Del Campo Campos, Cristina

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Del Campo Campos
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales
Economía Financiera, Actuarial y Estadística
Estadística e Investigación Operativa
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Now showing 1 - 10 of 17
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    Activating Generalized Fuzzy Implications from Galois Connections
    (Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, 2015) Valverde-Albacete, Francisco J.; Peláez-Moreno, Carmen; Del Campo Campos, Cristina
    This paper deals with the relation between fuzzy implications and Galois connections, trying to raise the awareness that the fuzzy implications are indispensable to generalise Formal Concept Analysis. The concrete goal of the paper is to make evident that Galois connections, which are at the heart of some of the generalizations of Formal Concept Analysis, can be interpreted as fuzzy incidents. Thus knowledge processing, discovery, exploration and visualization as well as data mining are new research areas for fuzzy implications as they are areas where Formal Concept Analysis has a niche.
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    Estereotipos y ética en la profesión auditora
    (Etic@net: revista científica electrónica de educación y comunicación en la sociedad del conocimiento, 2016) Camacho Miñano, Juana María Del Mar; Del Campo Campos, Cristina; Navallas Labat, Begoña
    El objetivo de este artículo es analizar las percepciones que los estudiantes universitarios del Grado de Administración y Dirección de Empresas, futuros profesionales contables y auditores, tienen sobre la ética empresarial y si esa percepción está condicionada por la imagen pública que tienen del auditor, medido a través de su estereotipo. Para conseguir nuestro objetivo, se realizó una encuesta anónima aprovechando la celebración de una mesa redonda sobre la ética en los negocios. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que no existe correlación entre los estereotipos que los alumnos tienen y su percepción ética sobre la profesión, aunque sí se encuentra diferencias de género en la percepción ética. Se requieren de futuros estudios, aumentando el tamaño de la muestra, para poder ratificar las conclusiones alcanzadas en este trabajo exploratorio.
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    Learning effects of an international group competition project
    (Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 2015) Akpinar, Murat; Del Campo Campos, Cristina; Eryarsoy, Enes
    This study investigates the effects of collaboration and competition on students’ learning performance in a course of business statistics. The collaboration involved a simultaneously organised group competition project with analysis of real-life business problems among students. Students from the following schools participated: JAMK University of Applied Sciences in Finland, Universidad Complutense de Madrid in Spain, and Sabanci University in Turkey. The results support earlier literature on positive impacts of group collaboration on learning performance but deny any negative impacts of competition. It is also found out that learning performance may be influenced to a certain degree by cultural differences in perceptions towards collaboration and competition. Overall the international competition and the touch to real-life business problems stimulate students’ engagement and result in enhanced learning towards becoming ‘intelligent consumers of business statistics’.
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    Socio-economic factors determining the commitment to participate in an agricultural development project in rural Ethiopia
    (Revista Iberoamericana de Estudios de Desarrollo, 2017) Urquía Grande, Elena; Del Campo Campos, Cristina
    Ethiopia is suffering a massive exodus of rural people towards the capital. Thus, the Government is trying to support projects carried out to stimulate opportunities given to the agriculture sector. In this line a project has been designed, working together with a Non-Profit Organization (NPO). The present research paper analyses the factors which determine the farmers’ socio-economic, educational and nutrition commitments to design an assignment criterion in the frame of a rural development project in Ethiopia where all the families are surveyed. The donated wells are intended to make possible their access to safe water and the creation of a small vegetable garden with the final goal of improving their living standard. However, because the number of wells to donate was limited, it was crucial to identify assignment criteria to maximize the outcomes of the project. The selected families must help in the building of additional wells to other families and improving social status of the village through commitment to (i) return a percentage of exceeding crops for the community, (ii) assist to continuous training in agriculture, budgeting and nutrition and (iii) enroll their children in school. The article seeks to understand which socio-demographic and economic variables determine families’ different commitments. A descriptive analysis of the sample is made and different multivariate techniques are applied. Interesting results were observed such as women income, having an animal for transportation and owning a mobile, which are variables that determine these commitments.
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    Decision making styles and the use of heuristics in decision making
    (Journal of Business Economics, 2016) Del Campo Campos, Cristina; Pauser, Sandra; Steiner, Elisabeth; Vetschera, Rudolf
    Simple heuristics can be efficient ways of decision making and literature has shown that they are widely used in actual decision situations. Although many types of heuristics have been found and analyzed, there is only scarce research on factors that lead to the use of a particular heuristic. In the present paper, we describe an experiment to analyze whether the usage of a particular heuristic like recognition or take-the-best depends on individual decision making styles as identified by Scott and Bruce (Educ Psychol Meas 55(5):818–831, 1995). The experiment is based on a choice problem, in which different heuristics are likely to lead to different choices. Analyzing experimental data from two replications of the experiment in two different countries, we find some evidence that decision making styles influence the use of heuristics. However, considerable differences between the two experiments indicate that other, perhaps cultural, factors might also be important.
