Cuéllar Del Hoyo, María Del Carmen

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First Name
María Del Carmen
Last Name
Cuéllar Del Hoyo
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Microbiología y Parasitología
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Search Results

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    Gammadelta T cells as a predictor of surgical relapse of Crohn's disease
    (Clinics and Research in Hepatology and Gastroenterology, 2020) Andreu-Ballester, Juan Carlos; Catalán-Serra, Ignacio; Gil-Borrás, Rafael; Marqués-García, Pilar; García-Ballesteros, Carlos; López Chuliá, Francisco; Cuéllar Del Hoyo, María Del Carmen
    Background: We recently demonstrated a decrease in the overall lymphocyte population in the peripheral blood of patients with CD compared to healthy controls and this decrease is more evident in γδ T lymphocytes. The percentages of T cell subsets could reflect the risk of surgical relapse in CD patients. The aim of this study is to study the correlation between αβ and γδ T cell subsets in the peripheral blood of patients with CD and the risk for surgery during follow up. Methods: A prospective study of 102 patients with CD compared with 102 healthy subjects (control group) matched by age and sex was conducted. Lymphocytic populations of CD3+, CD4+, CD8+, CD56+, and αβ and γδ T cell subsets were measured in the peripheral blood of all participants. Results: We found evidence of a relationship between lower γδ T cell levels and risk of surgical relapse in CD. The lowest subsets observed in CD patients with surgical relapse were CD3 + γδ, CD3 + CD8 + γδ and CD3 + CD56 + γδ T cells. We observed a relationship between a decrease in γδ T cells and the most severe forms of the disease. The lowest levels of CD3 + γδ and CD3 + CD8 + γδ T cells were observed in the fistulizing phenotype. Conclusions: The deficit of γδ T cells was related with the severity and the risk for surgicalrelapse in CD patients. Patients with CD3 + γδ deficit were more prone to surgery than patientswithout this deficit. These results suggest that γδ T cells could be used as markers of poorprognosis of CD following the diagnosis of the disease.
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    A Low Number of Baselines γδ T Cells Increases the Risk of SARS-CoV-2 Post-Vaccination Infection
    (Vaccines (Basel), 2024) Andreu-Ballester, Juan Carlos; Galindo-Regal, Lorena; Cuéllar Del Hoyo, María Del Carmen; López-Chuliá, Francisca; García-Ballesteros, Carlos; Fernández-Murga, Leonor; Llombart-Cussac, Antonio; Domínguez-Márquez, María Victoria; Klasse, P. J.; Mostafa, Mai
    Background: The COVID-19 pandemic is the biggest global health problem in the last hundred years. The efficacy of the vaccine to protect against severe disease is estimated to be 70–95% according to the studies carried out, although there are aspects of the immune response to the vaccine that remain unclear. Methods: Humoral and cellular immunity after the administration of three doses of the Pfizer–BioNTech and Oxford AstraZeneca vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 over one year and the appearance of post-vaccination COVID-19 were studied. SARS-CoV-2 IgG and IgA antibodies, αβ and γδ T-cell subsets, and their differentiation stages and apoptosis were analyzed. Results: Anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG and IgA antibodies showed a progressive increase throughout the duration of the study. This increase was the greatest after the third dose. The highest levels were observed in subjects who had anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies prior to vaccination. There was an increase in CD4+ αβ, CD8+ γδ and TEM CD8+ γδ T cells, and a decrease in apoptosis in CD4+ CD8+ and CD56+ αβ and γδ T cells. Post-vaccination SARS-CoV-2 infection was greater than 60%. The symptoms of COVID-19 were very mild and were related to a γδ T cell deficit, specifically CD8+ TEMRA and CD56+ γδ TEM, as well as lower pre-vaccine apoptosis levels. Conclusions: The results unveil the important role of γδ T cells in SARS-CoV-2-vaccine-mediated protection from the disease.