidepressant elderly users: A population-based cohort analysis in Spain
    (Journal of Affective Disorders, 2024) Santandreu, Javier; Caballero, Francisco Félix; Gómez-Serranillos Cuadrado, María Pilar; González Burgos, Elena María
    The use of antidepressants with anticholinergic effects has been associated with an increased risk of dementia. However, the results published are contradictory. The aim of the study is to compare the risk of developing dementia in elderly who were prescribed tricyclic antidepressants (TCA) versus those who were prescribed selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and other antidepressants (OA). A prospective population-based cohort study was performed using the Spanish Database for Pharmacoepidemiological Research in Primary Care (BIFAP) data (from 2005 to 2018). The cohort study included 62,928 patients age ≥ 60 without dementia and with antidepressant long-term monotherapy. Patients were divided into exposure antidepressant groups based on ATC system [TCA, SSRIs users and OAs users]. The risk of dementia was calculated by Cox regression models, providing hazard ratios (HR) and 95 % confidence intervals. The Kaplan-Meier model was used for survival analysis. Chi2 test was used as association test. The results showed SSRI users had higher dementia risk than TCA users (HR = 1.864; 95%CI = 1.624–2.140). Moreover, OA users had also significant risk of dementia (HR = 2.103; 95%CI = 1.818–2.431). Several limitations are the variation of the trend in the prescription of antidepressants, the small number of patients that use some antidepressants, the lack of information related to the dose, or socioeconomic characteristics, the use of antidepressant drugs for other indications, or the therapeutic compliance. Our findings showed that older users of SSRI and OA have more risk of developing dementia than TCA elderly users. However, additional studies would be needed.
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    Self-assembling, supramolecular chemistry and pharmacology of amphotericin B: Poly-aggregates, oligomers and monomers
    (Journal of Controlled Release, 2021) Raquel Fernández-García; Juan C. Muñoz-García; Matthew Wallace; Laszlo Fabian; González Burgos, Elena María; Gómez-Serranillos Cuadrado, María Pilar; Raposo González, Rafaela; Bolas Fernández, Francisco; Ballesteros Papantonakis, María De La Paloma; Anne Marie Healy; Yaroslav Z. Khimyak; Serrano López, Dolores Remedios
    Antifungal drugs such as amphotericin B (AmB) interact with lipids and phospholipids located on fungal cell membranes to disrupt them and create pores, leading to cell apoptosis and therefore efficacy. At the same time, the interaction can also take place with cell components from mammalian cells, leading to toxicity. AmB was selected as a model antifungal drug due to the complexity of its supramolecular chemical structure which can self-assemble in three different aggregation states in aqueous media: monomer, oligomer (also known as dimer) and poly-aggregate. The interplay between AmB self-assembly and its efficacy or toxicity against fungal or mammalian cells is not yet fully understood. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report that investigates the role of excipients in the supramolecular chemistry of AmB and the impact on its biological activity and toxicity. The monomeric state was obtained by complexation with cyclodextrins resulting in the most toxic state, which was attributed to the greater production of highly reactive oxygen species upon disruption of mammalian cell membranes, a less specific mechanism of action compared to the binding to the ergosterol located in fungal cell membranes. The interaction between AmB and sodium deoxycholate resulted in the oligomeric and polyaggregated forms which bound more selectively to the ergosterol of fungal cell membranes. NMR combined with XRD studies elucidated the interaction between drug and excipient to achieve the AmB aggregation states, and ultimately, their diffusivity across membranes. A linear correlation between particle size and the efficacy/toxicity ratio was established allowing to modulate the biological effect of the drug and hence, to improve pharmacological regimens. However, particle size is not the only factor modulating the biological response but also the equilibrium of each state which dictates the fraction of free monomeric form available. Tuning the aggregation state of AmB formulations is a promising strategy to trigger a more selective response against fungal cells and to reduce the toxicity in mammalian cells.
