Arrabal Durán, Raúl

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Arrabal Durán
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Químicas
Ingeniería Química y de Materiales
Ciencia de los Materiales e Ingeniería Metalúrgica
UCM identifierORCIDScopus Author IDWeb of Science ResearcherIDDialnet ID

Search Results

Now showing 1 - 5 of 5
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    Corrosion behaviour of Mg/Al alloys with composite coatings
    (Surface and Coatings Technology, 2009) Pardo Gutiérrez Del Cid, Ángel; Merino Casals, María Concepción; Mohedano Sánchez, Marta; Casajús, P.; Coy, A. E.; Arrabal Durán, Raúl
    The corrosion behaviour of aluminium/silicon carbide (Al/SiC) composite coatings deposited by thermal spray on AZ31, AZ80 and AZ91D magnesium-aluminium alloys was investigated by electrochemical and gravimetric measurements in 3.5 wt.% NaCl solution at 22 °C. Corrosion products were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis and low-angle X-ray diffraction (XRD). Al/SiC composite coatings in the as-sprayed state revealed high level of porosity with poor bonding at the Al/SiC and coating/substrate interfaces, which facilitated degradation of the magnesium substrates by a mechanism of galvanic corrosion. Cold-pressing post-treatment produced more compact coatings with improved corrosion performance in 3.5 wt.% NaCl compared with as-sprayed coatings.
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    Corrosion behaviour of silicon-carbide-particle reinforced AZ92 magnesium alloy
    (Corrosion Science, 2009) Pardo Gutiérrez Del Cid, Ángel; Merino S.; Merino Casals, María Concepción; Mohedano Sánchez, Marta; Arrabal Durán, Raúl
    The corrosion behaviour of silicon–carbide-particle (SiCp) reinforced AZ92 magnesium alloy manufactured by a powder metallurgy process was evaluated in 3.5 wt.% NaCl solution, neutral salt fog (ASTM B 117) and high relative humidity (98% RH, 50 °C) environments. The findings revealed severe corrosion of AZ92/SiC/0-10p materials in salt fog environment with formation of corrosion products consisting of Mg(OH)2 and (Mg,Al)x(OH)y. The addition of SiCp increased the corrosion rate and promoted cracking and spalling of the corrosion layer for increasing exposure times. Composite materials revealed higher corrosion resistance in high humidity atmosphere with almost no influence of SiCp on the corrosion behaviour.
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    Optimización de la resistencia a la corrosión y oxidación de materiales compuestos A3xx.x-SiCp mediante tratamientos de modificación superficial con sales lantánidas
    (2007) Arrabal Durán, Raúl; Pardo Gutiérrez del Cid, Ángel; Merino Casals, María Concepción
    Los materiales compuestos de matriz metálica son objeto de investigación científica y aplicada desde hace dos décadas, aunque ha sido en los últimos años cuando verdaderamente se han convertido en buenos candidatos para aplicaciones en la industria aerospacial, automovilística, electrónica y de recreo. Las aleaciones de aluminio de moldeo reforzadas con partículas de carburo de silicio (SiCp) poseen un alto potencial para aplicaciones estructurales, debido a su excelente combinación de elevada resistencia y baja densidad. Sin embargo, es bien sabido que la resistencia a la corrosión y a la oxidación de los materiales compuestos de aluminio es inferior a la de las correspondieentes aleaciones sin refuerzo. Existen pocos estudios relativos a la protección contra la corrosión de los MCMM, aunque la tendencia es emplear el mismo tipo de recubrimientos o sistemas de proteccion que los designados para las aleaciones de aluminio. Los cromatos se han venido usando ampliamente en pretratamientos anticorrosivos para las aleaciones de aluminio, sin embargo, debido a la toxicidad del Cr6+, se han comenzado a buscar alternativas ecológicas. Una de las opciones más estudiadas ha sido el uso de elementos lantanidos, debido a su capacidad para formar hidróxidos insolubles y a su baja toxicidad. El objetivo del presente trabajo ha sido encontrar las condiciones óptimas de tratamientos superficiales anticorrosivos con sales lantanidas sobre materiales compuestos A3xx.x/SiCp.
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    Corrosion behaviour of Mg-Al alloys with Al-11Si thermal spray coatings
    (Materials and Corrosion, 2009) Pardo Gutiérrez Del Cid, Ángel; Merino Casals, María Concepción; Casajus, P.; Mohedano Sánchez, Marta; Arrabal Durán, Raúl; Matykina, Endzhe
    The corrosion resistance of AZ31, AZ80 and AZ91D Mg–Al alloys with Al–11Sithermal spray coatings was evaluated by electrochemical and gravimetricmeasurements in 3.5 wt% NaCl solution. The changes in the morphology andcorrosion behaviour of the Al–11Si coatings induced by a cold-pressingpost-treatment under 32 MPa were also examined. The as-sprayed Al–11Sicoatings revealed high degree of porosity and poor corrosion protection, whichresulted in galvanic acceleration of the corrosion of the magnesium substrates.The application of a cold-pressing post-treatment produced more compactAl–11Si coatings with better bonding at the substrate/coating interface andslightly higher corrosion resistance. However, interconnected pores remained inthe cold-pressed coatings due to the low plasticity of the Al–11Si powder andgalvanic corrosion of the substrate was observed after immersion in 3.5 wt%NaCl for 10 days
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    Corrosion behaviour of Mg–Al alloys with Al thermal spray coatings in humid and saline environments
    (Corrosion, 2009) Arrabal Durán, Raúl; Pardo Gutiérrez Del Cid, Ángel; Merino Casals, María Concepción; Merino, S.; Casajus, P.; Mohedano Sánchez, Marta; Rodrigo, P.
    The corrosion behaviour of thermal spray Al coatings deposited on AZ31, AZ80 and AZ91D Mg–Al alloys was evaluated in salt water (3.5 wt.% NaCl), neutral salt fog (ASTM B 117) and high relative humidity (98% RH, 50 ºC) environments. The changes in the morphology and corrosion behaviour of the Al coatings induced by cold–pressing post–treatment were also examined. In chloride–containing environments, the presence of interconnected pores in the as–sprayed Al coatings facilitated the galvanic acceleration of the corrosion of the magnesium substrates. The cold–pressed Al coatings revealed improved corrosion behaviour associated with a lower level of porosity. In high humidity environment, even though the corrosion rates for all the examined materials were lower than in the case of salt fog, similar corrosion features were observed; formation of hydromagnesite on the surface of untreated materials, galvanic corrosion in the Al–TS specimens and almost negligible corrosion attack of the Al coating with formation of bayerite (β–Al2O3·3H2O) in the case of the cold–pressed specimens