Cuéllar Del Hoyo, María Del Carmen

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First Name
María Del Carmen
Last Name
Cuéllar Del Hoyo
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Microbiología y Parasitología
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    Anti-Anisakis antibodies in colon cancer patients and their relationship with γδ T-cells
    (Parasitology Research, 2024) Andreu-Ballester, Juan C.; Cuéllar Del Hoyo, María Del Carmen; Colmena-Zaragoza, Javier; Galindo-Regal, Lorena; Hurtado-Marcos, Carolina; González Fernández, Juan; Balciscueta, Zutoia; García-Ballesteros, Carlos; López-Chuliá, Francisca; Jiménez, Ana I.; Llombart-Cussac, Antonio; Shokoofeh Shamsi
    Many pathogens are related to carcinogenesis. Chronic infammation, as a result of persistent infection, leads to DNA damage, higher expression of oncogenes, decreased apoptosis and immunosuppression, which are some of the reasons for cancer induction. Among parasites, Schistosoma, Opistorchis and Clonorchis are recognised as infectious agents which contribute to cancer. A relationship between Anisakis and cancer was hypothesised because cellular responses to Anisakis products could result in infammation and DNA damage. Previous research has shown a decrease in CD8+ γδ T-cells and an increase in αβ and γδ T-cell apoptosis in colon cancer (CC) samples. Ninety-two CC patients and 60 healthy subjects were recruited. γδ and αβ T-cells were analysed, and their apoptosis was evaluated. Anti-Anisakis antibodies were tested in sera from CC patients and controls. Anti-Anisakis IgG, IgM, IgA and IgE antibodies were signifcantly higher in CC patients. A signifcant increase in anti-Anisakis IgA levels was observed in patients with angiolymphatic invasion. The number of all γδ T-cells, as well as CD3+ CD4+ αβ T-cells, was signifcantly lower in CC patients. The apoptosis of all T-cells was signifcantly increased in patients with CC. We observed a signifcantly higher percentage of anti-Anisakis IgE positive patients having a defcit of CD3+ γδ T-cells. Our results suggest a relationship between Anisakis and CC.
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    A Low Number of Baselines γδ T Cells Increases the Risk of SARS-CoV-2 Post-Vaccination Infection
    (Vaccines (Basel), 2024) Andreu-Ballester, Juan Carlos; Galindo-Regal, Lorena; Cuéllar Del Hoyo, María Del Carmen; López-Chuliá, Francisca; García-Ballesteros, Carlos; Fernández-Murga, Leonor; Llombart-Cussac, Antonio; Domínguez-Márquez, María Victoria; Klasse, P. J.; Mostafa, Mai
    Background: The COVID-19 pandemic is the biggest global health problem in the last hundred years. The efficacy of the vaccine to protect against severe disease is estimated to be 70–95% according to the studies carried out, although there are aspects of the immune response to the vaccine that remain unclear. Methods: Humoral and cellular immunity after the administration of three doses of the Pfizer–BioNTech and Oxford AstraZeneca vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 over one year and the appearance of post-vaccination COVID-19 were studied. SARS-CoV-2 IgG and IgA antibodies, αβ and γδ T-cell subsets, and their differentiation stages and apoptosis were analyzed. Results: Anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG and IgA antibodies showed a progressive increase throughout the duration of the study. This increase was the greatest after the third dose. The highest levels were observed in subjects who had anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies prior to vaccination. There was an increase in CD4+ αβ, CD8+ γδ and TEM CD8+ γδ T cells, and a decrease in apoptosis in CD4+ CD8+ and CD56+ αβ and γδ T cells. Post-vaccination SARS-CoV-2 infection was greater than 60%. The symptoms of COVID-19 were very mild and were related to a γδ T cell deficit, specifically CD8+ TEMRA and CD56+ γδ TEM, as well as lower pre-vaccine apoptosis levels. Conclusions: The results unveil the important role of γδ T cells in SARS-CoV-2-vaccine-mediated protection from the disease.