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    DNA-Based Authentication and Metabolomics Analysis of Medicinal Plants Samples by DNA Barcoding and Ultra-High-Performance Liquid Chromatography/Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry (UHPLC-MS)
    (Plants, 2020) Sánchez Gómez-Serranillos, Marta; González Burgos, Elena María; Dulare Devi, Pradeep Divakar; Gómez-Serranillos Cuadrado, María Pilar
    There is growing interest for medicinal plants in the world drug market. Particularly, Matricaria recutita L., Valeriana officinalis L., Tilia spp., and Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze are some of the most consumed medicinal plants for treatment of minor health problems. Medicinal plants are seen as natural and safe; however, they can cause interactions and produce adverse reactions. Moreover, there is lack of consensus in medicinal plants regulation worldwide. DNA barcoding and UHPLC-MS technique are increasingly used to correctly identify medicinal plants and guarantee their quality and therapeutic safety. We analyzed 33 samples of valerian, linden, tea, and chamomile acquired in pharmacies, supermarkets, and herbal shops by DNA barcoding and UHPLC-MS. DNA barcoding, using matk as a barcode marker, revealed that CH1 sold as Camellia sinensis was Blepharocalyx tweediei, and sample TS2 sold as linden belong to Malvales. On the other hand, UHPLC-MS analysis revealed the presence of bioactive compounds (apigenin-7-glucoside, acetoxy valerenic acid, valerenic acid, epigallocatechin, and tiliroside). However, none of samples met minimum content of these active principles (except for valerenic acid in VF3) according to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and Real Spanish Pharmacopeia. In conclusion, this study revealed the need to incorporate DNA barcoding and HPLC-MS techniques in quality controls of medicinal plants.
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    (2023) Garcimartín Álvarez, Alba; García Aguilar, Ana; Bocanegra De Juana, Aranzazu; González Burgos, Elena María; Guerra Guirao, José Antonio; Merino Martín, José Joaquín; Bedoya Del Olmo, Luis Miguel; García García, Luis; Fernández Alfonso, María Soledad; García Broncano, Rosario; Gómez Oliver, Francisca; Ureña Vacas, Isabel María; Hernández Martín, Marina; Redondo Castillejo, Rocío
    El proyecto “Educación sobre el uso racional de medicamentos y los riesgos que supone la automedicación y consumo de drogas de abuso en población juvenil II” se basa en la detección de los problemas relacionados con el uso de medicamentos y las drogas de abuso en la población juvenil de Madrid, así como el diseño de estrategias para promocionar la salud y concienciar de la importancia de un uso racional de los medicamentos alejándose de la automedicación. Este proyecto es la continuación del ApS UCM 2021 centrado en la población adolescente. El proyecto se ha desarrollado de forma mixta, a través del diseño y aplicación de un cuestionario y diversos talleres teórico-prácticos para dar formación a la juventud en materia de medicamentos y drogas de abuso abarcando las metas 3.4., 3.5. y 3.7. y metas 4.3. y 4.7. de los ODS 2030, con el fin de aumentar la calidad de vida y el bienestar social de este colectivo. Esta actividad está vinculada con la docencia de las asignaturas de Farmacología General (3er curso, anual, 9 créditos ECTS), Farmacología y Farmacoterapia (4º curso, anual, 9 créditos ECTS) y Toxicología (5º curso, semestral, 6 créditos ECTS) del Grado en Farmacia y del Doble Grado en Farmacia y Nutrición, como estrategia de aprendizaje para profundizar en la materia y consolidar el aprendizaje de los alumnos.
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    Higher education vs. professional opportunities: the value of Ph.D. studies
    (Education Sciences, 2023) Fraguas Sánchez, Ana Isabel; Serrano López, Dolores Remedios; Medina Sánchez, María Ángeles; González Burgos, Elena María; Liu, Xinqiao
    The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) is a doctoral research degree that represents the highest level of academic qualification awarded by universities. It is expected that professionals holding a Ph.D. degree can target higher-paying jobs. However, little is known about the real correlation between Ph.D. holders and professional career development. For the first time, a study was undertaken among Ph.D. graduates from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), one of the largest universities in Spain, to understand the value of the Ph.D. on students’ satisfaction and career prospects. Methods: An anonymous questionnaire, created through Google Forms with three sections (sociodemographic data, academic data about doctoral studies, and employment status), was sent to Ph.D. graduates from UCM between 2015 and 2022. Results: A total of 107 Ph.D. graduates participated in this study. Responders felt that the Ph.D. degree has positively impacted their soft skills development and capability for constant learning but has minimal impact on their overall employability, although the employment rate was 94%. Most of the jobs undertaken by the Ph.D. holders were linked to academic research areas and were located in Spain, with salaries ranging between 14,000 and 50,000 EUR. Conclusions: Universities should implement novel policies at the Ph.D. level to ensure students are not only exposed to the scientific environment but are also prepared and qualified for highly skilled jobs. It is key to creating a community along with the private sector and providing the necessary tools for fostering Ph.D. students’ satisfaction and career prospects.