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    Impacto de la motivación intrínseca en el rendimiento académico a través de trabajos voluntarios: Un análisis empírico
    (Revista Complutense de Educacion, 2015) Camacho Miñano, María del Mar; Del Campo Campos, Cristina
    El rendimiento académico de los alumnos es un aspecto clave para todos los agentes implicados en una educación superior de calidad. Sin embargo, no hay unanimidad sobre la forma de medirlo. Algunos profesionales se decantan por evaluar únicamente aspectos cognitivos y otros por la adquisición de competencias. La necesidad de que se formen profesionales cada vez más adaptados a las exigencias de las empresas y/o que puedan competir a nivel internacional en un mercado de trabajo global requiere de una formación más allá de conocimientos aprendidos de memoria. La capacidad de crítica, de razonamiento lógico y de redacción escrita son habilidades muy demandas actualmente en el campo de las Ciencias Sociales. El objetivo de este estudio es demostrar empíricamente el impacto que los trabajos voluntarios tienen en el rendimiento académico de los alumnos. Nuestra hipótesis de partida es que los alumnos que hacen todos los trabajos voluntarios con calidad son aquellos más motivados y, por ende, son los que sacan mejores notas. Para demostrarlo se ha realizado un experimento con los alumnos de “Financial Accounting II” del curso 2012/13 en la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales de la UCM. Se han planteado una serie de trabajos voluntarios que suponen la elaboración de ensayos contables, con la finalidad de desarrollar habilidades y competencias en materias complementarias a las valoradas en el currículo de la asignatura. Al final del curso, se ha comparado tanto la realización o no del ensayo como su calidad crítica, reflexiva y de redacción. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran una relación entre los trabajos de calidad presentados voluntariamente y la nota final de la asignatura. Esto supone que la motivación intrínseca del alumno es un elemento clave para su rendimiento académico. El rol del profesor se focaliza en ser un elemento motivador del aprendizaje.
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    Exploring auditors’ stereotypes: the perspective of undergraduate students
    (Revista de Contabilidad, 2017) Navallas, Begoña; Del Campo Campos, Cristina; Camacho Miñano, María del Mar
    We report the results of a study that examines university students’ perceptions about the public image of auditors through their stereotypes and their changes in attitudes after an extra-curricular activity with professionals, sponsored by a well-known and prestigious professional organisation of auditors in Spain. In our experimental study, we examine whether real life contact for students is a way to change their stereotypes on the auditing profession. Participants completed a preliminary and also a post-survey, both pen-and-paper, in order to analyse the students’ final impressions and the evolution oftheir perception of auditors’ stereotypes. Both surveys were divided in three different sections: demographic data, general perceptions towards the activity, and 30 questions with regard to the perceptions of an average auditor compared to an average individual. Results indicate that, indeed, the activity changed the students’ view to consider auditors as more warm, more available to work in teams, more modest, more tender-minded, and less impulsive.
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    Designing an Accountability Index: A Case Study of South America Central Governments
    (Central European Journal of Public Policy, 2019) Hermosa del Vasto, Paola Marcela; Del Campo Campos, Cristina; Urquía Grande, Elena; Jorge, Susana Margarida
    The aim of this paper is to evaluate accountability using a newly constructed multivariate accountability index based on the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), as well as on the accessibility of government disclosure for each country in the South America context. That will allow to analyse and compare the accountability disclosure issues among the South American countries. This study uses the statistical dimensional structure of data to identify the number of (dominant) dimensions. The findings were eight dimensions defined as Environmental, Expenditure, Social, Strategic, Economic, Information, Macroeconomic and Organizational perspectives. Scores are recorded for the twelve countries in South America that are classified accordingly. The contributions of this research represent an advance in the theoretical and empirical framework by creating an accountability index that takes into account the principles of good governance to improve the South America Central Governments’ transparency performance. This index could be used both by academics and practitioners to classify countries and their web site accountability.
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    Markov chain models in practice: a review of low cost software options
    (Investigación Operacional, 2017) Bai, Jiaru; Del Campo Campos, Cristina; Keller, L. Robin
    Markov processes (or Markov chains) are used for modeling a phenomenon in which changes over time of a random variable comprise a sequence of values in the future, each of which depends only on the immediately preceding state, not on other past states. A Markov process (PM) is completely characterized by specifying the finite set S of possible states and the stationary probabilities (i.e. time-invariant) of transition between these states. The software most used in medical applications is produced by TreeAge, since it offers many advantages to the user. But, the cost of the Treeage software is relatively high. Therefore in this article two software alternatives are presented: Sto Tree and the zero cost add-in package "markovchain" implemented in R. An example of a cost-effectiveness analysis of two possible treatments for advanced cervical cancer, previously conducted with the Treeage software, is re-analyzed with these two low cost software packages.
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    Comparing Markov and non-Markov alternatives for cost-effectiveness analysis: insights from a cervical cancer case
    (Operations Research for Health Care, 2019) Del Campo Campos, Cristina; Bai, Jiaru; Keller, L. Robin
    Markov model allows medical prognosis to be modeled with health state transitions over time and are particularly useful for decisions regarding diseases where uncertain events and outcomes may occur. To provide sufficient detail for operations researchers to carry out a Markov analysis, we present a detailed example of a Markov model with five health states with monthly transitions with stationary transition probabilities between states to model the cost and effectiveness of two treatments for advanced cervical cancer. A different approach uses survival curves to directly model the fraction of patients in each state at each time period without the Markov property. We use this alternative method to analyze the cervical cancer case and compare the Markov and non-Markov approaches. These models provide useful insights about both the effectiveness of treatments and the associated costs for healthcare decision makers.