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    Mental health and drug use in college students: should we take action?
    (Journal of Affective Disorders, 2023) Pérez Pérez, Teresa; Pardo Llorente, M. Del Carmen; Cabellos, Yolanda; Peressini Álvarez, Melina; Ureña Vacas, Isabel María; Serrano López, Dolores Remedios; González Burgos, Elena María
    Background College students are vulnerable to suffering from anxiety and depression. Moreover, mental disorders can contribute to drug consumption or inappropriate use of prescribed drugs. Studies on this topic in Spanish college students are limited. This work analyses anxiety and depression and psychoactive drug intake pattern in the post-COVID era in college students. Methods An online survey was conducted among college students from UCM (Spain). The survey collected data including demographic, academic student perception, GAD-7 and PHQ-9 scales, and psychoactive substances consumption. Results A total of 6,798 students were included; 44.1% (CI95%: 42.9 to 45.3) showed symptoms of severe anxiety and 46.5% (CI95%: 45.4 to 47.8) symptoms of severe or moderately severe depression. The perception of these symptoms did not change after returning to face-to-face university classes in the post-COVID19 era. Despite the high percentage of cases with clear symptoms of anxiety and depression, most students never had a diagnosis of mental illnesses [anxiety 69.2% (CI95%: 68.1 to 70.3) and depression 78.1% (CI95%: 77.1 to 79.1)]. Regarding psychoactive substances, valerian, melatonin, diazepam, and lorazepam were the most consumed. The most worrying issue was the consumption of diazepam, 10.8% (CI95%: 9.8 to 11.8), and lorazepam, 7.7% (CI95%: 6.9 to 8.6) without medical prescription. Amongst illicit drugs, cannabis is the most consumed. Limitations The study was based on an online survey. Conclusions The high prevalence of anxiety and depression aligned with poor medical diagnosis and high intake of psychoactive drugs should not be underestimated. University policies should be implemented to improve the well-being of students.
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    The Pharmacological Activity of Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze on Metabolic and Endocrine Disorders: A Systematic Review
    (Biomolecules, 2020) Sánchez-Paniagua López, Marta; González Burgos, Elena María; Iglesias Peinado, Irene; Lozano Fernández, Rafael; Gómez-Serranillos Cuadrado, María Pilar
    Tea made from Camellia sinensis leaves is one of the most consumed beverages worldwide. This systematic review aims to update Camellia sinensis pharmacological activity on metabolic and endocrine disorders. Inclusion criteria were preclinical and clinical studies of tea extracts and isolated compounds on osteoporosis, hypertension, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, hypercholesterolemia, and obesity written in English between 2014 and 2019 and published in Pubmed, Science Direct, and Scopus. From a total of 1384 studies, 80 reports met inclusion criteria. Most papers were published in 2015 (29.3%) and 2017 (20.6%), conducted in China (28.75%), US (12.5%), and South Korea (10%) and carried out with extracts (67.5%, especially green tea) and isolated compounds (41.25%, especially epigallocatechin gallate). Most pharmacological studies were in vitro and in vivo studies focused on diabetes and obesity. Clinical trials, although they have demonstrated promising results, are very limited. Future research should be aimed at providing more clinical evidence on less studied pathologies such as osteoporosis, hypertension, and metabolic syndrome. Given the close relationship among all endocrine disorders, it would be of interest to find a standard dose of tea or their bioactive constituents that would be beneficial for all of them.
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    Project number: PIMCD97/23-24
    FAR-MENT: Programa de mentorías como herramienta formativa para la mejora de la capacidad docente de profesores noveles en las prácticas de Farmacología General
    (2024) García García, Luis; Bedoya Del Olmo, Luis Miguel; Bocanegra De Juana, Aranzazu; Cossío De Felipe, David; Fernández Alfonso, María Soledad; García Aguilar, Ana; García Broncano, Rosario; Garcimartín Álvarez, Alba; Gómez Oliver, Francisca; González Burgos, Elena María; Pozo García, Miguel Ángel; Redondo Castillejo, Rocío; Ureña Vacas, Isabel María; García García, Luis
    El proyecto “FAR-MENT: Programa de mentorías como herramienta formativa para la mejora de la capacidad docente de profesores noveles en las prácticas de Farmacología General” está destinado a la mentorización de profesores noveles que imparten clases prácticas de la asignatura de Farmacología General, correspondiente al 3er curso del Grado en Farmacia, así como del Doble Grado en Farmacia-Nutrición Humana y Dietética. En este proyecto, profesorado con amplia experiencia ha tutorizado al profesorado novel para ayudarle a enfrentarse al reto de la compleja y exigente labor docente. Se ha proporcionado orientación continua para potenciar la competencia docente y la integración en la institución del profesorado novel creando así una comunidad docente activa y de calidad. La metodología ha consistido en reuniones periódicas enfocadas a detectar las necesidades del profesorado novel, recopilar revisar y seleccionar material docente de apoyo y desarrollar una nueva guía de prácticas mejorada, actualizada y ajustada de manera coherente e integrada con el programa teórico de la asignatura. Se ha fomentado la asistencia del profesorado novel a clases impartidas por el profesorado experto, así como la asistencia del profesorado experto en las clases impartidas por el profesorado mentorizado. Los resultados obtenidos se han evaluado cualitativamente habiendo sido valorados muy positivamente por ambas partes. Los profesores noveles subrayan la mejora y actualización de sus conocimientos, la adquisición de nuevas estrategias pedagógicas, la ganancia en autoconfianza y su integración personal y profesional como miembros del Departamento. Como resultado objetivo se ha desarrollado una nueva guía de prácticas que estará a libre disposición como REA en DOCTA Complutense. Por último, el programa se instaurará en nuestro Departamento siendo extendido a otras asignaturas. El en futuro, un mayor número de participantes permitirá evaluar la eficacia formativa y de integración institucional de forma objetiva y cuantitativa.
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    Current uses and knowledge of medicinal plants in the Autonomous Community of Madrid (Spain): a descriptive cross-sectional study
    (2020) Sánchez Gómez-Serranillos, Marta; González Burgos, Elena María; Iglesias Peinado, Irene; Lozano Fernández, Rafael; Gómez-Serranillos Cuadrado, María Pilar
    Background The usage of medicinal plants as a key component of complementary and alternative medicine, has acquired renewed interest in developed countries. The current situation of medicinal plants in Spain is very limited. This paper provides new insights and greater knowledge about current trends and consumption patterns of medicinal plants in the Autonomous Community of Madrid (Spain) for health benefits. Methods A descriptive cross-sectional study was designed for a population-based survey on medicinal plants. The data were collected (May 2018 to May 2019) using semi-structured face-to-face interviews in independent pharmacies, hospital centers and primary care health centers in the Autonomous Community of Madrid. The survey had 18 multiple choice and open-ended questions. Quantitative indices were calculated: Fidelity Level (FL), Use Value (UV) and Informants Consensus Factor (ICF). Chi-square test was used for data analysis. Results Five hundred forty-three people were interviewed. The majority of the participants (89.6%) have used medicinal plants to treat health disorders in the past 12 months, mainly for digestive problems, sleep disorders and central nervous system diseases. A total of 78 plants were recorded, being Matricaria recutita, Valeriana officinalis, Tilia spp. and Aloe vera the most used. The highest UV was found for Mentha pulegium (UV 0.130) followed by Aloe vera (UV 0.097) and Vaccinium macrocarpon. (UV 0.080). The highest FL values were for Eucalyptus spp. (FL 90.47%) for respiratory conditions and, Matricaria recutita (85.55%) and Mentha pulegium (84.09%) for digestive problems. The highest ICF corresponded to metabolism and depression (ICF = 1), pain (ICF = 0.97), insomnia (ICF = 0.96) and anxiety (ICF = 0.95). Participants mostly acquired herbal medicines from pharmacies, herbal shops and supermarkets. Some side effects (tachycardia, dizziness and gastrointestinal symptoms) and potential interactions medicinal plants-drugs (V. officinalis and benzodiazepines) were reported. Conclusion Many inhabitants of the Autonomous Community of Madrid currently use herbal products to treat minor health problems. The most common consumer pattern are young women between 18 and 44 years of age with higher education. In order to confirm the pattern, further research should be focused to investigate current uses of medicinal plants in other Spanish regions.